A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 519 The Protagonist’s Luck

In order to avoid interference from demonic forces, Yun Ye set up a barrier to avoid attracting attention.

Although the Divine Thunder Demon King is close to the King of the Manifest Realm and is very powerful, he is trapped in the barrier after all. The stronger the power, the more he is suppressed. The three great immortals died with him despite their desperate efforts. , all the forces in all directions were swallowed up by Yun Ye.

At the same time, three Taoist artifacts were also obtained by Yun Ye, each of which had nearly ten million reverberations, and tomorrow's power increased sharply.

Yun Ye immediately closed the barrier and launched Destiny Weaving, allowing the Qianyuan Dynasty to officially launch a counterattack.

There is only one country-destroying demon in Leimo Prefecture, the Divine Thunder Demon King. It is too overbearing. After its rise, it first continuously fought against the country-destroying demons in Leimo Prefecture. Those demons that had no wisdom and could only fight to the death had already been killed. Dead, and the wise ones are difficult to kill even if they are defeated, and can only be expelled.

Now that the Divine Thunder Demon King has fallen, there are only some great demons left in the troubled times in Leimo State, which are difficult to deal with but not something to be afraid of.

The basic foundation of human beings is the super formation, and it is difficult for the great monsters in troubled times to break through the super formation.

With the strength of the Qianyuan Dynasty's Xuanjing Mighty, if it takes tens to hundreds of years to fight a war of attrition, the rest of the troubled times will definitely not be able to survive.

This can also avoid massacring too many demon clans in a short period of time and attracting the attention of the Great Demon Tribunal.

Tomorrow Society, who have obtained the divine seal, will probably regain control of Fengmo State and Leimo State in these years. Under the pressure from both parties, the demons of Leimo State have no chance of winning. The only ones worth caring about are probably those who have been killed. The country-destroying demons were expelled to other states.

Some are very adapted to the environment of Lei Mo State and may return. This can only be fought by monks holding the divine seal.

"Perhaps, every time I go to an area, I should be granted a divine seal to rule. The divine seal is an extension of the power of the universe. It can allow me to take action from a distance at any time, sweeping across several states and regions without any problem... and the holder, Even with such a huge power gap, he will be passively controlled by me and will never be able to break away unless I allow him to.”

Yun Ye began to think about who to hand over the divine seal of the Qianyuan Dynasty. As a result, his destiny changed. He suddenly noticed an abnormal gathering of luck in a certain place.

The divine magic was activated, and a young man with vertical pupils surrounded by eighteen orbs gradually appeared. What happened to him was quickly recalled and reappeared.

"This is……"

Yun Ye tapped his fingers on the armrest, lost in thought.

He once believed that it was impossible for an individual to be able to control a dynasty or a sect anyway, and that EX-level luck must belong to the master of a certain force.

However, this idea was shattered today. The young man in front of him actually had an EX level destiny, and he was also a hidden dragon type.

In other words, although this kind of fate has the best luck, it cannot be seen through, and it is difficult to detect it through the deduction of the nine-life divine method.

Only by knowing that he has the Qianlong destiny and inferring from the results can we find out.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for monks who are born as common people. Luck is slowly activated as they grow up, which can avoid early dangers. Even if the growth process seems bumpy, it is actually smooth and smooth, and they will almost certainly grow to their limits. .

"Is it the luck that was activated about a year ago? It turns out that when this group of Qianyuan Guards set off, I had not yet completed the control of the whole country, so even if they all died, I did not notice it, so this person successfully used this Team Qianyuan Wei’s resources cultivate to the realm of Dharma.”

"In fact, his luck is extremely good. At this moment, only the Xuan Realm is left in the Qianyuan Dynasty, and all the highest-ranking real people have been killed in the battle. With the help of those eighteen orbs, he is able to thrive in the cracks and grow rapidly. ”

"But it's such a pity that he met me. Maybe I can give him the divine seal of the Qianyuan Dynasty. The holder of the divine seal will be under my control and will never be able to break free. He will be out of business."

Yun Ye stood up and condensed a brand-new divine seal. This divine seal was transparent in color and contained a massive amount of spiritual energy. It had an almost super-formation effect. The energy source continuously gathered spiritual energy to increase the power of the method.

But the next moment.

Yun Ye suddenly woke up and showed a hint of shock: "It's absolutely impossible to break free? I actually think that? It's amazing. This luck is so amazing that even I, who is under the protection of Tiangan Universe, can become wise?"

What can be absolute?

The last person who thought so was taking the frost, and the grass on the grave had to be transformed.

If you really want to eliminate the threat, you should directly kill it, completely swallow up its luck, and cut off all possibilities of turning around, instead of confidently sending assists.

Yun Ye didn't believe that an ordinary person could obtain such terrible luck. Without any background, what kind of talent must he have to obtain such a terrible hidden dragon destiny?

After the creation of the world, Yun Ye was the God of Creation. Luck was on the scale of the world, and could even weave destiny. An ordinary person's luck could make him wise. Even for just a moment, its magnitude would probably far exceed that of a continent. Can rank at the top of the Red Sky Realm.

This is definitely a special life with a backstage and big problems.

"It's really scary. If it were another monk, no, even me, I would have to think wildly after discovering this kind of luck."

"Is there a terrible background? If I take action forcefully, will I expose myself? If I leave without taking action, maybe there will be no intersection in the future..."

"There are too many reasons not to do anything."

Even if he can be reincarnated, this life has an irreplaceable role. This is a once-in-a-lifetime point of becoming an immortal. He has gained the strongest power and has the highest and most stable potential, and a true immortal cannot go down to the lower world. Once he reaches the top, he can become an immortal, or Make rules!

In such an important life, even if Yun Ye can be reincarnated, he cannot die casually.

Once something goes wrong here and it ends early, you will really regret it for eternity!

"There are too many restrictions and too many unknowns. To be cautious, the boss may choose to send his subordinates to test and remove himself."

For example, he can use Destiny Weaving to control the entire Qianyuan Dynasty to hunt down Ye Cang without leaving any trace.

With Ye Cang's cultivation level that has just laid the foundation for the Dharma Realm, facing dozens or hundreds of mysterious realms, even a hundred lives would not be enough to kill him. This kind of common sense in decision-making is absolutely no problem and can effectively kill Ye Cang.

"Tianli trajectory!"

Yun Ye activated the ten-turn mysterious form of the Nine-Life Divine Law, and used cosmic-level... to be precise, stellar-level computing power to deduce the future trajectory.

With Yun Ye's pair of divine rainbow pupils and the support of Tomorrow's Taoist tools, the possibility of dozens of Xuanjing people surrounding Ye Cang emerged one after another.

"Sure enough, a monster like the protagonist will tell you that even so, you are wrong."

Yun Ye considers himself one of the protagonists, but he has to die when facing powerful enemies. However, he has the ability to be reincarnated and can start over again.

But Ye Cang is different. He has no reincarnation ability. His protagonist status can only be reflected in his immortality and rapid growth...

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