A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 549 The world-famous goddess

The prince of the Shenlu Clan arrived. His appearance was not high-profile, he was ordinary, and he did not have many monks accompanying him.

The owner of the dragon boat seemed to be acquainted with the Crown Prince of the Shenlu Tribe. He came out to greet him with a smile. He looked like a young man, but he was over two hundred years old.

"Fellow Daoist Deer, long time no see, please come in."

"It's been a long time indeed. I can't bear the loneliness. I was inspired by you. Let's go to Tianyan Academy together this time."

The curtains of the astrolabe white deer carriage were rolled up, two maids stood on both sides, and a handsome man in well-dressed clothes stepped out of the deer carriage.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. We have shared weal and woe at Tianyan Academy. Looking back now, it is one of the most beautiful things in life. It is a pity to be absent."

The main way of the dragon boat.

"The years of practice are fleeting. It's not that I didn't come on purpose. It's just that I was burdened with chores in the past and couldn't protect myself. How can I have the strength to reminisce about the past."

Prince Shenlu smiled slightly and chatted with his old friend for a few words.

"We also understand that we are not blaming you. We are also traveling with fellow Daoist Tianhou. Please come with me to see him."

The owner of the dragon boat and Prince Shenlu walked into the boat, talking and laughing.

Yun Ye looked at the two people and gradually pieced together their stories through memory reading and historical tracing.

A large number of memories about Yotsushima were also integrated with the knowledge of other monks along the way, revealing the appearance of Yotsushima.

The dragon boat is quite large, with heaven and earth inside, and there are handsome men and beautiful women preparing a banquet to welcome these distinguished guests.

Prince Shenlu and the owner of the dragon boat were sitting on the second floor.

The two chatted, waiting for the preparations to be completed and the dragon boat to set sail. At the same time, the owner of the dragon boat was also complaining: "Fellow Taoist Tianhou is so dishonest. He said he wanted to see you, but he hasn't seen you yet. It's really hateful."

"The weather always surprises people..." Prince Shenlu suddenly turned around, but he couldn't see anything, and every inch of his body was completely destroyed.

Yun Ye walked out from behind him and sat down normally. At some point, his figure transformed into the appearance of Prince Shenlu.

The natural substitution technique.

"What's wrong?"

The Lord of the Dragon Boat asked.

"Speaking of surprises, the weather won't be the same as in the past, and you want to create some situations that will make people anxious, right?"

Yun Ye shook his head and said casually.

"Haha, of course not. It has been almost two hundred years, and your impression is still stuck in the past. Tianhou is also the second son of the Tian family. Master Suileling has been guarding Fushan Huanggu Mountain for many years, and his temperament has long since stabilized. I'm afraid he was late this time because of the beauty. When he first came, he brought with him a peerless beauty who was so coveted that she couldn't be compared to the rumored goddess of heavenly beauty."

The owner of the dragon boat laughed when he heard this.

"Amazing appearance? Who is this, I have never heard of him?"

Yun Ye said in surprise.

"Oh, look at my memory. You just came out of the clan's secret realm. You may not know it. That happened not long ago. You must have heard of the rumored Nine-Star Goddess, right?"

The main way of the dragon boat.

"It's her?"

Yun Ye's expression was incomprehensible.

This Crown Prince Shenlu really knows about the Nine-Star Goddess. The legend of this woman has been circulating for thousands of years, and she is not a figure of this era.

Legend has it that the goddess of heaven possessed the most advanced power of charm when she was a teenager. Even the venerable Tianzong had lost his temper and been bewitched.

This kind of divine power is obviously too overwhelming, and even the venerable person cannot resist it, let alone the people around her, who are afraid of being manipulated and treating this woman as a disaster.

As she advanced to the level of venerable, she gained the name of Goddess. This Goddess was involved in a large number of prophecies and was considered to be a beauty who would bring disaster to the world once she was born.

And this goddess doesn't like fighting. Even though there are countless rumors, she doesn't say anything or show up. She has been practicing in the Holy Land of Heaven for thousands of years and has not even participated in the battle to become the emperor until today.

"Thousands of years are also a long time for monks like us, and the reputation of the goddess has gradually faded in these years. However, I did not expect that this time she was born, she captured a king of the manifest world with just one sentence, and almost caused many venerables to almost miss her. Being manipulated, the terrifying power makes people tremble, and his reputation is already astonishing. "

The owner of the dragon boat looked yearning for it.

The Venerable has already stood at the top. The divine dragon often sits in the deepest parts of the major heavenly sects. If an incident involving the Venerable happens, it will be enough to be sung for many years, not to mention it is such a heavy news, here. Although it is far away from Tianzong, it makes no difference to those venerables, who can see everything that happens.

But it was these magical powers that caused many venerables to suffer greatly, and they almost became ugly under the charm of the goddess.

How charming it is to move the world with one word?

On the contrary, it is even more shocking than the sky-wide battle of arts.

"That's it. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful person in our borderland. There is indeed no shortage of legends, but it's not me."

Yun Ye sighed.

It is indeed difficult to conceal the momentum of a high-level monk's martial arts fight. A single movement can affect the entire body, and the best way to hide one's strength is not to take action.

"Yes, there will never be a shortage of legends. In those days, great talents emerged in large numbers at the great academic gatherings. We, with our unparalleled talents, must be able to compete and achieve great success. But I didn't expect... After all, we are on the Three Continents, and the gap between Bianzhou and Four Days Continent is too big. ”

The owner of the dragon boat shook his head repeatedly, not wanting to mention this sad thing.

Go to three continents.

Tianzhou, Dizhou, and SiRizhou.

There is a certain gap between the latter, but in the past 100,000 years, it has been the continent closest to the two continents of heaven and earth among the other continents, so the saying of the upper three continents has spread.

Maybe there is a gap between the Four Suns and the Heaven and Earth Continents, but compared with other continents, they are all a big step higher, and only a few continents can barely keep up with their pace.

After chatting with the Dragon Boat Master for a few more words, a slightly vicissitudes of life man with a sword on his back and white hair on his temples came over. Yun Ye and the Dragon Boat Master said: "Daoyou Tianhou, you are late, why don't you sit down quickly and punish yourself with three cups."

"How can drinking this spiritual wine be considered a punishment? Instead, I should thank you." Tianhou sat down and drank a bottle directly, feeling very happy.

"Frankly! But why didn't you bring your beauty out? This is not like you." The Dragon Boat Master laughed.

"Daoyou Longyuan, you doubt my ability, this is not good." Tianhou laughed like a playboy.

At this moment, a spiritual talisman flashed and fell in front of Longyuan. After he saw it, he waved his sleeves, and a huge amount of magic power poured into the dragon boat, and it set sail in the vibration.

Each room of this dragon boat has a window, and even if there are many walls between them, you can directly see the scenery of the border sea outside the dragon boat.

Under the power of an unknown reason, the dragon boat drifted to the other end, moving along the route explored, and the border land behind it soon disappeared at the end of the sight.

After the dragon boat sailed for several days, Tianhou drank wine and threw a compass into the center of the banquet on the second floor, and the barrier that had been set up long ago was unfolded.

And he himself continued to drink wine leisurely and returned to the room.

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