A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 550 The Ruins of the Emperor

When the barrier was released, Yun Ye was looking at the weather with great interest.

Having read the memory, he naturally already knew the ins and outs.

It is almost impossible for Xuanjing monks to hide from him. Even with the back-up of higher-ranking monks, it is useless. He can come and go as he pleases.

And the weather in front of us does not have a big background. Two hundred years have only completed the profound realm, and we are still preparing for a more perfect foundation of the real realm.

The barrier spread, and Yun Ye was also enveloped, pulled into another space.

At this time, he was just an ordinary Xuanjing monk. He did not cause any interference to the release of this enchantment, and the wonderful enchantment unfolded safely.

With the transformation of space, all kinds of information stabilized, and a dilapidated city emerged in the haze. This city was located in a sea of ​​fire. The houses were inlaid with fire jade that could absorb high temperatures. However, the fire jade had been integrated with the house and could not be removed without superb technology. It will also be damaged.

After the city was fully realized, Yun Ye was pulled into the ground and began to feel gravity and various other senses.

He and eight other people suddenly appeared in a certain room in Huoyu City, but except for him, everyone else fell down and fell unconscious.

"It's not as simple as a barrier... This is some kind of power that covers reality. It can be said to travel through time and space."

There were tables and chairs everywhere in the room. Yun Ye randomly found a seat and sat down, waiting for these people to wake up.

Time travel is burdensome to the body and soul. Even if there is treasure protection, various problems will occur when the distance is too far.

Just being comatose is already considered a superb skill in traveling. After all, most of the monks here are servants and only have the Dharma Realm.

Those masters and protectors are almost in the Xuan realm. The masters of the dragon boat, Long Yuan, Tianhou and even the Shenlu Crown Prince, are only in the Xuan realm.

Within the sphere of influence of the Tianzong and the Imperial Dynasty, only allowed monks can advance to the level of real people. The number of real people is the same as that of the Nine-Star Tianzong, which is very rare.

The Xuan Realm monks do not have this restriction. Therefore, most of the monks are in the Xuan Realm, and since they cannot advance and can only accumulate continuously, the Xuan Realm monks in Tianzong's sphere of influence are not trivial, and their strength cannot be compared with that of small places. Generalize.


The eight people present woke up.

There are two maids among these eight people, and the rest are all ordinary boat passengers.

The reaction of the two maids was very simple. Although they were confused and surprised by the current situation after they stood up, since the prince was fine, they had no need to say anything more. They stood directly on both sides of Yun Ye and fell into silence.

"Fellow Daoist Shenlu, what happened?"

Someone from the sect among the passengers on the boat spoke up and asked what ordinary passengers wanted to ask the most.

They were originally extremely frightened by the sudden space transformation. When they looked up, they saw Prince Shenlu sitting next to the chair, looking out with a gloomy expression. They ordinary monks were obviously trembling and frightened, and they did not dare to complain.

That is to say, only monks from the sect with equal status and strong support behind them dare to speak like this.

"What happened? I also came here suddenly."

"This kind of spatial change is not a trick that can be used in the Xuan Realm. Moreover, the talisman given by the ancestor has not taken effect. It is very dangerous here, quite dangerous. We must understand what happened as soon as possible."

Yun Ye said gloomily.

He acted seriously, holding the jade talisman in his hand, and there was a touch of real life.

The eight people looked at each other in confusion. The real talismans and seals were all useless?

So how do they struggle?

Another corner of the Fire Jade City.

Tianhou and a charming woman suddenly appeared in the same way, but they woke up very quickly, probably only a few seconds.

They are obviously adaptable and this is not the first time they have experienced this kind of shuttle.

"Coming in again...hehehe..."

Tianhou stretched out his arms and felt the air here for a moment. For others, this was a place of purgatory, but for him, this was countless opportunities. The only thing that made it possible for him to surpass those monsters and stand tall. Opportunity at the top.

After laughing a few times, Tianhou's expression calmed down and he said to the charming woman beside him, "Jiuxiao, Long Yuan will be left to you. Only his ability can find a way out. When the time comes to open this imperial city treasure house, we will know everything." Got it!”

"Leave it to me, haha, I am also looking forward to it. What is hidden in this emperor's treasure house~~~" The charming woman licked her lips, the eye shadow that was like flames in the flesh, and the red vertical pupils were all Showing its unusualness.


A huge explosion sounded.

Tianhou suddenly raised his head: "The Fire Spirit Man is here!"

"Hurry up!"

Nine figures covered in cassocks, blurred figures, shuttled rapidly, avoiding the lava-flowing giants walking on the street.

These giants were walking aimlessly, burning everything along their way, but the existence of fire jade limited their movement space and neutralized most of the damage, so that a large number of buildings are still preserved.

But if the breath of a living person appears, that's a different matter. The Fire Spirits are a group of monsters that barely possess group wisdom. They will choose different strategies according to different situations. Under their long-term attack, the fire jade in the house cannot withstand it for long.

The nine people ducked into another house and hid temporarily.

"Fire Spirit People? Why are there Fire Spirit People? Aren't they already extinct? What is this, an illusion created by divine magic?"

Once he was calm, the middle-aged man's expression became ferocious.

He is a member of the sect and knows a lot of secrets and knowledge. As you chase each other, you have long recognized this prestigious race.

If this is really a fire spirit person, then the problem will be huge, and there will be a narrow escape from death!

He couldn't accept it when he thought about it. Why did he suffer such a catastrophe for no reason?

Which shady person is plotting against him?

"What is the Fire Spirit Man, and what does it mean to be extinct?"

someone asked blankly.

A group of people nodded repeatedly and looked at the middle-aged man, hoping to get some enlightenment and increase their chances of survival.

The sect man looked around at them, and a thought flashed through his mind. It was so dangerous, and if he didn't have some shields, he would probably be dead. In this case, there was no harm in talking about it.

So after taking a look at Yun Ye and noticing that Yun Ye nodded to him, the man from the sect said: "Knowing the information about the Huoling people is indeed beneficial to the next actions. There is no point in hiding my secrets, so I will tell you." explain."

Everyone was "highly righteous".

"The Fire Spirit is the emperor of demons. The blood of the Jue Emperor is modeled after our human race to give birth to the Inhuman Race. He is born with a certain amount of wisdom and has a strong reproductive ability. As long as there are flames and volcanoes, he can reproduce quickly, so that in Jue Under the emperor's rule, the traces of the Fire Spirit people quickly spread throughout the red sky."

"The reason why the Huo Ling people are so rampant is not only because of their reliance on the Emperor, but also because of their clan's territory. Their holy land is located in the Four Days Continent. This is a veritable continent of fire. It is extremely suitable for the Huo Ling people to survive and give birth to There are countless geniuses, even those who are comparable to the emperors, there are many who have the hope of becoming two emperors or even three emperors."

"You know, one family has multiple emperors. This is a privilege that only belongs to the human race. I don't know how many years have passed, and the demons have never achieved this. Not only did there appear multiple emperors in the same era, but even a second emperor appeared in one race. There is none for the emperor. The reason is very simple. The Demon Emperor will almost never fall, and it absorbs the luck and possibilities of the family. No matter how talented you are, it is impossible to surpass the ancestor of the family..."

"But Emperor Jue wants to break this curse, try to have multiple emperors in one clan, push the Fire Spirit clan to its peak, and even replace him as the Lord of the Red Sky of the human race."

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