A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 571 Graded Treatment

The four major forces faced unprecedented choices.

Surrender, or die.

This is too difficult. They still cannot give up their superiority. They just want to enjoy rights without taking on obligations, and they are even less likely to be willing to nod under coercion. As the most powerful force in Bianzhou, they have the highest bargaining power and should They should dominate everything.

How could they be so unlucky to resurrect an invincible genius from birth? Their ten thousand years of "hard work" to develop is too pale.


Suddenly, a loud laughter appeared between heaven and earth, attracting the attention of many people. The sound was full of decay, and the aura was extremely ancient. It was not a monk of this era.

Yun Ye looked at the location of Chongyuan Tianzong, looked deep into the ground, and saw an old man.

The old man's body is covered with strange black words, forming a time-sealing barrier that preserves his vitality until the present era.

He seemed to sense the line of sight and cupped his hand towards Yun Ye. Then the strange black text seemed to be splashed with a layer of dust and quickly became ineffective.

As soon as the seal was lifted, the aura belonging to the Venerable burst out. He walked to the surface in one step, and the aura as deep as prison spread into the red sky.

"Ancestor, why did you break the seal?"

Venerable Chongyuan Jiyang and Venerable Wanxin Ciguang raised their hands in astonishment and respected the old man.

This kind of respect can naturally only come from strength.

The old man glanced at the two of them and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, it is a matter of life and death for Tianzong, how can I not come forward?"


The two venerables were silent and did not get too close, with hidden worries in their hearts.

Although my ancestor had just woken up after breaking the seal, and he probably did not reach an agreement with the Tiangan Cave Master, he still had to be careful, otherwise there would be a risk of death.

"Is this the person from Chongyuan Tianzong seven thousand years ago, the Venerable Jiyin?"

Venerable Datong's eyes narrowed and he recognized the old man's true form.

The Venerables are all great figures with names in history. For the Venerables who have lived for thousands of years, even if they are bored to kill time, they can easily remember these great figures with names and surnames. It is impossible not to recognize them.

The Venerable Datong bowed his hand to Yun Ye and passed the Venerable's message to Yun Ye. Whether Yun Ye knew it or not, as a minister he needed to take action.

There are three venerables in Chongyuan Tianzong, which Yun Ye has known for a long time.

There are two people on the surface, and a self-proclaimed ancient sage, who seems to be very ancient.

Now that the Venerable has revived and finally revealed his information, which was quickly read by Yun Ye, there is indeed no need for the Venerable Datong to say anything.

This venerable man is a rare legendary figure who rose from the bottom, broke the prejudices of the outside world time and time again, defeated countless talented people, and finally achieved the honorable position.

Of course, he is said to be a low-level figure, but he actually comes from the Chongyuan Tianzong branch. However, compared to the descendants of some big figures within the Chongyuan Tianzong, his background is very weak. He is described as a low-level counterattack, and he creates new things every time. Miracle counterattack has considerable luck.

On the surface, every step this venerable took was very difficult. In the true state, he had to reach the limit of his lifespan before he achieved the venerable position and became the helmsman of Chongyuan Tianzong.

In the story of this venerable counterattack, Yun Ye saw traces of divine destiny again.

This divine order has a sense of being everywhere, especially after contacting more people in high positions, the frequency of divine orders is also increasing.

One of the peerless geniuses mentioned by these venerables may be revived from the Divine Order.

God's orders are laid out everywhere, and it cannot be a useless effort.

"Venerable Zhongyuan Jiyin has a lot more experience than those sages, and he knows far more secrets than the other two sages. It seems that the showman stage is over."

As expected, Venerable Zhongyuan Jiyin opened his cloudy eyes and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, living a long life is really exciting, but it doesn't make Datong Taoist friends so impatient. Why don't we open the skylight and say Speak out clearly and give us some conditions, always give us some hope.”

When you reach the realm of the Venerable, you have feelings about many things. Otherwise, if you come into contact with things you shouldn't touch or say things you shouldn't say, even the Venerable will be at risk of falling on the spot. The Red Sky Realm is too dangerous.

For this reason, through careful development, the Venerable Master can acquire a special ability. When speaking, he can be direct and tactful when speaking, thus avoiding some risks.

Master Zhongyuan Jiyin is a veteran of the world, and he has risen from the bottom, so he naturally knows this skill.

He could see that Yun Ye was a little impatient, so he spoke clearly and got straight to the point.

"Hey, I respect you all. I admire your strength. How can you kill them all? Since you are not willing to join the list of gods, you should pay the price according to your strength. The weak should not think about having power." Yun Ye said, Of course his original words were not so straightforward, but that's what he meant.

In front of all the venerables present, hazy smoke appeared, and a jade card was constructed, on which the treatment that could be obtained according to the corresponding strength was written in detail.

First of all, the highest level of treatment. If you do not enter the list of gods, you can make contributions through effectiveness and obtain a share of life extension, which has the highest degree of freedom. To achieve this condition, first of all, you need to have the ultimate weapon of the emperor and the divine weapon of the heaven. Secondly, the holder must be a quasi-emperor, that is, the state of perfect status. Finally, you must have a fortress that requires a lot of effort to break through Yun Ye.

The Eternal City is actually an unbreakable war fortress. It is a cave that appears on the surface of the Red Sky Realm. Its mass is compressed to a very small scale, and it has obtained a defensive barrier that even the emperor is difficult to break and find.

After receiving the jade card, the tension in the heart of Master Mo Luo Dao immediately eased, and he felt lucky. Only the quasi-emperor in the Demon Luo Dao domain failed to meet these conditions, but it was not far away. It can be regarded as having passed this disaster!

The conditions are not good enough and you refuse again?

The risk is too great, and the chicken may be killed to scare the monkeys.

All he wants is stability, and since God Lord Tiangan has given pretty good conditions to differentiate them as venerables, he has to give him face.

The breath of the blood beads converged and fell into the Eternal City. Master Mo Luo made a statement, and the expressions of the other three major forces couldn't help but darken.

Taoist Master Mo Luo felt that it was okay and it was an acceptable condition.

But for them, it's completely different.

The second level of treatment requires the sect to possess the ultimate weapon of the emperor and the artifact of the heaven. If this condition is met, an honorable person can be allowed to not enter the list of gods and obtain a share of life extension by holding the treasure of the emperor and serving the New Heaven Dynasty.

Currently, the only condition that Venerable Datong meets is the reason why he agreed to assist Yun Ye.

Even the pseudo-emperor's treasure is an emperor-level power. As a role model, he also has preferential treatment, and the longevity he receives in terms of effectiveness far exceeds that of normal imperial forces.

The third level is the quasi-emperor sect. The quasi-emperor does not need to be on the list of gods, but he can only gain two thousand years of life through contribution. If he is on the list, he will gain a life of 10,000 years.

The fourth level, the three-day sect, is on the list of gods, with a total lifespan of five thousand years, and the rest can be exchanged through contributions.

The fifth level, a third-level sect, cannot be exchanged for lifespan if it does not enter the list of gods and surrenders authority.

In this five-level classification, the minimum treatment is actually lower than at the beginning, but the resistance in the hearts of these venerables has weakened...

If you have a choice, then it is not the problem of God Lord Tiangan. If you want to choose or not, no one will force you. It’s just that if you don’t choose, you will die.

When Yun Ye made this plan, he felt a sense of familiarity.

He felt that he was too kind to grab it directly, and even gave him a few grains of rice.

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