A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 588 Before he became an emperor, he was already invincible and unified the red sky!


The realm of Jiuxing Tianzong.

The originally extremely rich spiritual energy has dissipated, leaving nothing behind. Those top-notch medicines that require massive amounts of spiritual energy to grow have become silent.

Those that were not adaptable enough simply withered and died, causing great losses.

The spiritual veins were burned.

The entire Bianzhou was downgraded.

However, this does not matter. Venerable Nanxing took action, and the earth and spiritual veins were directly dug away together with the formation and contained in the meson space.

Nine-Star Goddess said: "Have you packed it up?"

"Except for the secret realm that cannot be taken away, the rest have been contained and you can go directly to the Four Days Continent." Venerable Nanxing nodded.

"The secret realm will be swallowed up by His Majesty's cave. If you can take it away, you must keep it." The Nine-Star Goddess didn't care.

"It's a pity... The Nine Star Holy Land is a complete world, and it is still well preserved. The rise of our sect is partly due to this Holy Land." Venerable Nan Xing regretted.

Venerable West Star and Venerable Beixing couldn't help but laugh and said: "After all, the secret realm is just a secret realm in Bianzhou. We are going to the ancestral land of the Imperial Dao forces in Shirizhou. The things left by these forces are definitely not comparable to the Nine-Star Holy Land. If it weren't for us Serve your Majesty early, and this good thing will not be our turn."

"Sadly, the giants of the past were exiled to this almost unparalleled continent. No matter how hard they struggled, there was no hope. This is not a generation that can accomplish great things." The Nine-Star Goddess turned around, and her figure spanned a long distance and disappeared in Xingzhou.

Many venerables also took one step forward and left across the space.

At this time, Bianzhou was completely deserted.

The spiritual veins have been burned out.

Even the spiritual veins of third-level forces like them cannot be preserved and degrade to the point where they can only support Xuanjing monks. This is simply terrifying...

Without ten thousand years of cultivation, it would be impossible for the spiritual veins to be restored!

This is because all the forces in Bianzhou have the technology to repair and cultivate spiritual veins. Otherwise, even if the cultivation of spiritual veins is completed, the spiritual energy will leak out.

The lower the density of the surrounding spiritual energy, the greater the consumption of the formation to prevent it from spreading. This is a very despairing reality.

"This is Yotsujishima?"

The four sages arrived at Four Days Continent with a large number of sect disciples.

The sky is in the sky here for four days, and endless spiritual energy fills the heaven and earth.

——To be precise, it has been three days now. Emperor Yao Ri's imperial soldiers were suppressed by Yun Ye and have fallen from the sky and will not appear again.

From now on, this place will be renamed Sanrizhou. I don’t know how many years later, it may change again, but that is a matter for the future.

"It is worthy of being the ancestral land of the imperial power. Even though it has been burned and the scale of the spiritual veins is no less than one in ten, it is still far superior to that of our sect in its heyday."

Lord Beixing watched this scene and was silent for a long time before speaking.

It is no wonder that it is extremely difficult for the Nine Stars Heavenly Sect to give birth to a venerable one. The quasi-emperor monks have only had the Nine Stars Heavenly Lady since ancient times. She is special and cannot be generalized with normal monks. She is a real evildoer and is not so dependent on the environment.

"Four Rizhou..."

The long golden hair of the Nine-Star Goddess was floating, and the silver eyes revealed in the hazy sky seemed to penetrate through the layers of space and see something.

That's a little fox.

She seemed to feel the attention of the supreme being, and suddenly jumped to the side of the road, her eight tails gathered together, and turned into a pottery statue.

Starting from Bianzhou, the decree of God Tiangan spread throughout the red sky.

Wherever you go, you must surrender or die.

This is the general trend.

"Resist the decree?"

"Welcome the Supreme Heavenly God Lord to come!"

As the proclaimer spoke indifferently.

In the void, a trembling shadow was pointed in the air, and unrivaled power descended immediately.

The arrogant top forces were instantly wiped out.

The major forces who believed that they had top-level inheritance and could negotiate with Yun Ye remained silent and did not dare to have any extra thoughts. They honestly accepted the rules set by Yun Ye.

Just one year.

The red sky was unified.

The reputation of the Xintian Dynasty spread throughout the Hongtian world, and no one knew about it.

"You haven't become an emperor yet, but you are already invincible!"

Many old people said this, as if they were recreating the myth in a trance.

This is the same enlightenment experience as the Shenmie Clan. Before becoming emperor, everything is already doomed. All we have to do is wait until we reach the top of the Red Sky to become emperor and unify the Immortal Dynasty!

And this time, there will be no future Tao Lord, the next true immortal is about to be born!


Violent vibrations caused turbulence around the Sea of ​​Immortality. The power of time reappeared the past scenes and pulled them to the present era, covering the land into what it was in the past. But in the blink of an eye, it went back and returned. The vision was strange and full of mysteries. .

The venerables of Tianzhou looked up and saw cracks in the Immortal Sea, as if it was about to collapse.

"What happened? A super forbidden land like the Sea of ​​Immortality is about to collapse?"

"This super forbidden area is so terrifying that it can even devour the emperor. In this era, it is actually turbulent and about to collapse. Why is it so sudden?"

"Could it be that the future Dao Lord absorbed the power of the Immortal Sea and caused irreversible damage to it, causing it to finally be unable to hold on after ten thousand years?"

"It is possible that although it is only a rumor that the future Dao Lord came from the Sea of ​​Immortality, half of the Sea of ​​Immortality did collapse ten thousand years ago. The most likely person related to it is the true immortal who uses the way of time as his guide. "

Many venerables began to take the initiative to read the information.

Hope to know more.

Even the ancestors of some sects have revived. The super forbidden area is not just a forbidden area, but also involves various possibilities. It is the key to fighting the true immortals. Its sudden collapse really shocked many top forces who are studying the Sea of ​​Immortality. .

Among them, an ancestor of the famous Tongtian clan woke up, and his aura swept across Tianzhou in an instant. He cast his eyes to observe the situation of the Sea of ​​Immortality.

Then, he frowned and said: "The Sea of ​​Immortality is really going to collapse. Where is Taoist Master Tianguang? Please come forward and tell me!"

Tianguang Dao Sect is one of the sects in Tianzhou who knows the Sea of ​​Immortality best, and its Taoist master is naturally qualified to have a detailed discussion with him.

However, no one responded.

He frowned...

What happened?

He has a bit of a thin face, and it is impossible for Taoist Master Tianguang not to give him this face!

"Ancestor, things are different today. Master Tianguang cannot come to keep the appointment." The venerable Tongtian clan had to speak. He could not let the ancestor be so embarrassed.

"I have never sensed the aura of Master Tianguang. Could it be that he has proclaimed himself and declined?" Patriarch Tongtian said.

This is not surprising.

The top forces in Tianzhou generally only have one position, which brings together invincible power. However, some sages are unwilling to die and claim this position for themselves. Naturally, their power will decline. Although due to their background, they will not Completely in decline, but unable to regain its glory.

He swept his mind and failed to find the Tianguang Dao Sect outside the Sea of ​​Immortality. Perhaps this was the reason.

"That's not the case... Tianguang Dao Master was punished by the contemporary emperor and sent to Bianzhou. He will never leave Bianzhou. Unless the ancestor goes to Bianzhou, he will not be able to see this generation of Tianguang Dao Master." The venerable members of this clan replied.

"Are you kidding?" Patriarch Tongtian looked up. He didn't see any trace of the fourth day. Instead, it was shrouded in darkness, revealing a strong aura of death. This was...

The will of the emperor who died with resentment?

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