A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 535 Absolute Power

tread! tread! tread!

Footsteps penetrated the space. A man wearing a dazzling galaxy star dress, with jewels on his forehead and a round mirror-like decoration on his hair crown, walked out from the other end. He was so feminine that he could be called beautiful. He had a pair of star eyes. It's very divergent, with no sense of light, like a blind person.

But as soon as he appeared on the scene, he gathered all the enemies in the palm of his hand like he was picking up stars and catching the moon. Those star eyes were obviously very mysterious and could see through space, allowing him to control the battle situation from a distance.


Vaguely, the light of the world focuses on this person, making people believe from the bottom of their hearts that everything they do must be justice and truth.

This is a perfect real person who has reached a state where his cognition is distorted when he exists!

"I have met Your Excellency Wan Qing, thank you very much for your help!"

"If it hadn't been for your timely help, we would have turned into puppets in the hands of this beast!"

The three real people were stunned, overjoyed, and saluted one after another.

Although they wondered why Tianzong rescued them so quickly, there was no need to think too much. With Tianzong's real person arriving, why worry about the disaster not being eliminated?

"What happened?"

Master Wan Qing frowned.

"We still don't know that this scourge suddenly attacked Baihualing City. We tried all means but were unable to defeat it. We were already on the verge of total destruction. Fortunately, with your help, we were able to escape death."

"We only know that this disaster beast is quite extraordinary. It can evolve multiple times in a short period of time, leaving us completely helpless. It must be a member of the royal family among demons. Its appearance here should be related to the death of the Heavenly Lord, perhaps a temptation from the demons."

The real people told Master Wanqing everything they knew.

A moment of spiritual communication is enough.

Master Wan Qing nodded, with a sinister look on his brows: "The death of the Whirlpool Heavenly Lord will definitely have a big impact at this time. There must be a large number of forces who want to come to Xingzhou to see what's going on. If his tentacles are not cut off in advance, where will the majesty of our Heavenly Sect be? ?”

The five major forces have already stood at the top of Bianzhou. With the Venerable suppressing luck and the geographical advantage of Taoist weapons, Tianzong, a purely human force, is not afraid.

Instead of killing Queyou immediately, Master Wanqing activated his divine method to read Queyou's memory.

But it's a pity that Queyou has no wisdom, only chaos and appetite. Master Wan Qing reads the memory and feels the same, and can't help frowning.

Then he activated the divine law of cause and effect to observe the origin of Queyou, hoping to see if there was any chance to directly learn some traces.

Although Queyou had no concept of law, he instinctively fought back when he was spied on. Master Wanqing groaned, and was counterattacked.

"It's this move again. It seems that with the characteristics of this disaster beast, I don't think it's easy to trace it directly. Let's just ask the venerable to take action."

After suppressing the massive amount of confusing information, Wan Qing, the real person, tore apart the space and wanted to leave with Que You to meet the venerable master.

At this moment, Queyou suddenly burst out with strength to resist, the space was eroded, and the divine magic was disintegrated. The two flying zombies broke free from the hands of the real Wan Qing, erupting with power far exceeding the previous dozens or hundreds of times.


"It actually gathered into the bodies of Baihun and Shishu, and completely started activities in their bodies!"

The three real people stood upright and entered a fighting state. They had a feeling that the two flying zombies in front of them could kill them instantly.


Master Wan Qing was a little surprised when he looked at the black spots on his white palms that had been corroded. He had also seen many disaster beasts and monsters that could grow quickly, but when compared with this one, they were all trash. In just a few short breaths, she actually broke free from his control.

This speed of evolution is too fast. Wouldn't it collapse directly due to lack of energy?

Even if real people like them don't fight, they consume a huge amount of spiritual energy every day. This is because their power is too huge and requires external force to maintain it.

The same is true for demons and disaster beasts. If they are so powerful, they will consume a huge amount of energy every minute and every second. Otherwise, they will surely wither and die.

