A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 534 The Fall of True Realm

But it is a pity that the beast transformation is still continuing. Queyou decomposes into extremely small units and spreads throughout the city, swallowing the spiritual energy and multiplying rapidly.

Although the newly split body is not as powerful as the old body, it has already recorded the direction that needs to be optimized. Just keep fighting and become stronger.

Barriers, formations, spiritual methods, divine methods, and physical methods are all unable to stop Queyou's invasion. Only a handful of powerful monks can maintain self-protection with great magic power.

For example, some top monks surround themselves with true fire that burns out everything. The flames have no space and can only invade by force.

But this requires continuous evolution. At least a small part of the body cannot evolve into a form that completely ignores real fire in a short time.


"Help me, help me! I don't want to die!"

Too many humans turned into beasts, wailing in pain.


The terrifying power swept across, turning all these people into ashes, and a high-level monk in the sky took action indifferently.

"Save you? It's more important not to have you at this time!"

The top management of Baihualing City decisively began to protect themselves, wiping out low-level monks in droves, leaving Queyou no longer to gain strength.

Lingcheng is the private land of small and large forces, and nothing is reserved for ordinary people. These people themselves are the governed who are used to collect echoes. At this time, it is obviously more important to survive this disaster. If you kill them, you will kill them. The big deal It won’t take much effort to clone several more generations of people in the future.

In this process of destruction, many individuals in Queyou also died, but they also evolved to higher realms.


Queyou's body swallowed the barrier, and a massive amount of energy was extracted. Its power expanded visibly to the naked eye. On the other hand, the counterattacks of the five great masters were very weak. Although they also wanted to control the formation to burst out more diverse abilities and suppress Queyou as much as possible. You increased their strength, but unfortunately the formation abilities were fixed. No matter how they changed, they could not create additional abilities.

They are powerless like never before. As real monks of the outer sect, although their strength is far from that of the true disciples of the Tianzong, they can definitely be regarded as strong men in the field of real people. They can sweep through Xingzhou at will.

Among the five growth stages of the Mysterious Realm, they can advance perfectly twice at least, and advance almost perfectly once, and only fall seriously in the last two.

This means that they have at least a million times the mana of the Nine-Revolution Realm. Any attack can burn the sky and boil the sea. In this case, advancing to the True Realm can support the consumption of the power of Verity and exert the power to shake the world. Powerful.

And with this kind of foundation that belongs to them, with the blessing of the two major war weapons of Jiuxing Tianqiong and Baihualing City, they are still unable to deal with a country-destroying beast. This is no joke. They can't find stronger power. Yes, if it continues, it will inevitably lead to failure.

"The situation is already obvious. Using the Heavenly Road to sublimate, can we try to exceed the limit of this disaster beast?" Master Heyu suddenly said.

"Failure means death. The risk is too great. Rather than taking the initiative to attack, it is better to abandon Lingcheng. This disaster beast cannot catch up with us." Master Baihun shook his head.

"Abandoning the city must be held accountable by the Tianzong. It is not feasible! This matter is obviously related to the demon clan. It is the demons and monsters brought by the Tianzun's return to the heaven. We are only the first city. It is normal to lose. It is better to seek help from the Tianzong. "Master Shishu shook his head.

"This disaster beast is in a different space, and its body has completely sealed off the spiritual city. We can't spread the news. We can only wait for Tianzong to find out on its own. How long will it take?" Baihun Zhenren said, "With the current appearance of the spiritual city, it will take at most a quarter of an hour. It will collapse. This disaster beast is so powerful that it has reached the level of perfection."

As the level of monks increases, formations gradually fail to keep up. No matter how much pure spiritual energy is, it is difficult to compare with the mana and true energy of high-level monks.

Therefore, in the Mysterious Realm, a large-scale attack and defense can last twenty or thirty years, but in the True Realm, the winner can be decided within about a year.

Queyou has the power of true perfection in their calculations. The main manifestation is that the formation collapses too quickly and will be destroyed in half an hour.

Moreover, Queyou grew up too fast. If it were half an hour later, they might not be able to escape even if they were in Tianlu Shengshan. They were also gambling with their lives.

"Indeed, if someone wants to take action against Lingcheng, they must hide the secret and fake the illusion that Lingcheng has not been attacked. Even if it cannot be concealed for too long, there is still no problem for only two quarters of an hour. The error tolerance rate of forced waiting is too low. Maybe we should separate two people to break out and deliver the message directly," Master Tianzhong said, "If there is an ambush, it is the time and destiny.

"In this case, I will choose to break out." Baihun Zhenren said.

If there is an ambush, destroy them all together. There is nothing to say. It is purely a matter of choice.

They are already extremely high-level monks and are sure of their own destiny, so they will not hesitate.

The other four were silent for a while.


"In this case, the second position will be mine. I have some confidence in mastering the magic of time." Shi Shuzhen said.

"But..." All the real people nodded.

The opponent is an unstoppable enemy that can quickly break through even the first sky. There is a high possibility of an ambush, so breaking out is not a good option.

What's more, as real people, Tianzong will definitely feel it once they die. Even if they are blocked, Tianzong will be aware of it faster.

In other words, even if the two great masters who raided were all killed, the three great masters who stayed in the city were not facing a dead end. There was still a glimmer of hope, although the hope was slim.

"Heavenly Road to Ascension!"

The two great masters made a decision and directly entered the state of heavenly sublimation. The eyes of everyone within ten thousand miles were forcibly projected on the two of them. With a powerful aura, the two great masters broke out of the barrier, and the huge power they gathered exploded, trying to strike out with one blow. Passage left.

However, the moment the two great masters left the city, their expressions changed and they both started yelling.



The demon disaster spread all over the two great masters, and the explosive power was suppressed back to their bodies. They were frightened, angry, and full of despair.

This disaster beast actually held back. It didn't even take a quarter of an hour to defeat Lingcheng. It was completely calculating their psychology and waiting for them to leave the city!

The two real people were completely demonized. With a roar, they sprouted wings on their backs and were directly reincarnated into Feitian Zombies. Their bloodlines were extremely powerful, far beyond the comparison of ordinary Feitian Zombies. They could be said to be the kings among Feitian Zombies.


The red moon came and covered the world. The two great masters and Queyou joined forces to attack Baihualing City, and the city's barrier was destroyed on the spot.

In this situation, it is obvious that there is no way to recover.

The three great immortals stood withered in the sky, with complicated emotions and a heavy sense of powerlessness. The more they practiced, the more they understood the difference between the heavens and the abyss.

The weak want to fight back against the strong, want to rely on wisdom and strategy to win?


The three great masters were waiting for death and had no intention of resisting.


At this moment, the dark crack suddenly tore open, a huge palm was grabbed out of the air, and the stars in the whole world were turned upside down and gathered in one hand. Queyou and the two great masters were like Sun Wukong, unable to escape from the Buddha's Five Elements Mountain, and were forcibly absorbed into a Special space.

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