A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 521 Setting up a deadlock (Part 1)

"Will this country-destroying monster with humanity appear next to Ye Cang no matter what he chooses? In other words, it is a must-kill node. It is impossible to kill Ye Cang unless this individual is removed."

"Forcing luck to this level is completely controlled by fate. Who is the person behind Ye Cang and why do you want to control him to grow up?"

Yun Ye deduced again to see what would happen if he took action to destroy this country-destroying monster.

As a result, there was indeed a turning point. If this country-destroying monster did not appear, Ye Cang would have to pay a huge price to escape from the encirclement and suppression of the major profound realms. This price prevented Ye Cang from advancing to the profound realm, and he needed other opportunities to make up for it, so he left The Qianyuan Dynasty area.

"You are so stubborn, but you still can't kill him completely?"

Yun Ye fell into silence.

He has never tried to deduce the future that he directly wiped out, but now it seems that he has to try.

The Xuanjing monks of the Qianyuan Dynasty alone would not be able to surround and kill Ye Cang. They would escape for various reasons, but their growth would be delayed.

"Please come out of the body..."

Yun Ye murmured, synaesthesia between heaven and earth, consciousness connected with the body, and the scene of the universe suddenly magnified in his consciousness.

After a year of devouring.

The Tiangan Universe, which once had only the solar system, has expanded a lot, but it is still far from opening up a second star system.

The nearest star system in the solar system is also 4.2 light years away, almost 40 trillion kilometers away. According to the diameter of a state, the diameter of the Red Sky World is 10 billion kilometers, which is too much. If it were not for the matter created by the aura, it would be difficult to measure. Yun Ye It would be very difficult to open up a solar system, and a second star system would only be possible if at least the Xuan Realm was perfected.

There is obviously an essential difference between the universe and the world.

An energy level is extremely low and the physical distance is infinite.

An energy level is extremely high and the energy upper limit is infinite.

To be honest, Yun Ye himself felt that taking the cosmic route was not suitable for fighting. It was mainly for computing power and simulating various environments to create abilities that were difficult to breed in the Red Sky Realm environment.

Otherwise, even if they are several light years apart, the high-level monk's attack will penetrate them with one blow, and they will just fly in the void for a long time.

Meteors can fly for countless years. The attacks of high-level monks are highly compressed and will not be dispersed in an environment without spiritual energy to offset them. They can hit from one side of the universe to the other, unless the distance is really infinite at the same level to offset them.


The avatar merges with the ontological consciousness.

The computing power of the entire Tianqian universe was mobilized to fully launch the trajectory of heavenly principles and explore all possibilities in Ye Cang.

Scenes flashed by.

Yun Ye personally took action in this deduction and directly killed Ye Cang, but it did alarm some people.

A hazy being took action in anger, destroying the Qianyuan Dynasty with one blow, and then deduced the cause and effect. He wanted to search Yun Ye, but was blocked by Yun Ye, and found nothing. He raged across several states, erasing everything around him, and a new sky Dynasty is included.

"Not aware of me, this person lacks strength."

Yun Ye nodded. It seemed that his average power and position were still unable to involve him. Even if he was in the middle of the deduction, he could not wake up and notice something abnormal.

Once this conclusion is reached, all problems are solved.

The position is very powerful, but this is the upper limit. Even if there is a higher level of attention, it will not be enough for him to complete his careful plan and kill Ye Cang.

Ye Cang eliminated the last disaster beast, and the deep aura spread for thousands of miles, as if gravity suddenly became heavier. All the disaster beasts inside roared lowly and gathered towards its position. They felt the breath of living people.

"The divine law has finally reached its realm!"

As he clenched his fists, a look of confidence appeared on his face.

Each of his methods used six Dinghai Divine Pearls to enter the Dharma Realm. His strength has completely evolved by leaps and bounds, and he has the confidence to come and go freely in the Qianyuan Dynasty.

It's finally time to start, revenge!

With the Dinghai Divine Pearl protecting itself, the Qianyuan Dynasty could no longer locate his location using ordinary methods, and could no longer even know his life or death.

In this case, he has the initiative!


Ye Cang disappeared into a streak of rainbow light, his eyes flickering, "With the protection of the Dinghai Divine Pearl, the magic disaster no longer needs to consume extra mana to offset it. This is another advantage for me. When encountering a strong enemy, I can drill into the area with the strongest magic disaster. That’s it, even if you’re in the Xuan realm, you still have to weigh whether to pursue it or not!”

He went straight to the frontline spiritual palace, targeting the lives and resources of a large number of monks there.

Spiritual palaces are similar to spiritual equipment, and can build a safe position from evil disasters. Hundreds of thousands of spiritual palaces formed the defensive front of the Qianyuan Dynasty.

This is something that requires the support of super spiritual veins, and is far less efficient than miniaturized spiritual equipment.

Obviously, this was a last resort because the realm attainments and magic weapon attainments were far from meeting the requirements. Because of these reasons, the Qianyuan Dynasty has always been weak and was harvested as leeks by the Divine Thunder Demon King. Otherwise, the Divine Thunder Demon King would His strength could already destroy the Qianyuan Dynasty.

And this kind of spiritual palace also has a fatal flaw, that is, in order to save spiritual power, the spiritual palace does not have any defense function under normal circumstances, and demons can enter at will.

There is no doubt that the more functions, the weaker the effect. The power of demonic disaster is too great a threat to monks, and not all monks can deal with it. Unified suppression with the formation spirit palace can undoubtedly save a lot of power and allow the combat power to be attributed to balance.

In this way, Ye Cang can directly enter the spiritual palace!

A rainbow flashed across.

Extremely fast.

Before anyone arrived, the spiritual method had already been activated.

"Transforming the Yang Spirit - Solar Body!"

Power like the scorching sun gathered in his fist, and with one punch from Ye Cang, the entire area turned into nothingness.

The demons present roared and released demonic power, increasing their physical strength, but they were useless in the face of this extremely spiritually destructive high temperature and immediately turned into smoke.

The monks also sacrificed a large number of magic weapons and magic weapons to protect themselves, but even the magic weapons were directly vaporized and could not withstand the attack for an instant.

There were strong men in both the spiritual palace and the demons who took action, using the power of the Dharma Realm to forcibly offset it with their massive mana. However, the destructive power of this punch completely exceeded the level of the Dharma Realm, and the power was consumed rapidly, making it impossible to defeat him.

Seeing that he was about to die, Linggong Dharma Realm sacrificed the talisman seal, and the power of the Xuan Realm burst out, turning into a lightsaber and slashing straight out, landing on Ye Cang's head in an instant.

"The method of transforming the Yin Spirit into the Immortal Body!"

The lightsaber slashed past and cut open Ye Cang's head. Blood spattered and the entire body violently disintegrated and was obliterated by the power of the mysterious realm.

But the undead body then activated, and the body turned into dust, while the main body appeared from the other side, completing the substitutionary death.

"Cut again!"

The Dharma Realm cultivator moved his finger, and the Xuan Realm lightsaber turned and slashed at Ye Cang again.

The power of the Mysterious Realm is the result of the enhancement of the nine-turn magic power. Any blow is far more powerful than the nine-turn magic. It is highly compressed, so how can it only have the power of one blow.


Ye Cang's face changed slightly, and the light of the sun gathered in his hands, striking towards this magical realm. It would cost him a lot to compete with the power of the mysterious realm.

Kill the controller first!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and wish everyone delicious mooncakes!

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