A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 586 Tianmian Dao Weapon

"The Nixian clan is getting serious!"

"It's really rare to be forced into this situation!"

"Another Lord of the Cave Heaven, a genius of the human race. There are really countless people. There are amazing people in every era!"

Many ancient beings opened their eyes, were awakened by the Tianmian Dao Artifact, and whispered.

The realm of silence.

Great Demon Court.

"God Lord Tiangan, an unprecedented hero, has only just stepped into the true realm, but the immortal clan has to use the Tianmian Taoist weapon. He is really the one destined to be destined. I don't know how far he can go in the end with such publicity..."

The peerless woman with silver hair and golden eyes stands among various seals. Outside where she stands, solid silver lightning is densely covered. The world is collapsing and cannot bear its power. This is the true supreme figure, the emperor of demons.

As an extremely ancient and long-lived being, Meng Ji possesses knowledge and secrets that are difficult for humans to achieve, and has even witnessed the rise and fall of many immortal clans.


Not all immortals are fearless of all enemies and can suppress the entire world.

They need conditions and timing. When the time comes, the Immortal Clan is often silent and will not be born at will.

There have been many immortal-level forces throughout the ages, but almost none of them can survive forever. They are constantly changing and weakening.

In fact, the five existing immortal-level forces, except for the Nixian clan, are all chronological. Because the immortal clans were destroyed by wars, destroyed by true immortals, destroyed by the emperor, and self-destructed. As long as the time is long enough, too many factors may lead to The supreme power has completely disappeared...

After all, the immortals cannot become immortals, but other forces in the Red Sky Realm have this possibility. Even if they do not become immortals but only become emperors, there are many emperors who can suppress the immortals, such as the modern Emperor Shenmie Clan, or the future Dao Lord .

There is no complete certainty. The five major immortal clans are often aloof and established in the immortal realm outside the world. Although these immortal realms are often affected by the times and weaken and increase, they can always maintain a level far superior to the outside world, which is enough for the immortals. The clan has given birth to individuals that are unimaginable to the outside world.

Life after life, with uninterrupted inheritance and development, the foundation of the Immortal Clan will eventually be elevated to unimaginable realms.

The ancestor of the Ni tribe had only a short time to become an immortal, and he had never cut off his inheritance. It was because of this that he had accumulated such a terrifying foundation.

Ni Xinguang can compete with the emperor's ultimate soldiers only if he has perfected his position. He holds the water emperor's artifact, which means he can't compete with the emperor of the world.

You must know that the emperor is the gathering point of the power of an era, and is truly the strongest of the era. It doesn't matter if the immortals don't enter the Red Heaven Realm. Once they enter the Red Heaven Realm, part of the power possessed by the immortals will flow to the contemporary emperor.

In this case, the immortal clan also needs to be cautious when facing the power of the emperor. This is by no means an ant that can be suppressed at will. The consequences of failure need to be considered.

Of course, even this is unbelievable. The emperor united the three days to form the fourth day, gaining the power of the emperor to dominate the world.

This was originally the spokesperson of the human race. In this way, Hongtian used this method to unify the power of the human race, improve the physique and luck of the human race, and finally gathered the prayers of the human race in the imperial realm, arranged a ceremony, and created the first Taoist artifact, the red hydrangea.

This is the authority granted by heaven and the crystallization of the history of the human race. For the first time, Hongtian did not become an immortal, but chose to modify the rules to allow all races to have the possibility of obtaining Taoist tools, amplifying the power of Taoist tools to modify the rules, allowing this This rule-modifying power can spread to the entire Red Sky Realm and even beyond the void.

At the same time, this ritual is also bound to the realm of the emperor, so that once the emperor ascends to the sky, he can gain the power of the entire human race to protect the human race.

The human race was once so weak, but by gathering strength and reducing losses in this way, the red genius could protect humans in a world filled with countless demons.

After the second gathering and echo, Hongtian became an immortal, gained invincible power and swept across the world, expelling the gods of the world and reviving the human race.

