A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 555 Fire Spirit General, True Gold and Mysterious Treasure

Everyone gathered at the gate of Tiangong City.

This city gate is extremely huge, up to a thousand meters high, and once it gets close, its size will never exceed the height of this city gate, and it has the power of space.

The effect of the city gate is still the same, indicating that the Heavenly Palace is still in an integrated state. Except for the city gate, other areas are not allowed to enter.

There were many fire spirits wandering around the city gate, coming in and out. Only one giant, which was a hundred meters tall and crawling on the ground with a volcano on its back, stayed in place and became a gatekeeper-like role.

This is naturally not the gatekeeper of the former Fire Jade Heavenly City, but the fourth level is still far from being able to withstand the weight of the Heavenly City formation, even if the formation is half destroyed.

"If you want to enter the Heavenly Palace, you can only enter through the city gate. Fortunately, these fire spirit people are just traces left in history and are not worth mentioning."

Long Yuan glanced at the volcano giant and looked slightly relaxed.

The monsters from 70,000 years ago, even the Emperor's family, were actually behind the times. Geniuses like him were still confident that they could fight back and succeed.

"The gatekeeper is only a fourth-level great flame spirit. Using a formation to cut off its power can reduce its power by 50%, so we can start fighting directly."

Tianhou took out the array disk.

"Take action!"

Everyone nodded, and the flame barrier immediately unfolded, covering the area. The Great Flame Spirit suddenly opened his eyes and felt an unusual aura.

At the same time, everyone roared, and all kinds of magic weapons and methods came out. In the blink of an eye, more than thirty monks used all their killing moves to kill the Great Flame Spirit.

The Great Flame Spirit was also frightened and immediately exploded with power. The volcano erupted and massive amounts of magma sprayed out. The burning power immediately caused many magic weapons to evaporate directly. The eyes of everyone watching jumped. The more times the Fire Spirit clan evolves, the more powerful they will be. The closer he gets to the Jue Emperor, the power of the flames is beyond what ordinary spiritual magic and treasures can withstand.

The fourth-level Great Flame Spirit is almost equal to the third-level spiritual magic. It is naturally not difficult to ignite the magic weapon.

"Since there is only one chance, then directly destroy the liberation and attack together!"

The seven monks who used the magic weapon joined forces, the magic weapon burned, and the form immediately sublimated to its peak. With the power of crushing its own explosion, they intertwined in the air and blasted towards the magma sea in one breath, blasting out a huge hole for a while.

"Second Liberation!"

Tianhou also took action and sacrificed a top-notch treasure. After the second liberation, it actually formed a twisted artistic conception, "All kinds of gods and great darkness!"

A twisted artistic conception spread and appeared directly behind the Great Flame Spirit, swallowing up less than half of the volcano it was carrying, causing the Great Flame Spirit to scream in agony and the power of the magma that emerged was greatly reduced.

The expressions of many monks moved slightly, and naturally they did not miss the opportunity to beat the drowned dog. The power of their moves was turned, and they blasted towards the injured volcano.

For a moment, the volcano was exploded, cut open by the sword, penetrated by the dark light diamond, and suffered heavy injuries one after another.

And the weather once again activated the treasure weapon, this time attacking the chest of the Great Flame Spirit. After disintegrating the volcano carried by the Great Flame Spirit, the defensive position shrouded by it was reduced too much. All kinds of divine shapes and great darkness blasted through the defense, and the Great Flame Spirit was surrounded by darkness. Yan Ling ate another large piece of food from his chest.

Artistic conception, profound meaning, sword intention, divine intention, and holy realm.

Mastering "meaning" means that divine law has reached a level where highly condensed spiritual will can interfere with reality and create all kinds of incredible things.

In the journey to heaven, Yun Ye returned to the era of the development of divine law many times. It was while practicing the physical method that the ancient monks continued to comprehend the "meaning" and finally formed talents that were inscribed in human blood and souls. So on a certain day After a world annihilation, everyone returned to the same starting point, and the divine law system was born.

Tianhou uses treasures to carry his thoughts, which has a feeling of sword cultivation. However, this kind of monk has long been buried in history. It is a cultivation method suitable only for super geniuses.

