"Hey, a thousand years have passed by in a flash. I no longer have the desire to seek the truth. Now I just want to live and live longer."

"Di Fu, you should go ahead of time. Don't experience the horror of my approaching destiny. This is really too miserable and miserable. It is unimaginable despair."

Venerable Datong lamented, with tears streaming down his face. He struck again, his hand turned into a knife, and with one slash, Venerable Difu was immediately broken into two halves.

"You are seeking your own death. Even Emperor Qiao Ling praised the forbidden method we developed. He thinks it is a creation that conquers the world. Why do you need to turn into a puppet to seek immortality?"

Lord Difu was frightened and angry, but he did not die. He used various secret techniques to regain his position.

Originally he had a strong connection with the revered entity and should have been effective.

But doing things right, Venerable Datong was given power by Yun Ye, blocking everything. Venerable Difu's struggle was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, and there was no news.

Lord Earth Fu did not give up, he was still struggling, burning his blood, sublimating the heavenly road, trying to regain his power, and verbally delaying the time, his spiritual thoughts swept out, wanting to seek help, but unfortunately he lost the power of the throne, even if he could contact many The venerable man couldn't do that, so he could only yell, completely losing his venerable posture.

"You still have time to wait. I can't do it anymore. This is the secret method I created. I know very well that there is still a long way to go before it can be completed. Just like you don't want to die now, I don't want to leave either. In such a beautiful world, why should I Close your eyes and never be able to open them again?”

Regarding Venerable Difu's reaction, Venerable Datong also understood that everyone is equal before life and death. The longer he lives, the more he understands this truth.

If possible, he hoped to find the emperor who formulated the rules of Tianshou and cut him into pieces. It was this obsession that allowed him to create a secret method that could bring back the emperor's ultimate soldiers. He hated it so much. Why would someone do this? Beast, cut off the hope of immortality.

Even if you become an emperor, you cannot live forever. You need to become an immortal. How difficult this is.

Even if they hold the ultimate weapon of the emperor, if they are not held by an invincible person, they will not be able to become the emperor. They still cannot become the emperor, not to mention that they can only recall them briefly.


Lord Di Fu's fingers were trembling, and he was extremely angry.

"I will live for a long time, much longer than I am now. You are ignorant after all. I used to be just like you, unable to understand the greatness of the power of the cave. Living for ten thousand years is a state that even the emperor cannot match. , this means not only longevity, but also invincible strength. With divine power, your family members can live for thousands of years. How can you not become an invincible emperor?"

Lord Datong shook his head and sighed.

He let go, and the entity of the throne gradually decomposed and disappeared, and was swallowed up by the omnipresent Tiangan Cave that enveloped Bianzhou, and the power of the cave sky increased dramatically.

When Lord Difu saw this scene, his hair turned completely white visibly to the naked eye, and he was so angry that he almost wanted to vomit blood. However, he was the loser and had lost everything. He could not make a comeback, but he could not say a word.

"The Dali Dynasty is over..."

All the venerables in Bianzhou had this thought in their minds.

Especially Master Mo Luo, with the Blood Sea Demon God Pearl on his head, his heart was filled with ice cold. This imperial weapon of the Dali Dynasty turned out to be a fake, a projection summoned by the supreme secret method. With the betrayal of one person, it directly disintegrated. , he was the only one left to support it!

He did not underestimate the power of the Lord of the Cave Heaven. He alone could only hold on to the power of the Heavenly Dao Divine Artifact.

If the power of the Heavenly Artifact is exhausted, he will definitely not be an opponent on his own and will be crushed like an ant.

The gap between people is so terrifying that even if he has the blessings of his ancestors, he cannot reverse it.

"Enter the list of gods."

But Yun Ye spoke, and the withered body of Lord Earth Fu immediately bloomed with divine light, and lines of heaven and earth words appeared, and the power belonging to the throne returned.

He did it to establish his authority, and he really couldn't kill these venerables on the spot, otherwise the death of too many venerables would create a resonance, and the Tianqian Universe would not be able to stop it, directly letting the entire Red Sky Realm know that there was a war in Bianzhou and a large number of venerables died.

This situation will inevitably arouse fear, and the border islands that were originally unnoticed will become the center.

This is not a good thing, and Yun Ye needs to avoid it as much as possible. This is a warning given by the divine law in the future. As the Sea of ​​Immortality is swallowed up more and more, this warning becomes more and more clear, and he is gradually seeing through the future of the world.

The Ten Heavenly Stem Techniques could not derive such a powerful future method. To obtain this method, he successfully grasped too much, so he decisively blocked Bianzhou and started the battle of unification. If Bianzhou's luck was blessed, he would fuse and devour it. The speed of the secret realm will be greatly increased, shortening the time it takes for him to become enlightened.

"The List of Conferred Gods..."

Venerable Difu accepted the baptism, and his real name was burned into the Tianqian universe and became a god in the Tianqian universe. He couldn't help crying and laughing.

Crying is never free.

Laughing means you can live for at least ten thousand years.

"Fellow Taoist Di Fu, it's good to be alive, why don't you thank God for this gift?"

His Holiness Datong gave a warning.

Upon hearing this, Venerable Difu showed an unprecedented murderous intention towards Venerable Datong. He was really intolerable, as he was dancing on his corpse.

Every word told him that from now on, he would be a puppet, a dog for others, and he would no longer be aloof.

But the Venerable had just experienced the great terror between life and death, but he was still able to bend and stretch. He lowered his head and knelt down:

"Thank God for the gift, I will be a pioneer and open up a new path for the Lord!"

"Get up."

Yun Ye nodded lightly, looked at the other four major forces, and spoke again, "Everyone, please join the list of gods, serve me, and live forever. This is a miracle that may not be achieved even if you achieve the imperial path. It is impossible to just grant the divine seal. make it happen."

Many venerables were silent.

It's not that they don't want to. In fact, as the super geniuses of Bianzhou, they basically left Bianzhou when they were young and traveled around various continents.

Because of this, they knew very well that they could not participate in the battle to become the emperor, and they could not defy the will of heaven and become the emperor. Three thousand two hundred years, or at most four thousand years, is their limit. No matter how crazy they are next, they will still die.

Extending one's life span to 10,000 years out of thin air has a nuclear bomb level of appeal to them. Apart from becoming an immortal, there is no other condition that can match it.

They don't agree, but they are afraid that someone stronger will appear.

This is the era when the World God has arrived. There is a chance to become an immortal. Those who dare to participate in the battle to become an emperor are so ruthless!

Is Xuanjing Dongtian really invincible?


The Shenmie Clan has the future Dao Lord as its opponent, and the Heavenly God Lord must also have powerful enemies, even multiple ones. This is the result of the times. Venerables like them all know that under the calm surface of the Red Sky Realm, there are turbulent waves hidden, and countless forces are plotting. , they are on the border, and they are inherently deficient.

They shuddered when they thought that a figure of the Shenmie clan level would be born in Bianzhou. What would be born in the two continents of Heaven and Earth in this era?

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