A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 520 Exaggerated Growth Speed

Just like many novels, in order to advance the plot and keep up with the rhythm of the story, the protagonist grows up to an extreme speed.

In the deduction, Ye Cang became more and more resentful of the Qianyuan Dynasty because of the Qianyuan Guards. After leaving seclusion, he went directly to the frontline spiritual palace and carried out a massacre.

The guarded Dharma Realm was not a single enemy, and was completely destroyed in three or two blows.

Then Wanqi Shouyun was so angry that he went out of the city to pursue them, but was escaped. He also killed them on other battlefields, causing the original advantage that mankind had built to collapse.

Afterwards, a Xuanguan meeting was held, and Wanqi Shouyun was reprimanded by many Xuanfa officials, who believed that his inaction had damaged the interests and face of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

After that, many powerful people were sent to assist Wanqi Shouyun, including those who were good at divine magic. They found Ye Cang with great difficulty based on the traces.

Wan Qi Shouyun was so angry that he naturally did not want others to interfere. As a result, Ye Cang's cultivation level increased greatly through killing and he hid in the Ice Dragon Lake cave. Wan Qi Shouyun's attack instead alerted the extraordinary level troubled demons, and directly killed Wan Qi Shouyun. The four great powers including Yun were destroyed.

These treasures left over from the Xuan Realm made Ye Cang fat and his cultivation level grew rapidly.

Not to mention the follow-up, if he keeps repeating this process, even in the most desperate situation, he can magically break through and grow in cultivation.

In just a few years, Ye Cang advanced to the Xuan Realm and gained peerless power. He could kill Xuan Realm with one slap, and the Qianyuan Dynasty was declared extinct.

"It's also bizarre enough. The orb is used as a sustenance to advance to the realm of magic... You can use a method similar to the evil spirit god, and your strength evolves by leaps and bounds."

"To be precise, it is much stronger than a single evil spirit god. Only the evil spirit god with all three abilities can compare. It seems that this orb has surpassed the category of mysterious treasures and is a type that can grow with the host. Therefore, it transcends Overcoming the restriction that the Dharma Realm can only use treasures as sustenance objects.”

Yun Ye was in a dull mood.

When it comes to cheating, who can cheat more than him?

This level is nothing more than a splash, so there is no need to make a fuss.

What will follow in the Dharma Realm and the Mysterious Realm? I will encounter a country-destroying demon with humanity, enter the thunder cloud to refine my body, and absorb the thunder cloud from thousands of miles away to become the thunder sea spirit body...

There are so many opportunities that I can’t even count them.

Yun Ye didn't waste any time and started the deduction again, trying to seal off Ye Cang's possibility.

He aims to unify Hongtian. This wonderful existence is somewhat similar to the future Tao Lord. The best strategy is to destroy it in advance. He does not allow any accidents to occur.

"Last time it was a matter of choosing someone who was too arrogant in character. This time I changed it to a serious one, and by the way created some conflicts and made them feel worse."


The trajectory of heavenly principles perfectly absorbs the advantages of the nine-life divine method, and can set many conditions to rise to the realm of perfect calculation with the blessing of the computing power of the universe.

The realm of perfect calculation will reproduce the currently visible factors that coincide with the world, and use this method to temporarily replace the Red Sky Realm to perform real future calculations.

Yun Ye knew Ye Cang and all the circumstances of the Qianyuan Dynasty, but Yun Ye had no way of knowing what happened outside the Qianyuan Dynasty.

If the power to save Ye Cang comes from the outside world, there is no doubt that the calculation is wrong based on the basic conditions. The longer the future of the calculation goes, the greater the error will be.

If the Nine Lives Divine Technique could really simulate the future, Fetching Shuang would not have failed and perished. As a cause-and-effect deduction method, the Nine Lives Divine Technique had its limits.

But there is no limit to the trajectory of heaven. The power of the world will be embedded in the Red Heaven Realm and steal the rules of the Red Heaven Realm itself for calculation.

The rules of the Red Sky Realm are fully aware of the information that Yun Ye cannot know, so the calculated future will be closest to reality.