Hongtian is indeed unparalleled. Not only did he create the imperial system and successfully ascend to the throne, but by chance, he actually walked the road to becoming an immortal.

There were many worldly gods in the Red Sky Realm at that time. Although the Taoist tools had not yet been completely formed, they were just more powerful than ordinary ones and were not as attractive as they are now.

But for the first time, Echoes Gathering chose to change the rules of the world, which still requires great courage.

Even if the fluctuations that modify the rules of the world are only aimed at the human race, it is very likely to attract the gods of the world, leaving them dead without a place to bury themselves, and completely becoming a wedding dress for future generations.

"However, if Hong Tian had not put the echoes of the first gathering into the rules of the Taoist artifacts, there would be no human race today!"

Yun Ye stretched out his hand and held Ming Ri's hand. A Tao sword with a sword wrapped in water and fire, with flames and water flowing in the air, appeared.

Most of the chains sealing the sword body were broken.

The realm belonging to Tomorrow Sword expanded rapidly, covering the entire Tiangan Cave.

at the same time.

Tianmian Taoist weapon combined with the power of many sages in Hongtian, regarded Tiangan Cave Heaven as Yun Ye himself, and directly obliterated it. The power of Cave Heaven was like an eraser, disappearing silently. Even the Great Destruction was affected and was This is the suppression of the highest power in the Red Heaven Realm.

Only the Tianmian Taoist weapon or the Dacheng Divine Master can compete with it.

The so-called Dacheng naturally refers to the Imperial Way!

Yun Ye is far from strong enough.

After unfolding the Tomorrow Dao Domain, Yun Ye was a little stunned, because even the Tomorrow Dao Domain could be twisted and swallowed by the Great Destruction. No wonder the Tianmian Dao Artifact could not suppress it immediately. This Great Destruction contained some kind of true meaning of the universe, perhaps closer than various powers. "Absolute rules".

The Heavenly Crown Dao Artifact is the thing that can be said to be close to the "absolute rules" on earth today. You can even obtain the absolute rules immediately by making a wish to become an immortal.

"Violating Hongtian's order is a capital crime!"

Ni Xinguang activated the power of the Tianmian Dao Artifact, which could be seen with the naked eye to compete with the Great Destruction. It could even be said to be suppressing it. The Great Destruction could not get closer.

Chains of order wrap around the sky, erasing the parts they touch.

Even the power of the Tianmian Taoist Artifact's true name is working.

The source of this weapon is naturally not a true immortal, so it has nothing to do with the will of the true immortal, or even the Water Emperor. The power of this true name comes from a certain ancient ancestor of the Ni tribe, who attaches great importance to the status of the immortal tribe. The true name he obtained has nothing to do with weakening the disaster, but rather strengthening the binding force of the ruling instrument.

Its name is "The Supreme Immortal Clan".

The Immortal Clan is the highest position in the ruling system, and no external force can disturb this order. After the True Name is activated, it can be guaranteed that the holders of the Taoist tools will never be harmed until all subordinates die. The more people who die at the same time, the more effective the Taoist tools will be. will be stronger.

From the beginning of the Great Destruction to now, many venerables have died, and they have all turned into the wronged souls of the Tianmian Taoist Order. At this moment, Ni Xinguang helped Ni Xinguang and slashed at Yun Ye with his sword.

Then, Yun Ye raised his sword and wiped it out with one strike.

Two points of power!

Form liberation!

"Everyone has Taoist weapons. It seems that I am the winner! You guys, don't you surrender? Do you really want to fight me in a bloody battle?"

He was shrouded in chaos, covering his true body, and spoke.


Ni Xinguang was completely silent, and his eyes were full of astonishment. Only the Tianmian Dao Weapon could resist the Tianmian Dao Weapon. This person also possessed the Tianmian Dao Weapon?

None of the many venerables spoke, their expressions and emotions were covered under the surging energy.

Even the immortals are helpless, so what confidence do they have to fight?

It's just that the immortals are ahead and they don't dare to disobey.

When the Tianmian Dao Artifact is in the sky, the venerable person will fall directly with a thought. If he really dies like this, it would be an injustice.

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