A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 526 The First Day: Xuantian


The god on the ground took off his huge helmet and knelt on the ground suddenly, his eyes full of confusion.

It actually killed Qingtian's human body?

How is it possible...

How is this possible? Who can tell it what happened? Who plotted against it? And who did it serve as a knife for?

There is no answer.

It just vaguely felt a sense of disobedience, but it obviously didn't have time to investigate at this time. No matter who plotted, it was a fact that it killed the human body of the True Immortal.

And this is undoubtedly a crime punishable by death. The True Immortal didn't wipe it out and destroy everything here at the first time, that was just out of mercy.

The world god came, and the True Immortal was inconvenient to take action?

Without the True Immortal, there would be no immortal race?

The True Immortal is invincible.

It cannot be humiliated.

The god on the ground lowered his head, which had not been lowered for 70,000 years, and buried it deeply in the soil, and the earth trembled because of it.

"Welcome to the blue sky, I will not be able to apologize for my sins even if I die a thousand times!"

"I only ask the true immortal to forgive this place where my emperor rests!"

The voice of the earthly general shook the sky.

As he raised his head, he knelt on the ground with his knees, raised the magic sword expressionlessly, and stabbed it into his chest with a roar.

The strong physique prevented the magic sword from piercing, but with his roar, the magic sword still penetrated.

The blood of the king of the world fell all over the sky, and a terrifying barrier was formed. It was a blood flower covering the entire forbidden land of the sacred mountain.

The blood-colored flower was very bright, with thirty-six petals, like a hazy veil, covering the forbidden land with a layer of blood, bursting with twisted power.

This is the existence of the earthly general who exhausted all his own power to manifest. It is a plant form of power, and will guard the tomb of the absolute emperor instead of it.

This place is still a forbidden area for humans and demons.

It is still the place where the absolute emperor rests.

The blue light column penetrated the sky and clouds.

Rush out of the outer universe.

Too many cultivators felt it.

Even outside Hongtian, many True Immortals cast their gazes.

"Are you trying this useless thing again? Doesn't Qingtian understand that the lower world belongs to children, and they have infinite possibilities as they grow up."

"Times are moving forward. Even if we fix the road, block everything, and put ourselves on the top, our old nature still cannot be changed."

"What do you think, Xuan?"

"He opened up the Five Elements Creation Road, suppressed Qingtian, and laid the foundation for the first day. No one has surpassed him so far. What do you expect him to answer?"


"He will surpass him."

Many eyes were cast at a silent man in surprise.

This man's name is Xuan, which is part of his title. It doesn't matter what his real name is. He rose in a desperate era. That era was pure black and white, and was completely controlled by Qingtian. Xuan, who broke all this, became Xuantian in the mouth of the world.

The man repeated:

"It will be surpassed."

"The world still has infinite possibilities."

"But... before that, I will cut off all possibilities. The world can no longer evolve."


"Qingtian, so weak, no wonder you have to make so many arrangements."

Yun Ye sighed, looked at the forbidden area of ​​the sacred mountain from a distance, and left by a detour. He originally wanted to go in and travel, but the place where the true immortals return to heaven...

Forget it.

Ye Cang, Cangtian.

Cangtian actually means blue.

Qingtian sealed part of his consciousness and turned into a ray of spiritual light to reincarnate, just for this great world struggle, but it's a pity that he just rose up and his destiny has come.

At the last moment, Qingtian couldn't see through Yun Ye, not for any other reason, but simply because he was too weak.

If he wasn't too weak, he wouldn't have to make so many arrangements, and he could directly reincarnate in the lower world to crush everything.

As a true immortal, if he wants to reincarnate in the lower world, he must seal all his own power.

It is impossible to use the rules of the True Immortals to cheat in the lower world. This is equivalent to the lower world of the original body, which will directly attract the gods in the endless void.

In other words, the advantages of the reincarnation of the True Immortals are mainly three aspects: the immortal soul, the knowledge of being a True Immortal, and the resources belonging to the True Immortals.

Even if the True Immortals cannot go to the lower world, it only means that they can go to the lower world for a long time. It is completely feasible to kill them at the moment of enlightenment.

This kind of power naturally represents absolute power. The various terrible forces in the Red Heaven Realm may be the believers of a certain True Immortal.

Of course, it is a bit strange for cultivators to use faith. To be precise, it should be called "Xianting faction".

With the support of the lower world faction, it is natural for the True Immortal to get the invincible level. What are the Nine Changes of the True Dragon and the Dinghai Divine Pearl are all part of it.

And with the identity of a True Immortal, even if the Emperor Dao is in exchange for some kind of exchange, it is reasonable to sacrifice as a price, not to mention the honorable position.

Not to mention that the faction to which Qingtian belongs may also have the Dao Canon, which makes it easier to control certain things.

There is only one real problem.

That is, when resources far exceed those of the other factions in the Red Heaven Realm, can the True Immortal rely on his personal ability to crush the other factions in the Red Heaven Realm and win the final crown?

The answer to this question is very ambiguous.

Perhaps most people have a preconceived notion that the True Immortal will accumulate invincible knowledge and skills in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

But the actual situation is completely different.

The so-called immortality is to transform oneself into an eternal rule body and endow oneself with the concept of immortal rules.

Then the question is, will the rules learn and improve?

A simpler question can be asked like this: will the constants of the universe change from time to time?

The answer is of course no.

At the moment of being promoted to immortal, the potential of human beings is fixed. If you want to go further, you can only continue to give rules. All mortal knowledge, skills, blood, and strength will lose their meaning, and you will not be able to learn or master what you once did not know. thing.

This is immortality.

Therefore, in the end, Qingtian was unable to personally kill the divine generals on the ground, nor was he able to see through Yun Ye's origins. This was simply due to lack of ability.

As the third person to become an immortal, Qingtian's system is really too old. He defeated Hongtian just because Hongtian made no progress after becoming an immortal.

All he can do is seal his memory, allowing himself to grow to be invincible under various chances and coincidences, and only wake up at the last moment. That plan may still succeed!

Once he wakes up early, his possibilities will end directly. At best, he can only display the strength he had before becoming an immortal, which is too weak for the current generation.

This kind of thing might have a high chance of success if it were done by Xuantian, but he had planned it for so many years and tried countless times, but basically failed at the last moment. Only a few times he barely succeeded, so he opened up the next day of Qingtian.

Qingtian doesn't care about one more failure, since he has almost unlimited time to try and plan.

But this time, it failed immediately at the beginning, which was beyond expectation.

After waiting for the opportunity for tens of thousands of years, I thought that a wonderful story would happen, but it turned out to be blocked so easily.

This couldn't help but remind him of the Hongtian faction...

The red sky was actually the last to form on the third day. It was one of his biggest defeats. Human wisdom and courage cannot be underestimated. There will always be unexpected things happening. Maybe it can be determined by destiny. Explanation, but it belongs to some people's hymns, even he is not allowed to admit it.

Even if he wants to kill him quickly.

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