"I'm not cultivating weapons, I just feel that the divine method is cumbersome and not suitable for me, so I just poured all the power of the divine method into one method."

Tianhou explained, and activated the treasure weapon again. The treasure weapon was a bell. There was no sound when it shook, but twisted darkness was born.


Long Yuan and Yun Ye also took action, each launching a killing blow. One of them cut off an arm of the Great Flame Spirit, further disintegrating the Great Flame Spirit's combat effectiveness.

The Great Flame Spirit roared and had no choice but to burst out with demonic power, shrouded in flames and restore its body. The severed parts were also shattered and reintegrated into the body.

However, during this process, many monks blocked the attack and shattered these bodies, preventing the Great Flame Spirit from simply recovering its strength.

Just when everyone was about to further strangle the Great Flame Spirit, there was a loud noise, and a figure suddenly burst out of the Tiangong. With an absolute speed, Tianhou was knocked away with a blow, flying dozens of kilometers away, and a roar directly shook the entire area. exploded.

More than a dozen monks vomited blood, and even with their magic power running to the extreme, they could not resist this powerful force.

Only monks like Long Yuan Tianhou who were once the Great Perfection of the Mysterious Realm can barely support it, but it is also very reluctant. After all, they cannot use the power of Xuantian. Even if geniuses are like them, the combined force of the three methods can only kill the general foundation of the Mysterious Realm. It is impossible for a monk to be said to be invincible in the mysterious realm.

"At least it's a troubled time in the upper ranks!"

Long Yuan used various formations to extract the mighty fire aura and transformed it into the power to suppress the fire zodiac demon.

The difference between the lower level and the upper level is simply heaven and earth, especially since the criterion is "Heavenly Sect Earth Realm".

More than thirty of them are all at the level of the Tianzong Qilin Ranking, so there is no chance that they will have a chance to fight, but including him, Long Yuan, none of them can be ranked on the Tianzong Qilin Ranking.

If the real Qilin Geniuses are more than two hundred years old, they have already advanced to the true realm and achieved the true way. Why bother struggling in the mysterious realm?

Under the suppression of the formation, the Fire Spirit Man suddenly appeared and revealed his true form. He was a giant only ten meters tall but wearing fire-patterned armor.

The fire spirit man pulled out the big sword from behind, and the evil spirit swept across the entire place. The world turned into a sea of ​​fire, forming a strange and counter formation.

"The fourth-level top evolved individual, the Fire Spirit General! The sword in his hand has the ability to cut off material connections. Even if it is infused with mana, it will be impossible to resist it!"

The weather climbed up from the ruins, and a large amount of blood separated from all parts of the body, turning into a sacrifice to repair the body.

He stared at the fire spirit general and just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. His fighting spirit became more intense. He opened his mouth and spat out a sword with a sudden golden light.

The sword body of this sword was made of gold and glowed brightly. The fire domain phenomenon that suppressed it shrank as soon as it appeared. The second- and third-order fire spirit people who came after hearing the news were illuminated by this glow and screamed. Annihilated by flying ashes.

"It's actually pure gold... a mysterious treasure!?"

All the monks were shocked.

This is really a great weapon against monsters. The mysterious treasure itself corresponds to the mysterious realm and contains the power of heaven and earth that must hit the target. It takes a lot of monster power to resist the monsters. It is a must-have item to challenge the troubled times, and real gold just restrains it. All the demons, with the combined force of the two, it is possible for the Dharma Realm Holder to kill the upper troubled world.

"Hahaha, you are worthy of being the general guarding the Ancient Mountains of the Ancient Mountains. He actually has a real gold treasure. Why didn't you take it out earlier and kill everyone!"

Long Yuan was overjoyed.

"I feel bad, using real gold to fight monsters is an irreversible loss!"

Tianhou suddenly took action, slashing out with a sword, the light condensed into a glow, and the fire realm annihilated by the fire spirit wherever it passed, he himself wielded the sword to burst out huge demonic power, but he was still knocked away, and the sword was dimmed. .

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