"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One blast after another, as long as He Shiguang gets close, he will be forced back immediately. This is a battle against time, with unprecedented details.

Just like Yun Ye said.

His starting speed was accelerating, leaving He Shiguang with shorter reaction time.

Yun Ye's talent in this life was too strong. He was arrogant and invincible. He just stood there and kept raising his hand to swat He Shiguang away like flies.

No matter the attacks from all directions or the afterimages of various hallucinations, they could not deceive these blue eyes, which were locked tightly.

He Shiguang didn't have the energy to think about anything else. He concentrated on fighting and predicting, and evaded San Shi with difficulty time and time again.

"Get out of the way and punch!"

He Shiguang completely entered a state of selflessness, his eyes were blank, his mind was connected to the world, and his every move was based entirely on combat instinct.

He dodged a loose move, clenched his fists, and activated his physical skills to the extreme, blasting out a killing move out of his body.

With the blessing of visions, he was able to do many unimaginable things. When facing Yun Ye, he was inspired and no longer held anything back.

But the moment the killing force left the body, another scattered attack came quietly, shattering the blow and swallowing up He Shiguang himself.

He dodged it, only getting a scratch on his arm.

This was an extremely small scene. Only the teachers present could observe it. Even Long Linglong among the candidates could not observe the details of the battle at all.

The teachers present showed great interest and respect for this battle, so they observed it very carefully!

"No, I started to get hurt again. Both of them are evolving at a high speed, but He Shiguang reached the limit first!"

"A new person who has transcended the realm of ten seats, even if he is only in the mortal realm, is really incredible..."

He Shiguang's injury made many teachers blush, and they knew what it meant.

The battle is over!

In the second blow, even though He Shiguang was at his peak and was still evolving, he was still injured and a piece of flesh was taken away from his waist.

In the third blow, the left arm was struck and bent directly into pieces.

He Shiguang's expression did not change, his body recovered quickly, he continued to dodge and punch back, and then he was hit by the San style the moment he punched.

His whole body flew out like a rag, his bones and muscles were constantly broken, but they were repaired in an instant, and he landed smoothly after a spin.

With terrible endurance and judgment, He Shiguang didn't stop at all and disappeared on the spot, and then the San Shi swept again.

His whole body was covered with life force, and he constructed a home court with visions. He circled around Yun Ye and punched. Even if the attack had no effect, he continued to try.

There is no way, the mortal realm only has the meridians and body method, and there is only one method that can be used. The performance is to strengthen the body and increase the attack power.

Normally speaking, this kind of attack power cannot be blocked even by the fourth level of the only spiritual method, which is already very abnormal. However, he has not been able to break Yun Ye's twenty-fourth level vortex Qingtian, but has only continued to increase the progress. From the very beginning, It can't be broken through the first floor, five or six floors after the explosion of vitality, and now more than ten floors.

He was indeed getting closer, and if he had been given some more time, the outcome would have been very different.

"However, he is approaching his limit and his growth is slowing down!"

Even if you are unparalleled and invincible, there are limits, and you cannot grow infinitely, especially when facing an opponent who is far stronger than yourself.


The sixth blow fell again. He failed to dodge this blow again. His body was in tatters and flew into the sky. Then Yun Ye dropped his hand:


The power that hit He Shiguang was a mark. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth suddenly poured in, completely restraining He Shiguang. The seventh and eighth blow came in response.

boom! boom!

He Shiguang exploded, blood was flying, and he was almost dying.

"Is the battle not over yet?"

"This is already won!"

The candidates couldn't help but take a few steps back. They were so brave. A new student could lose ten seats. How dare he... lose ten seats!

The ten seats are just suppressing the power, don't you think it's really only this level?

Level 5 professionals are true monks, reaching for the stars and the moon!

For offending Shi Xiang like this, even someone with a character like He Shiguang may not be able to get a good deal. After all, Shi Xi is the face of Laosheng. He himself doesn't care, but it doesn't mean that some people don't care.


But the battle continued. He Shiguang only had two words. His fists became more and more powerful. He Yunye was fighting desperately. No matter how many times he was knocked down, he always stood up and repaired his injuries.

Relying on his own invincibility, He Shiguang broke through the twenty-fourth layer of whirlpool blue sky with his last punch and stopped in front of Yun Ye.

"That's awesome, you didn't use your full strength."

He Shiguang laughed loudly and fell down.

This was already the limit, and he couldn't take even one step forward.

Just a few minutes of fighting had already allowed him to transcend his entire life and reach the limit of his potential.

Watching He Shiguang fall.

The whole place fell into silence.

After a while.

"Snap, snap, snap!"

"Qing Liusheng!!!"

The applause sounded like thunder, resounding through the sky. The name Qing Liusheng was very unfamiliar, just an unknown person, but after today...

He deserves to be famous all over the world!

The applause lasted for a long time. Many teachers came up to talk to Yun Ye, wanting to know his future study direction and left after receiving answers.

He Shiguang was also taken away, and he didn't wake up for a long time.

The school doctor's judgment was that he had an epiphany during the battle, which caused all his potential to be squeezed. Both his consciousness and body stopped functioning, and he would not be able to wake up for a short time.

In this regard, Yun Ye just shrugged. With He Shiguang's background, this was a minor problem. On the contrary, he would completely digest the power after waking up, so he didn't need to worry too much.

And he was 100% sure that He Shiguang was not a loser. This was just an ordinary battle that did not involve any grudges or grudges.

The exam ended and the teachers asked everyone to go back and wait for the announcement.

Everyone left the campus together.

Long Linglong couldn't calm down for a long time. Today, her world view was overturned. The idol Shi Xi was defeated. Who is this young master of the sixth generation?

With complicated thoughts, Long Linglong remained silent and followed the flow of people and Yun Ye to the outside of the school. Most of the candidates in the school were gone like this.

And when most of the people were gone, the remaining candidates suddenly looked up and saw a bright moon rising, shining brightly in the dark night...

Enlightenment emerged in the hearts of everyone, and they all showed expressions of extreme surprise when they recognized the bright moon.

"What's going on?"

"Taoist weapons were actually deployed, and most of the campus was sealed off!"

in the crowd.

Zhang Xinwang suddenly pressed down on the spiritual device to receive the message. Then his expression changed drastically and he looked at the area covered by the Taoist weapon in shock.

Shortly after.

All kinds of information flow out.

The top geniuses present basically understood the situation.

Something big indeed happened, and it was earth-shattering!

"Director Zhang Jutan was reported, and the evidence was conclusive. A divine army came and took away Director Zhang Jutan, and the conviction was completed on the spot using Taoist rules!"

"Been cut into pieces by a thousand swords, burned in purgatory, devoured by thousands of souls, until the end of his life? Such a great man died so easily..."

"The Divine Army belongs directly to the Queen of Gods and is not interfered by any force. If there is a Taoist weapon to make a decision, it will be over immediately!"

"The sky of the Immortal Dynasty is the new heaven and tomorrow's Taoist weapon held by the Queen of Gods. It does not belong to anyone, not even the Queen of Gods can violate it."

The discussion exploded.

The directors of Zixue University have the right to appoint and remove the principal. All the directors have high positions of authority and are known to everyone.

This is really outrageous. What is the concept of being able to directly take away evidence for trial?

How could a big shot like Zhang Jutan handle his own criminal evidence?

"Master, miss."

"Well, get in the car."

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