A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 587 Ni Xinguang retreats, all enemies surrender

Regardless of the answer or not, Yun Ye will not stop as long as he has not signed a three-day contract and handed over his power.

The Great Destruction and Tomorrow compete with the Heavenly Crown Taoist Artifact, and the heaven and earth are trapped in the immortal formation. When walking, everything is swallowed up, the earth disappears, and the spiritual veins collapse.

Many venerables had to retreat, and the immortal formation began to become unstable.

Ni Xinguang was also forced into a desperate situation, with no way to retreat. The abyss of death was imminent. Her face was very ugly. As a member of the fairy clan, she could not bear to be forced to this point.

"Venerable Xinguang, we can't continue! The spiritual veins are burning, and the scale has been set back by at least thousands of years. If we continue, I'm afraid it will burn out!"

Even the masters of the imperial forces could not hold on any longer.

Although they are not dead and are luckier than those engulfed venerables, the spiritual veins of each family are being frantically drained of power by the immortal formation at this moment.

This kind of extraction is completely fundamental and is no different from the destruction and liberation of the formation. It is disintegrating the super spiritual veins they have cultivated for tens of thousands of years.

In fact, Yun Ye also had this problem. Bianzhou's spiritual veins were almost burned out. This was the price of fighting against the Eleven Continents, and it was extremely heavy.

"Shut up, you want me to give up halfway?!"

Ni Xinguang scolded coldly, but did not give up. The immortal clan still had some foundation. As long as they showed some more, this traitor would definitely be the one who failed in the end!

She activated her secret technique and contacted the boundless water realm, hoping that stronger power would come, but the Nixian clan was silent and did not respond.

The Ni Xian clan is considering whether to continue to increase investment. Indeed, they still have various foundations, but it is only equivalent to the Tiandao artifact held by Ni Xinguang. It is impossible to surpass the Tianmian Dao artifact. Is it possible to use the Dao Code?

Sorry, at this moment, there are no monks in the Nixian clan who can fully control the Taoist code, so it is impossible to reproduce this supreme power.

Ni Xinzhao didn't get a response for a long time, and anger burned in his heart.

Now every second is letting the opportunity slip away!

This is the time when God Lord Tiangan is at his weakest, why not take action to suppress it?

"The Tianmian Taoist Artifact is indeed a miracle and a power that can suppress everything. It's a pity -"


It's a pity that Yun Ye is a monk of Tomorrow Dao. He was born to be the opposite of this Dao weapon. He has the highest level of resistance, so the effectiveness of this Dao weapon cannot be exerted.

He launched all the forbidden moves without hesitation, and the Infinite Dao Code silently joined him, enveloping the Tianmian Dao Artifact with the power of destruction.

The colorful rays of light flower Tianmian Dao bottle releases the invisible Dao realm to resist this destruction, but the bottle body faintly shakes, and the originally extremely gorgeous divine patterns begin to twist.

Card times——

A crack suddenly appeared on the colorful Xiaguanghua Tianmian Dao bottle.

"No, the Tianmian Taoist weapon can't hold on any longer!"

Many venerables were horrified.

Dao tools are the same as powers. There is no need to consume any energy when exerting powers passively, but if you want to stimulate stronger effects, you can only use them actively.

There is no doubt that this Celestial Crown Dao Artifact has already activated its maximum power and reached the peak it can reach, but even so it failed.

The opponent's rules are better than the Colorful Xiaguang Hua Tianmian Dao Vase. This is the victory or defeat at the level of rules and does not depend on personal will.

There will be no change in the result if it continues, and the Seven-Colored Xiaguanghua Tianmian Dao Vase will undoubtedly be broken!

"Shui! Chang! Dong! A mere monk from Bianzhou just got the magic of the cave by luck, yet he dares to be so rampant! You bastard, you are really disgusting!"

Ni Xinguang gritted his teeth and called Yun Ye's name for the first time, but it was not his title, but his real name.

She was unwilling, but had to admit that Yun Ye was stronger now.

This kind of incomprehensible power of destruction can even compete with the Tianmian Dao Artifact. Even if the price is the destruction of the cave, it is unparalleled.


Ni Xinguang's eyes turned cold.

The cave sky is burned out and the foundation is severely damaged. Even if we let Shui Changdong go now, it won't matter. It is impossible for this Tiangan Cave Sky to regain its current power!