From here on, Yun Ye also gradually noticed how powerful the future Taoist magic was. It was obviously a natural magic, but it turned out to have the effect of calculating a true immortal. This was undoubtedly a Taoist level magic, or Said, heaven level magic.

True immortals have always existed in the heavenly realm, not in the red sky material realm.

"Failed...failed...failed again..."

"It's amazing. Why do you have so many trump cards..."

Yun Ye was like playing a simulation game. He accidentally became fascinated. The protagonist in front of him was so interesting. He kind of understood what the bosses who faced the protagonist were thinking about. There were endless trump cards, the talent to break through in adversity, and the strength favored by God. transport.

When everything comes together, Ye Cang's face is filled with "invincible", "cheating" and "lonely as snow".

This is very interesting, because Ye Cang's power is not traceable. After all, it is still a power under the existing rules of the Red Sky Realm. The more powerful he is, the more information he displays, which is equivalent to helping Yun Ye understand all kinds of things in the Red Sky Realm in advance. The upper limit of power.

Mortal realm, spiritual realm, Dharma realm, mysterious realm, true realm, honorable position, holy way and royal way.

Yun Ye only deduced to the Xuan realm, and Ye Cang showed all kinds of extremely powerful powers in the four realms.

After practicing the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, the spiritual meridians of Ye Cang's mortal realm were completely integrated with the physical body and evolved together with the improvement of the spiritual body.

The meridians are like bridges, connecting the world and the human body!

This human body contains spiritual roots, body, and soul. It directly connects the three, causing the meridians to undergo changes that are even more powerful than the spiritual meridians.

Not to mention the spiritual realm, the spiritual body, spiritual meridians, and mysteries of the spiritual realm are constantly transforming under the influence of the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon.

His spiritual body is not a combination of ethereal magic and ethereal body, but a spiritual body combined with water and fire spiritual methods to create a feeling of eternal silence.

The power is naturally not as powerful as directly constructing the Yin-turning Eternal Silence Spirit Body, but the difficulty is also a steep drop in the sky, and it can unlock higher realm spiritual methods in advance.

Ye Cang relied on this method to complete two triple spiritual methods, one each for Yin and Yang, one focusing on killing and the other focusing on recovery.

One word, absolutely.

When Yun Ye mastered the only three-level spiritual method of turning the Yin to Eternal Silence, he had to mobilize the whole country to research it, and then the difficulty was reduced.

Although there are reasons why the unique method is extremely difficult, it does not mean that the general three-level spiritual method is very difficult.

Only the spiritual control power in the fourth level of Yunye can complete the three zodiac signs. Even a super genius may not reach this state after thousands of years of practice. It requires opportunity and understanding.

Ye Cang is only close to the fourth level, not even the beginning of the fourth level. This shortcut is very essential. With the blessing of various abilities, he can conquer the mysterious realm in the Dharma Realm and has unparalleled qualifications.

In addition, fellow practitioners of Ye Cang's three methods also mastered the secrets and completed the Dharma Realm to counterattack the Xuan Realm. The secrets played a great role.

As for the advanced magic realm, Ye Cang relied on the powerful physique obtained from the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon to forcibly complete the tenth revolution. The three methods advanced to the mysterious realm together and were integrated and sublimated, gaining energy similar to true essence in advance.

This kind of manipulation of monsters will probably lead to overturning. The fusion of multiple zodiac signs is far less easy to control than the step-by-step method. When you advance to the profound realm, the three major methods are forcibly fused, and if there is even the slightest difference, it will be annihilated by flying ashes.

It's a pity that Ye Cang is the son of luck. No matter how many times he deduces, he can construct the four-level spiritual self Xuantian under the influence of various factors.

This is really an exaggeration. Yin and Yang plus two of the five elements, the method constructed in this way has surpassed the power of freedom.

In terms of achievements in the Xuan Realm alone, Ye Cang is definitely ranked high in the entire Bianzhou.

At that time, those who had mastered the power of freedom, although not unparalleled and invincible, were still unique talents who could create the prototype of the fourth heaven, and could be one of the titles of unparalleled and invincible.

In other words, Ye Cang is already approaching the highest talent level in the Red Sky World today, and he is only twenty years old and has only been practicing for five years.

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