A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 590 The Origin of the Immortal Sea

"It seems that after all, we can only get a glimpse of the truth from the heavenly path. Now that I have cultivated the future divine method, I should be able to see through the inexplicable battle to become an immortal."

Yun Ye pondered and looked at the two of them, "Let's get to the point. What is the secret of the Immortal Sea? Why does it leave such a huge power of time? This is what I want to ask. As the oldest people in Tianzhou, Those at the helm of the force should understand this.”

"That's true, but I don't know much about it, and it's not even clear whether it's true or not. I can only tell His Majesty these things and let His Majesty judge. Your Majesty should know the meaning of these super forbidden areas, which can block the sight of the true immortals. This area has an extraordinary legacy of power," Patriarch Tongtian said.

"The extraordinary power that can interfere with the sight of true immortals is something that is only possible at the level of the Lord of Cave Heaven. The power of the Imperial Dao cannot completely isolate the sight of true immortals. That is why I am curious about how the super forbidden area was formed. Yes." Yun Ye nodded.

"Many people are exploring these super forbidden areas, hoping to know their origins and master their power. The Sea of ​​Immortality is also very special among the red sky super forbidden areas. It is full of the power of time and is eternally solidified. Even true immortals cannot observe it. Looking at the scene inside, it is said to be the birthplace of the future Taoist Lord," said Venerable Ziyun.

"Legend has it that the Sea of ​​Immortality was once the capital of a great Immortal Dynasty. Divine magic and technology were developed to the extreme, and they mastered the power of time. It was a splendid era with countless outstanding people. It is said that at the end of this Immortal Dynasty, a royal family bucked the trend, Not only did he reverse the imminent collapse of the Immortal Dynasty, but he also climbed to the top of the world in one fell swoop, gave birth to a second emperor, and finally achieved the status of a true immortal, leaving behind the super forbidden land of the Immortal Sea. Zu said.

"There are similar records in our clan, but it doesn't explain which immortal it is."

"Tens of thousands of years ago, a monk from our clan found a fragment of a treasure in a secret realm that was about to be destroyed. It recorded certain secrets from hundreds of thousands of years ago. It was the story of a certain emperor in later generations after the destruction of the Immortal Dynasty. deeds.”

"Through the power of this emperor, we have speculated that perhaps... the Sea of ​​Immortality is the trace left behind when the Nine Lives True Immortal became an immortal."

Venerable Ziyun said.

"This judgment has a certain possibility. Some people say that this is an emperor who has gone to the extreme and tried to break through the realm of the emperor. In the end, he failed. I think the inner scene of the world left behind is compared to the sea of ​​​​immortality left by the true immortal. , this possibility is higher.”

Ancestor Tongtian also put forward the speculation of his own inheritance.

"Interior view of heaven and earth?"

This was the first time Yun Ye heard of such a thing.

"It's normal for your Majesty not to know. This is a very partial thing. The so-called inner view is the difference between the scenery seen with the naked eye and the scenery seen with the mind's eye. The imperial way has already involved the fate and authority of our human race. If we break through, it will be either an immortal or a god. If you get involved in the "rules" and stop halfway through sublimation, sometimes you will be left with something like the inner scene of the world."

"This is something that is similar to power, but closer to the inherent scenery of the world. It has become a system of its own. From the surface, it exists in the forbidden land of the Red Sky Realm, but from the inside, the Sea of ​​Immortality does not It doesn’t exist. Once you enter, it will be gradually swallowed up, especially the central area. If the outer layer is just the product of the influence of the inner scene of heaven and earth, the inner layer is the real other end of the world.”

"There, the order in the red sky is very chaotic. I am afraid that no life can survive. There is indeed an emperor who will never return in the Sea of ​​Immortality."

This is something that is difficult to describe in words. It was not done intentionally by Patriarch Tongtian. The explanation can only go so far, and he himself cannot fully understand it.

"It's either an immortal or a god, that's how it is."

These two venerables were worthy of being antiques who had survived the ancient times. They did know many secrets, which solved one of Yun Ye's confusions.

Since people can become immortals, can they also become gods?

The answer is not yet clear, but some people have indeed tried it, and there are quite a few. Their purpose is unknown, but they want to break through the boundaries and become world gods.

The Sea of ​​Immortality, a super forbidden land, cannot clearly point to a certain person who has become a god, but what about other super forbidden places?

There are many super forbidden areas in the Red Sky Realm, and you may be able to find clues.

The sea that never turns.

Yun Ye sat cross-legged, cracks spreading from his body, the entire Sea of ​​Immortality was collapsing, and its origin was extracted by the divine magic of the future.

He had been surprised before. The Dead Sea, the core of the Immortal Sea, couldn't even resist him, the Lord of the Cave. It was too weird.

But if this forbidden area involves those who have become gods or immortals, then everything will fall into place. These two existences are the upper limit of what is known in the Red Sky Realm, and they are fully capable of killing the emperor... even if they only have a trace of power left.


The Immovable Sea completely disintegrated and collapsed, time that had been motionless for thousands of years began to flow again, the old moon fell, and various buildings fell into the bottomless abyss.

Legend has it that when Tianzhou was established, the Sea of ​​Immortality already existed. In order to explore the Sea of ​​Immortality, a certain great being split the world into two, turning it into two continents: Heaven and Earth, and separated Tianzhou and the Sea of ​​Immortality. Flush.

At this moment, the Sea of ​​Immortality seems to be completely insoluble in the laws of Tianzhou. It does not float on the upper level and falls directly towards the bottomless abyss.

This is natural. The Sea of ​​Immortality is an independent world in itself and has never flowed with Tianzhou.

The laws of Tianzhou Continent cannot interfere with this immutable sea of ​​long-term divine power.

And the final result cannot be judged by common sense.

The Sea of ​​Immortality did not fall into the Earth Continent. Instead, like those spiral battlefields, it stopped at the middle layer and formed a brand new battlefield.

Yun Ye withdrew his gaze.

Countless years later, the Immortal Sea will become a new continent, which can be called Middle Continent or Human Continent, but the story has not yet begun.

"The true state is perfect, and you are only one step away from the throne, but it is more difficult. If you want to break into the red sky, you need more and more accumulation..."

Yun Ye looked at the sky with his hands behind his hands, piercing through three days.

Although he is invincible in combat, the price is that it is much more difficult to break through the three-day realm. Even if he can swallow the secret realm and digest the power of the throne, it took him a hundred years to reach the perfection of the true realm. It is really slow. Unexpectedly, to some extent, the practice of Tiangan Cave is more difficult than that of Five Elements Cave.

His cultivation is not difficult at all, as long as he keeps devouring the secret realm or waiting for the cave to grow.

However, the secret realm is limited, and there is a life-span rule hanging a heavenly sword that will be cut down at any time.

Even if he has a long life as the Lord of the Cave Heaven, he will still die. He will only live for tens of thousands of years at most. In this short time, it is impossible for him to grow to perfection naturally.

The rule of lifespan eliminates the greatest possibility of the Lord of Dongtian. Theoretically, as the God of Creation, the Lord of Dongtian can live forever. If he continues to grow, it is very likely that a world beyond the Red Sky Realm itself will be born.

"Will the true immortals conceived by the Red Heaven Realm still be considered despair-level existences by then?"

The lifespan rule has its pros and cons, but it does eliminate the greatest possibility of the Lord of the Cave Heaven. For a true immortal, this may be more important than anything else.

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