She is just a member of the Immortal Clan, why should she do this by force? If it becomes a serious problem, the responsibility does not lie with her, but with those old antiques who are unwilling to take action!


The Reflecting Sky Water Emperor's Mirror suddenly bloomed with divine light, the sound of waves sounded, and the boundless water realm descended, turning into a body covered with neon light in holy clothes.

Legend has it that the Water Emperor once realized half of the Holy Path and gained the power to modify the world far beyond that of ordinary emperors. The power of this half of the Holy Path was also recorded in the Water Emperor Mirror. The holder can gain the Holy Path, and for a short time Become a saint and gain the power of the holy way.

The sound of water ripples.

Heaven and earth borrow strength.

The great destruction that was about to engulf Ni Xinguang was shaken away. Ni Xinguang clenched his jade hand tightly and said coldly: "Shui Changdong, I hope you don't have any thoughts that you shouldn't have. There is still a demon god in this world who is doing the opposite. It’s just destroying Hong Tian.”

"When it's time to leave, just leave. Why talk so much?" At this moment, Yun Ye suddenly appeared in front of her. His arm was like a heavenly sword. He cut off half of his body with one strike. The vast holy light evaporated, resisting the attack that was supposed to happen. A fatal blow.


Ni Xinguang screamed, the holy blood splashed everywhere, and half of her body was evaporated. Her figure suddenly became hazy, shrouded by the boundless water boundary, and was forcibly pulled away from the red sky. With a pale face, she held down the remaining body that could not heal itself for a long time. Staring at Yun Ye, he said word by word, "Daodian! It's you who took away the immeasurable Daodian!"

"...So that's it, God Lord Tiangan actually owns the Dao Code!" Master Tianguang's face turned pale. He didn't want the Immortal Clan to lose, so he took out the Immortal Formation to help. In this case, if he loses, he will be liquidated.

Even if there is no liquidation, Tianguang Dao Sect will be blocked for ten thousand years and completely destroyed. This price is too high, it is the price of his failed bet!

"No wonder its power is endless. If it is the legendary Taoist code, then it is possible! Opening up a cave against the sky is really a great opportunity!" Taoist Master Mo Luo stood up in awe. He watched the battle for a long time and saw the divine master. It is indeed extraordinary, with endless power, and it can win by force against the entire Hongtian.

This is very counterintuitive, but once you have the Taoist Code, it may not be a problem, and the name of the Infinite Taoist Code is indeed close to the concept of infinite power. The reason for having such infinite power is most likely the Infinite Taoist Code. Got it!

"Without the Taoist Code, I would have died trying to prevent the killing. The entire Red Heaven Realm came out in force, and even used the Tianmian Taoist Artifact. I am extremely honored."

"If you were just a little stronger, I would have been defeated. Why not continue?"

Yun Ye said calmly.


Ni Xinguang was extremely angry. A common person from a humble background actually mocked her, a goddess who was at the top of the world, and deserved to die!

It's a pity that Yun Ye is stronger now, and she has nothing to do. There are too many miracles in this world, and the Taoist scriptures are not controlled by true immortals at all.

A monk who has obtained the power of the Taoist scriptures and has a cave in his body is really against the heavens and has the possibility of overthrowing the immortal clan. It should be stopped at this time!

She turned around coldly and disappeared into the boundless water.

The light of the Tianmian Taoist Artifact and the Reflecting Sky Water Emperor Mirror also gradually faded away.

Seeing that there was nothing she could do, she was so proud that she finally gave up.

"We are willing to surrender and build the Immortal Dynasty for the God Lord!"

"With the Dao Code, the God Lord will be the emperor for a lifetime, governing the world, protecting the peace of the human race, and promoting the majesty of the True Immortal!"

"Greetings to Lord Tiangan!"

The masters of many imperial forces and three-day forces looked at each other and spoke decisively.

They signed a three-day contract with Yun Ye, willing to surrender, and even temporarily handed over their authority.

After all, he joined after defeat, so it was great to save his life and not be liquidated. There was not much room for maneuver.

In fact, they just knelt down and worshiped, calling the God Lord invincible, long live, long live, long live.


Yun Ye did not pursue him relentlessly and kill him. His purpose was to establish the Immortal Dynasty and change the rules of the world. It would not be too late to do many things after becoming emperor.

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