A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 572 Unification of Border Continents

After giving the plan, Yun Ye firmly sat on Diaoyutai.

If you don't choose after being given a choice, then you are disrespectful. What's wrong with killing the chicken to scare the monkey?

No problem at all!

Our strength in the Red Heaven Realm is supreme!

Venerable Chongyuan Jiyin took the jade sign and looked at it for a long time, only to see the word "eat people" between the words.

With the choice, the group of venerables will naturally divide. Even if they all choose to hand over their authority and do not increase their longevity, it will only be temporary.

These venerables will eventually reach the end of their lifespan. Will they be included in the list of gods or not?

Without saying a word, Venerable Zhongyuan Jiyin injected his true energy, then crushed the jade plate, and a powerful constraint called a three-day contract was established.

As a result, his authority was somewhat weakened. Although it was still in his body, his power was borrowed.

Many venerables also chose to sign three-day contracts.

This time, no one took the initiative to jump out.

Including Jiuxing Tianzong.

The four sages of the Nine-Star Heavenly Sect were very calm and signed the third-level treaty and the fifth-level treaty respectively. They were not included in the list of gods but only handed over their authority.

The difference is that the Nine-Star Goddess is a real quasi-emperor. Even if she does not enter the list of gods, she can still exchange her contribution for a life span of two thousand years. As Yun Ye said, different strengths will also lead to different treatment, so as to create differences and differentiation.

Due to the lack of a quasi-emperor in the Mo Luo Dao Domain, it could only sign a second-level contract. After many attempts, Yun Ye added some benefits on the basis of the second-level contract, and the Mo Luo Taoist Master accepted it.

The contract is completed.

Bianzhou was thus unified.

As soon as the unification was completed, a red hydrangea fell from the sky and landed in the Tiangan Universe. Due to the integration of a large amount of authority, the Tiangan Universe itself was expanding violently, and its power increased by a second. After the red hydrangea fell, this expansion was calmed down. , forming a special stable structure.

Once the power of this temporary integration is retrieved, the universe built on it will collapse. Therefore, after the arrival of the red hydrangea, the huge possibilities it brings directly make Yun Ye blessed his soul, adjust the growth direction of the Tianqian universe, and build it with various powers. Layers of time and space appear.

For example, the authority of the extreme yin opens up hell, and ghosts will be contained, and the authority of enslaving all peoples allows people to gain power by worshiping ghosts and gods. It is a kind of incense and wish power, and the authority of each position is placed in a reasonable position, and they work together. The effect of Tianqian Universe not only caused great changes in the environment, but also brought infinite possibilities.

In this way, even if the authority is taken back, what will collapse is just an area that has nothing to do with the foundation of the Tiangan Universe and will return to its original state.

And this is not over yet, this possibility has also been imposed on Yun Ye's body, and various forces are intertwined, rapidly forming new power.

It's just that the Tiangan Universe is too powerful, and the physique created is already invincible. There are not many possibilities for optimizing the performance. If it were replaced by other sages, this is the possibility of evolving the bloodline and physique. After obtaining it, the strength will immediately increase to a higher level.

The most important reason for unifying the continent is this "possibility" from the rules of the red sky.

"It's a pity. They were unified a hundred years ago, but the power they have restored is not enough. Otherwise, even the body of the heavenly stems would be able to become a little stronger again..."

Yun Ye muttered to himself.

As a true immortal representing Taoist tools and luck, Hongtian can completely enhance the abilities of monks unreasonably. Compared with the true immortal method, the power obtained by unifying the continent is actually nothing more than that. The Tianqian universe with Hongtian immortal method has almost no energy. It is nearly infinite, and even the Tentacles of the God of the World can be consumed.

Although this is only a very small part of the World God, it is still something at the level of a true immortal. Tianqian Universe can only deal with this kind of thing with full output, but it can still be fought for ten years without any problem. If the opponent is replaced by venerables like Bianzhou, the suppression will be even greater. If he is too strong, it will be useless even with the emperor's ultimate soldiers. It is impossible to defeat him.

After unifying Bianzhou, the Xintian Dynasty was renamed the Xintian Dynasty. It was able to bring the imperial power into its rule. Even if Yun Ye did not have the imperial inheritance, he would still be an imperial dynasty. What’s more, he actually had it. The inheritance of all the major forces had been seen through, and even more There are future divine laws and immeasurable Tao laws.

After the establishment of the dynasty, Yun Ye continued to devour the secret realm to increase his cultivation, and divided the Taoist artifacts of many forces into parts to devour them again. He will advance to the realm of Taoist artifacts tomorrow.

The Realm Dao Weapon is the most powerful Dao Weapon under normal circumstances. The last level is called the Tianmian Dao Weapon. As long as you achieve the Imperial Dao, you can hold the Tianmian Dao Weapon to modify the rules of the world, or become a true immortal.

Here, Yun Ye had to admire Jianguang. The Immortal Dynasty had only been established for a hundred years, and the accumulation of echoes had not yet reached its peak. Therefore, Emperor Qiaoling did not take back all the echoes.

And with the death of Emperor Qiaoling, the Immortal Dynasty automatically collapsed, and these Taoist artifacts were retained. Yun Ye received a lot of response because of this. Although it is far away from Tianmian Taoist artifacts, in general, in addition to facing Tianmian tomorrow, Apart from Taoist tools, other powerful realm Taoist tools are not afraid.

With the help of Dongtian, it would really be possible for a god to block a god, and a Buddha to block a Buddha, which gave Yun Ye a lot of confidence.

A blink of an eye.

Two years have flown by.

After the reunification of Bianzhou, the biggest thing is to tell the world and let Yun Ye's reputation spread throughout Bianzhou. Only in this way can the maximum gathering of luck be achieved, and at the same time, the repercussions will be greatest on Yun Ye.

After Shui Wuge retreated in Yunye, he acted as the sole agent responsible for dynasty affairs, and cooperated with Tian Jialun to start a rights recovery plan.

Yun Ye will not expose the Tao of Tomorrow in this life, but will act in the royal way, but he cannot imitate the Taoist tools and can only make distinctions in his actions.

That is to say, he himself will not do anything, but he will formulate a framework within which the major forces can play their part and compete for their own interests.

The power retrieval plan is to allow Tian Jialun to develop rapidly under the protection of the rules of the Xintian Dynasty and annex surrounding forces.

In terms of development, Tomorrow Way still has an advantage. Now Yun Ye has restricted forces at the same level to attack each other. Tomorrow Way's gradual growth can be said to be inevitable, but I don't know how much time the Red Sky World has left for Tomorrow Way.

Two years passed.

The order of the Nixian Clan in Yotsugizhou has been implemented. Yotsugizhou is sealed off, with only entry and no exit allowed, making it the second closed continent.

All the sages of the Hongtian Realm know that the four-day continent, like Bianzhou, has begun the battle for unification. Compared with Bianzhou, which is not worth paying attention to, the movements in four-day continent are too important.

Before God's will came over, many forces sent people to sneak in to investigate, and most of them never came back. Those who did bring back some information would not be able to announce it unless they had some special purpose, so the situation in Yokkaido is temporarily Shrouded in fog.

Similarly, the other continents did not send out the Venerable to conduct tests. Everyone cherished their lives. Unless it was an extremely tough organization, it was rare for the Venerable to risk his life. It needs to be carefully considered and based on the Venerable's own ideas. .

Yun Ye was naturally very happy about this situation. While sending clones to various continents to spy on the situation, he devoured the secret realm and digested the power of the Lord.

His strength is increasing day by day, and his growth has never slowed down. He even has the leisure to study the supreme secrets of the Dali Dynasty.

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