A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 591 The Battle of Two Emperors

"Yingyue Tianxuan has fallen!!!"

A loud roar resounded throughout the Bianzhou battlefield.

There are countless auras flying across the sky here, and a battle is unfolding. Blood is flowing, and war flags carrying ancient auras are flying. The two sides are fighting with all their strength.

At this moment, someone laughed. A certain monk achieved great results and killed the successor of an important venerable!

The endless battle in Bianzhou finally comes to an end!

And on this battlefield, a young man in blue robes stood abruptly on the mountain peak. Although he was on the battlefield, he seemed to be outside the battlefield.

At the end of the line of sight in the distance, there is a young prodigy who is still full of invincible power even though he is bleeding. He is wrapped in thunder and crushes everyone who comes close. He is powerful and inhuman. Unfortunately, even so, he died. There are too many people of the same level. The geniuses are sieging and killing.

Yun Ye has seen this scene many times.

Every time the battle between the two emperors is refreshed, his birth point is here, and it never deviates for a second. It seems that this is the starting point of the battle between the two emperors.

To be precise, it should be the starting point of "the end of the battle between the two emperors".

The Yingyue Master of this era is Yin Yuekong. She can directly determine the direction of the battle in Bianzhou. However, her lifespan is now close to the limit and she is about to die. Only her true disciples can bear the power of Yingyue Tianmen inheritance.

"Bianzhou should be used by the emperor!"

Losing a respected person with important power, even a new generation of respected person, would be devastating to the outcome of the war.

This is a battle between two emperors. Both sides control the Imperial Killing Formation. Even if the Imperial Killing Formation built with Yin Yuekong as its core is presided over by a monk who has just entered the throne, it is enough to sustain it and gain enough time. growing up.

But it is absolutely impossible to leave a vacancy directly!


The killing formations of both sides started, directly starting the most intense collision.

Yin Yuekong's figure emerged, her brows filled with anger, her massive power evaporated due to the extraction of the formation, and she gradually weakened.

When the end of her throne is approaching, she needs to consume a large amount of real energy to counteract aging. The more she uses her power, the closer she is to death.

She became the breakthrough!

If the authority had been handed over to the disciple in advance, the situation would not have suddenly deteriorated to this point. After all, she was unwilling to die so powerlessly and did not make the most rational judgment.

"In that case, let me show you the power of my sect!!!"

Yun Ye heard Yin Yuekong's roar, but he had experienced it too many times. He already knew what he should know and left Bianzhou straight away.

The entire Red Sky Realm was divided into two and fighting.

Tianzhou was occupied by the Emperor.

The Earth Continent is occupied by the Water Emperor.

The two emperors did not end directly, but let their respective forces compete for each other to accumulate luck and further their own cultivation and power.

Although the emperor unified the human race and controlled the power of the human emperor, the power of the human race cannot be completely controlled by one person. Many emperors will never see the limit of their power in their lifetime. This situation is also the same for the two emperors. They need to use Fight for luck and power in various ways to gain the power to overwhelm the opponent.

The two sides compete for power in different ways. In reality, the Water Emperor is supported by many forces, thus maintaining a delicate balance.

This battle has lasted for thousands of years and is endless.

And as the war situation in the border continent tilted towards the Kamimie clan, the final battle finally came. Wars on many continents began. The emperor's camp, which was given the power of the cave sky, gained the upper hand and encroached on the Red Sky Realm. Seven of the eleven continents were completely destroyed. into the hands of the Emperor.

The luck of the Shenmie Clan has never been stronger. In terms of hard power, the Shenmie Clan is basically not afraid of the Water Emperor camp with the support of the immortal clan.

"Shen Mie is a different kind of person. He has a sense of loyalty and is not good at making trade-offs. He always pursues the best solution and strives to minimize his own losses."

As Yun Ye walked, traveling across long distances, a lot of information flashed through his mind.

When reality came to this era, he also learned about the lives of the two emperors.

The talent of the Shenmie clan did shock many people when they were born, but they were suppressed by the main clan at the time and suffered disasters. It was only because of the desperate protection of the subordinates of the mother clan that they grew up smoothly and gained the name of the Shenmie clan.

Although this experience was short-lived, it actually had a great impact on the unparalleled genius of the Kammie clan.

It is for these reasons that the Kamimie clan does things very strangely, at least to many ruling monks, such as allowing the Water Emperor to grow.

With the Shenmie clan ascending to the top of Hongtian at that time, and even in the face of the strongest force in ancient and modern times, it was completely impossible for the same generation to give birth to a second emperor.

It was he who allowed Ni Xinzhao to grow up.

Even with the strength to suppress the entire Hongtian, the Shenmie clan did not take action before the Water Emperor became enlightened, fundamentally cutting off all possibilities.

Although this kind of character is very strange, the monks who rule the way are often informal and can take advantage of it, so they fully assist the growth of the Water Emperor. In the end, the Water Emperor breaks the fourth day's blockade, becomes an emperor, and divides the world with the Kamimie clan.

If it were another emperor, the Immortal Clan would not try at all. Even if the emperor has extraordinary magnanimity, when he knows that someone is going to target him, he cannot wait for the killing situation to take shape. The emperor who has reached the top has experienced too many battles. , there is no need to prove anything anymore.

It is inevitable that Thunder will take action to directly suppress the unstable factors. This is also the duty of the maintainer of order.

Due to various reasons, the battle between the two emperors has lasted for thousands of years, and the Kamimie clan has missed many opportunities. It is only now that even the Kamimie clan's subordinates have grown up and gained absolute strength, and the final battle between the two emperors has begun.

The clouds traveled through the night and arrived at the Sea of ​​Immortality.

He sat cross-legged in the sea without turning around, waiting for the battle between the two emperors to end. This time, he has mastered the Dacheng Future Magic, and the secret of becoming an immortal should be revealed!


Between heaven and earth, a huge and immeasurable force suddenly divides heaven and earth, and the imperial war begins!

The infinite world rotates and evolves into endless mysteries. Its colors are countless, but in the end it tends to cyan. This cyan can feel the surging spirit!

On the other side, the boundless water realm with blue and surging waves also unfolded, and the colorful glow covered the world.

The two emperors broke into the outer world, and the terrifying power shook them for three days. Even though they were separated by endless distances, visions continued.

The Red Heaven Realm is a very broad concept. The outer world is not the outer world. The area where the true immortals are located is even further away. It is an area that cannot be reached by all major dimensions and various powers. Therefore, it is called "outer heaven" or "outer heaven". Say "Heaven".

The battle between the two emperors started in the outer world, trying to avoid the destruction of the Red Heaven Realm, and it was still within the scope of the Red Heaven Realm, which could avoid the interference of the true immortals.

This is a battle that outsiders cannot intervene at all. All the monks are in the aftermath, falling into hazy consciousness, unable to perceive or notice.

Even the Venerable could barely maintain a stable self-awareness and couldn't even watch the battle.

Yun Ye watched the battle over and over again, activating the future magic with all his strength. This is the future magic that has been blessed by the Sea of ​​Immortality. It has reached the critical point and is only one step away from observing the true immortal.

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