A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 554 Time and Space Boundary

Returning to reality, Yun Ye's eyes were full of surprise.

He didn't expect that this ruins actually involved Taoism. No wonder he was attracted here even with the power to create the world.

It seemed that he had the opportunity to point to the Dao Dian and say, "This thing is destined for me." Who else could this heavenly deity do other than me?


The spiritual talisman exploded, and the beam of light shot straight into the sky and lingered for a long time. Even if there was a large formation to suppress it, the five people who ran thousands of miles away felt constantly shaken.

No wonder it can be sensed nine thousand miles away. This power is indeed quite astonishing, and the most peculiar thing is that the explosion is not for killing, but more of the power is transformed into a signal that only humans can understand, conveying a large amount of information.

A few hours later…

In line with the plan, all the monks who were still alive in the dragon boat gathered together and had a spiritual exchange with serious expressions, trying to find out the cause of the abnormal situation.

But it's a pity that no one revealed any flaws after chatting for a while. They couldn't figure out what the mastermind wanted to do.

Let's just say it's to trap them. There's really no point in engaging in such a big battle.

As for using them, this place where the emperor fell is something they can only get their hands on in the profound realm?

They must have this self-knowledge.

The Boundary Sea is not a remote place where even the Emperor's power is unknown. Here real monks fight in a common way, and the traces of the Lord's actions have been left for thousands of years, and can be viewed at any time.

Anyone who has seen the battles of even real monks can immediately understand how powerful the legendary emperor is who is the only one in the world.

A relic of the emperor?

They didn't even have to think about it. How could such great luck hit them in the world? It was great to be able to get out alive!

"The question now is how to leave this weird space. Do you have any idea?"

Long Yuan, the master of the dragon boat, said.


Everyone was silent. What clue could they have? This space was too weird and completely beyond their understanding.

A simulated world constructed by divine law?

Was the space transferred into a real ruin?

They could only think of these two possibilities, but there was no way to crack either of them.

If it was an illusion of divine magic, they would have cracked it long ago.

If it is a real ruin, they only know that this is Huoyu Tiancheng and have no idea how to get out.

"The legendary Fire Jade Heavenly City has long been buried and disappeared from history. This is certain. This must be a false place. In other words, there must be something supporting the illusion. As long as we break it, we will Can return to the Dragon Boat."

Someone suddenly spoke, it was a sect man from Yun Ye's team, and his words attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Tianhou and Jiuxiao, they are the people behind the scenes, so they naturally do not want the right of interpretation to be taken away by others.

"Are you sure? It has been a long time ago. Some people say that the mystery of the disappearance of Huoyu Tiancheng is that it was sealed, while others say that it was intercepted and transported to a different space."

Tianhou questioned.

"I'm sure, and I want to confirm the falsehood here. You can tell it with your fingers. Let's see what year it is today."

The sect man said.

All the monks present pinched their fingers to activate the magic, and all of them showed strange expressions.

"The magic actually told me that this was 70,000 years ago? Where are you?" Long Yuan said.

"It's the same, it was also 70,000 years ago, and it was indeed a message that came from the Red Sky Realm. Who can fake it at the level of heaven and earth?" Yun Ye responded for the second time.

"It seems that this is somewhere in the real Red Sky Realm. It's just that the times have changed. It's really a big deal. It turns out to be a time and space barrier." Tianhou also had to speak.

This is indeed the easiest way to confirm everything. He cannot go against the common sense of many monks.

The way of heaven operates, and illusion simulations are useless. Divine magic connects the world not by feeling, but by some kind of unique certification.

No matter how real the illusion is, it will reveal its secrets in this aspect. Most of the illusion-type magical methods follow the time of the world to avoid being seen through by this simple method.

"Time and space enchantment, only time and space enchantment can perfectly reproduce the movement of heaven. After all, it is a piece of history cut out from the world itself."

"Seventy thousand years ago was the era of the Jue Emperor. Although the history has been lost, we don't know the exact time of the Jue Emperor's fall. However, there is no fourth day here. It should be thousands of years after the Jue Emperor's fall. What supported it? With such a huge time and space barrier, even the Celestial City from 70,000 years ago can be recreated.”

Long Yuan rubbed his chin, vaguely feeling the conspiracy.

Such a large sum of money is used to deal with unknown people like them? I'm afraid that's not right, someone should be trying to use them for something.

He glanced at the crowd and fell into deep thought. They were just Xuanjing monks, what could they use?

Soon, he shook his head and gave up thinking. With information asymmetry, no matter how much he thought about it, it was useless. The other party's logic was completely beyond his scope of consideration.

We can only take one step at a time.

"Then what is most likely to support this space-time barrier?"

There is humanity.

"It must be the Heavenly Palace Tailing Sacred Tree! It is said that the Juehuang planted this sacred tree for 30,000 years. It is the Juehuang's companion sacred tree. It has the power of the Emperor's ultimate weapon. It has always protected the Fire Jade Heavenly City as the ancestral land. , you see, to this day, this sacred tree still has power left!"

The sect man said.

At the end of the line of sight, the huge heavenly palace is indeed covered with various flaming branches and leaves. Although it has withered, its former glory can still be vaguely seen.

The main trunk of the Tailing Divine Tree was larger than the Heavenly Palace and disappeared at the end of the sky. It was just dead with cracks spreading everywhere.

If you look closely, its remaining power does seem to be the center of this space. Perhaps their hope of getting out lies in this sacred tree.

Everyone briefly discussed for a moment and immediately decided to go to the Fire Jade City Heavenly Palace to find out.

Just waiting will not lead to a way out.

"There are fewer formations in the core area, but this also prevents a large amount of fire spirit power from being utilized by the formation. It spills into the air, attracting many fire spirit people. The further you go to the core area, the higher the fire spirit people's rank is. Outside It is rare to see third-level evolved individuals, but there are at least third-level evolved individuals outside the Heavenly Palace, and there are even fourth-level individuals guarding the gate of the Heavenly Palace.”

"The fourth level of the Fire Spirit clan is equal to our profound realm cultivation. Their destructive power has also been suppressed, but less than us. We have directly downgraded our realm, but these monsters fit in this time and space and can still use the power of the mysterious realm. We must Join forces to suppress them directly.”

Long Yuan was the strongest and became the commander.

Everyone nodded, indicating that they would do their best, but no one knew what they thought specifically.

A group of thirty-seven people set out in secret using their own methods, and quickly approached the Heavenly Palace. During this period, some people were unlucky enough to encounter a fourth-level fire spirit man and fell behind, but no one went to save them, and they were all indifferent.

The monks did not value numbers at all. A monk with strong strength and means would have no problem sweeping them all by one person. If he fell behind, it would only mean that he was too weak and was not qualified to participate in this action.

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