Just like many places with thin spiritual energy, if you have a highly qualified bloodline such as the second-level spiritual root, not only will you not be able to grow quickly, but it will squeeze your body and you will not be able to support it at all.

In a place where spiritual energy is thin, those with double spiritual root qualifications will inevitably be drained of their vitality and die if they do not have elixirs to replenish their losses.

The amount of spirituality supplemented by ordinary food is simply not enough for the growth of spiritual roots.

"The blood moon is coming."

The two flying zombies roared, and a huge blood moon descended under the combined force, and then suddenly disappeared, traveling through space to kill the real person Wan Qing.


The next second, the two flying zombies exploded and flew out upside down. They were no match for them at all.

However, Feitian Zombie's immortal power was extremely strong, and he quickly reorganized, and death energy began to flow out.

First to die!

Nine deaths, nine lives and nine calamities, this is the process of Feitian Zombie evolving into immortal zombie. Nine deaths are the nine deaths, which makes Feitian Zombie's power move closer to the negative side.

After the first death, resentment was born and transformed into death energy. Queyou immediately understood this evolutionary process, and immediately reorganized through consecutive deaths, soaring from the first death to the ninth death, gaining extremely rich power of death. .

One of the flying zombies killed Wan Qing again.

This real person was calm and composed. As a real person from Tianzong, he really didn't think that the disaster beast could evolve to the same level as him and would inevitably die on the road. Therefore, he did not kill it by force immediately, but waited for Queyou with interest. Evolution is complete.


Master Wan Qing waved his fist, and the green true energy formed by the convergence of the three powers surged in front of Feitian Zhan again, but this time it was blocked by the death energy. Feitian Zong raised his hand, and the huge death energy gathered, and his arm was completely black. …

Just when Feitian Zhan was about to punch, Master Wan Qing suddenly opened his mouth, spitting out a bright sword light, like the flow of the Milky Way, roaring and hitting Feitian Zhan, evaporating most of his body instantly, and the remaining power was not reduced, and even penetrated the earth, causing The earth cracked and collapsed, spurting out massive amounts of magma, creating an apocalyptic scene.

However, in the Red Sky Realm, this level of influence is only a small-scale impact. After a few years, spiritual energy will naturally erase these anomalies. Although with the power of real people, this process may take hundreds or even thousands of years, but in the end will be erased.

"Can you still evolve? Come!"

Master Wan Qing smiled lightly.

The two flying zombies devoured the spiritual energy in their mouths and evolved again, targeting the power of his previous blow to further increase their resistance.

Although it is impossible to have all the resistance points due to the limit, for an individual person, you can remove the unnecessary resistances and only master the useful resistances.

The horror of Queyou is reflected in the transfer of the power of the killing rules.

Just like Yun Ye can increase his strength by leaping by killing the leader of the holy army, this is a special effect that can only be obtained by killing people of the same clan.

That is, the transfer of the rules of killing.

For example, if A, B, and C are all of equal strength, then A can obtain 10 killing rule points by killing B, and C can obtain 20 killing rule points by killing A at this time.

In other words, among the same clan, if a weak one kills a strong one, it can inherit all the killing rules it carries, and obtain the killing rules its own strength should provide. In this way, Queyou can kill each other. Quickly transfer the power of the killing rules.

In addition, if it is not killing each other but being killed by the enemy, because Queyou itself is a whole, the killing power of the dead cells will be directly transferred to other cells evenly, and only the cellular material will be lost. with energy.

However, this kind of thing is nothing to a life in a different dimension that does not make a living by extracting spiritual energy. It is really difficult to destroy by killing the body.

Humans cannot change their genes in a short time to gain fire resistance, but Queyou can, and the killing rules also follow the rule that the stronger the talent, the better the effect. The more you destroy Queyou, the faster Queyou will grow. , and due to the Ten Heavenly Stems, Queyou has almost unlimited possibilities.

In this way, Queyou achieved super-fast evolution and absolute power over singles.

The power given by the killing rules does not require external energy support.

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