A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 525 Return to Heaven


The god-general on the ground was dressed roughly and was furious. A little bug managed to get into the emperor's tomb by some unknown means. Even if it was just a cenotaph, that was something that should not be offended. Do you really think it had slept to death?

The god on the ground gasped a few times, forced himself to regain his emotions, and prepared to fall asleep again.

A black mark flashed in the sky, and the earth, wind, water, and fire surged together, shattering the space and penetrating an unknown distance, and a being descended.

Strong murderous intent erupted, and the man wearing dragon scale armor and two horns on his head roared!

When he saw Ye Cang's ending, he was completely dead without a whole body, and it was impossible to save him, he couldn't help but look gloomy to the extreme.

"It actually ruined my plan!!!"

"Big plan?"

The god general on the ground's scarlet vertical pupils glowed with red light. He suddenly grasped the sword again and suddenly swept it out, sealing the space with crushing power.

The Venerable Dragon Scale Armor was unable to break through it, so he had to cross his hands, and an almost completely real black dragon spiraled out and stood in front of him.


The black dragon is very large, thousands of meters long, but the Divine General's Tianjue Divine Sword is still just a cute thing on the ground and is smashed to pieces.

"It's you!"

The dragon-scaled armored figure struggled to get up, but he was actually injured. He spat out a mouthful of mysterious blood with astonishing charm. The blood turned into a lake when it hit the ground. Even if it was the remaining ingredients to repair the injury, it still contained power unimaginable by ordinary life.

"Are you the one who invaded my emperor's tomb?!"

"The only thing you can do is to apologize to me even if you die!"

Time and space are closed.

The manifest world is the exclusive domain of the king of the manifest world. It is easy to enter but difficult to get out!

The divine sword in the hands of the god general on the ground burst out with divine light, and its form changed. It was obvious that he had entered a second state of liberation. The demon was already powerful, and with this unknown level of divine weapon, the power it exerted was obviously completely beyond that of the one who came. Anticipate.

In fact, the Venerable Dragon Scale Armor never expected that the opposite would be a manifest king related to the emperor. How could his descendant He De break into the core area of ​​the sacred mountain forbidden area?

Theoretically, the place where the divine generals sleep on the earth has an aura of death that spreads across the five states. Even if a real person steps in, it will not last long, let alone a mere legal realm?

"Nine Transformations of the True Dragon!"

The Venerable Dragon Scale Armor cannot sit still and wait for death no matter what, and fight with all his strength.


He was instantly killed, his body was shattered by the divine sword, and he was nailed directly to the outside of the Juehuang Valley.

The god on the ground removed the divine sword, and only an invisible mass of flesh and blood squirmed in the magma, and was resurrected after difficult reorganization.

Those who have authority are actually very different. They obtain authority, use authority, develop authority, master authority, and open up the fourth day.

There are five stages in total.

Although the Venerable Dragon Scale Armor possesses the heaven-defying skill of Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, he has only reached the second step and can barely use his authority.

With this gap in power, all previous foundations in realms no longer apply. What’s more, the demon race of the earth’s god generals is a natural species among humans. Their power is close to that of humans, who are unparalleled and invincible in all continents. Most of the sages have It’s going to be tough to contend with and it’s going to take some of the top guys opening day four to come forward.

He didn't die because...

"You have to experience despair ten thousand times before you can apologize."

The earthly gods will once again raise their swords.


The Venerable Dragon Scale Armor has never been so aggrieved. The Venerable is so noble. He is an existence with the pinnacle of combat power in today's human beings. There are not many in the entire Red Sky World.

He was too careless. He was probably aware of the terrifying existence on the human side of Bianzhou and would be careful to avoid it.

But on the demon side, although he knew some forbidden areas, he rarely touched them. This time he was too angry and took action without thinking.

As a result, he turned out to be a divine general on earth!

This kind of existence can only be matched by the five major forces in Bianzhou.

The gap between him and the generals on earth is incalculable. Coming to the realm of this top king alone, it can be said that he will definitely die.

Boom boom boom!

As he continued to die, Ye Longhai's consciousness collapsed, and he gradually fell from the red sky, and his power began to become distorted and polluted.

The entire Red Heaven Realm, as long as the bloodline related to it, was mutated and eroded by this source.

Unfortunately, the Ye Clan does not have a second high position, and only a handful of true-level super geniuses forcibly cut off the connection and re-aligned the deflection.

However, his vitality was still severely damaged, and it was no longer possible for him to reach the throne.

It can be seen here that the technique that has been stored for who knows how long can actually be used. This is to deceive ordinary monks like Ye Cang who do not understand the secret of three days.

Any monk who involves three days would never be able to practice a technique of unknown origin. Once it is a technique that has been deflected, practicing it will be a recipe for death.

The god on the earth keeps swinging his sword, what he wants is to exterminate his clan, and his power is constantly vibrating and transmitted, looking for his bloodline.

Once it completes its positioning, the curse of death will be activated, directly wiping out the Leaf clan.

But what the earthly gods will not discover is this.

Ye Cang's dead body was shattered.

A touch of cyan aura remained.

Constantly transforming between disintegration and aggregation, the gods on the ground struck countless times, completely shattering the space. However, this vibration gave this cyan light a chance. It gradually submerged into Ye Longhai's body and gradually took control of it. .

However, the heavy blows from the god on the ground kept interrupting the control progress, and this cyan light could not wake up for a long time, and his consciousness was blurred.

It's just that it has a terrifying essence. Even if it is hit hard, it cannot be broken into pieces. Instead, it will be hammered together more and more.

The god general on the ground did not rest for a moment, as if completing the ritual, killing Ye Longhai without any deviation, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times...

Until the 4215th time, this number without any special number, the cyan aura reached the critical point, and the consciousness suddenly recovered.

That is an amount of information that is so huge that it cannot be measured, enough to overwhelm the soul of any monk. This information constitutes the consciousness of unknown existence.

As the consciousness recovers, although the body is still being crushed, the consciousness can think without any hindrance, and the power of the gods on the ground cannot interfere with this consciousness.

Consciousness saw everything in front of him and understood his situation.

"It actually failed..."

"Can it be so unbearable to prepare for 50,000 years?"

This consciousness silently looked at everything in front of him. Although he had no mood swings since he became an immortal, he still felt inexplicably absurd when encountering such an unexpected situation.

He raised his head in death and looked at the dark sky: "Did you evolve again?"

"First Xuantian, then Hongtian, and then the coming of the World God that has not been realized for hundreds of thousands of years... Have you evolved again?"


Naturally there would be no answer for him.

In the end, he burned the strength and power of this body to deduce the source of failure and wanted to know what went wrong with him!

But in the end, he only saw a huge fireball shining in the dark space of nothingness, and a young figure looking sideways from behind, blocking everything.

"The creation of heaven and earth, another Xuantian, haha... Ten thousand years later, we will talk about it again in the outer world!"

A blue aura rose into the sky and lasted for three days, heading straight into the outer world.

The darkness formed on the fourth day of the Imperial Road suddenly cleared away.

It is undoubtedly a joyful moment when light returns to light after a long period of darkness.

However, the figure of the divine general on the ground suddenly stopped, and the huge divine sword stopped in mid-air, even if the backlash caused his blood to boil.

after all……

The blue sky appears!

The god on the ground raised his head stiffly. When he saw the blue light rising into the sky, he lost his mind and remained silent for a long time.

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