A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 634: Fame spreads throughout the world

Three days later, the entrance exam ends and the admission quota is completely determined.

As paper mails and online mails were delivered, some were happy and some were sad, and many unwilling candidates clicked on the official website again to inquire.

But they returned disappointed. It was almost impossible for Zixue University to make mistakes. As the implementation carrier of the Continental Beacon Plan, the five major universities have the world's top Lingzi computers, which can do all calculations in the future. If they want to do it on ordinary quota qualifications, The only fault could be due to external interference.

Before they quit, they also discovered that the homepage was promoting the new star with all kinds of outrageous slogans.

"Sure enough, it is the sixth generation of youth who has become the representative of the 8100th class, the strongest rookie king in history..."

"Official certification."

They nodded like this when they saw the promotional video.

As the first day ended, all kinds of information spread to the Internet, and the process of Qing Liusheng's battle against Shixi and Shiguang had long been exposed.

That kind of dance-like duel, as well as the incredible suppressive power, has already made Qing Liusheng hit the screen countless times, and his reputation has spread all over the world.

Although super geniuses with perfect scores appeared in the next two days, in the actual test, they also faced one of the ten seats.

The result was naturally a disastrous defeat. No one could defeat the ten seats like Qing Liusheng.

In this case, there can only be one new representative.

Full marks in all categories - Qing Liusheng.

This year's freshmen representatives from Zixue University not only shocked everyone with their skills in this school, but also caused an uproar in the other five major universities.

As for the five major universities with similar strengths, it is difficult to say who has an overwhelming advantage. No one of the universities can say contemptuously, "The ten seats of Zixue University's generation are too weak, and they are crushed by newcomers."

In other words, even if the ten seats from the other five major universities faced the monster Qing Liusheng, they would most likely lose. He was indeed invincible in the mortal realm.

On TV and in various media, the entire Tengzhou was in a state of excitement because of the results of the five major universities.

at the same time.

The top five newcomers of the new generation have also attracted huge attention.

"This is a rare situation where one is the top four. As long as nothing goes wrong this time, Zixue University will be in the limelight!"

"Yes, I'm afraid this person has practiced heaven-level skills and his own talent has reached the heaven-level, otherwise there is no possibility of competing against the ten seats."

“I don’t know if the Cave Heaven method I practice is earth, wind, water, fire, or the five elements... maybe it’s the heavenly stems?”

"No, no, no, Tiangan Dongtian has been banned from practicing for a long time. Nowadays, with the suppression of Tiangan Universe, the same method cannot grow at all and will conflict with Tiangan Universe."

"It would be better to say that in today's era, if you want to open up a cave, you have to fight against the Tiangan Universe, which is impossible to complete..."

People on the Internet.

The elites of all major forces.

No one does not pay attention to the newcomers from the five major universities, and the discussion will last for a long time.

"Young Master Sixth Life, have you received the notice? Every year, the freshman representatives need to go to school in advance to prepare their speeches. At the same time, each subject will elect an additional person as a deputy representative. Four people will form the freshman association to manage the whole group. Freshman."

Long Linglong was dressed in a maid outfit, pouring tea for Yun Ye. There was no expression on her delicate face, and she was very conscientious, unlike the princess of Wanling Group.

"What is the Society?"

Yun Ye asked after thanking him.

"The All-Professional Elite Society is a group composed of the top talents in each field, used to manage each grade. At Zixue High School, each student's talent and intelligence are at the top of the world, and there is no possibility of dawdling in ordinary schools. Therefore, every member of the society must have the strength and intelligence to convince the public. The newcomer king and the top score in each subject are the most effective results.”

"Of course, with the current level of technology, we don't need to manage it directly. Basically, there are very few things that we need to handle personally."

Long Linglong explained that this position will not take up personal time, but is more of an honor.

"What's going on with the ten seats?"

Yun Ye asked tentatively.

"Zixue High School has a total of four grades, corresponding to four stages of courses. After four years, if your ability is still outstanding, you can join the "Purple Snow Academy" that represents the entire school. The top ten people in the "Purple Snow Academy" are called Make ten seats.”

Long Linglong said.

"In other words, only the ten strongest among the previous Rookie Kings can become the top ten? There is no age limit?"

Yun Ye pondered, this is full of gold.

"Yes, you can't hold the Ten Seats after one hundred years old. The He Shiguang Ten Seats are the younger Ten Seats, only twenty-five years old."

Long Linglong shook his head.

"How often do you change ten seats?"

Yun Ye asked.

"On average, it is one person every ten years. Zixue University has always wanted to reduce the replacement time, but the educational level has reached a limit and cannot be broken through. It can only be seen whether the quality of the new students can surpass the previous generation, but there is no improvement in ten years. It’s already extremely difficult. Continuing to compress is more about luck.”

Long Linglong said.

Yun Ye nodded...

It is said that it should be replaced every ten years, which is really outrageous. It is not too long, but too short.

With a talent like ten seats, even if one is born every ten years, will it definitely grow to the end?

Not necessarily, talent is just talent and cannot be directly converted into the future.

Zixue University made it very clear before enrolling in Zixue University that the mortality rate of becoming a student of Zixue University is extremely high. Even if you are a ten-seat student, you will die, let alone a student who has not become a ten-seat student?

In this case, at least three or even five students with ten-seat talent are needed before one of them can grow to ten seats.

In ancient times, He Shiguang's talent was second only to the Lord of the Cave Heaven, and was definitely enough to be the unparalleled invincible level in the Red Heaven Realm.

And in this era, there are at least three or five monsters of the same level every ten years?

There is no doubt that now, nine thousand years later, various systems have been completely perfected, and even if the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is exhausted, there is still soil for the birth of geniuses.

And now, ten seats are replaced every ten years, which shows that even now, the Immortal Dynasty is still making progress.

From He Shiguang's strength, it can be seen that the current Immortal Dynasty has only fewer people practicing, but the quality has improved unprecedentedly.

The cultivators standing at the top basically have the potential to be unparalleled and invincible, even if they are not as good as the Cave Heaven era, they are not far behind.

"Haha, interesting."

Yun Ye smiled. This era is obviously only suitable for talented people, and there is no day for mortals to stand out.

But for now, the development and order of the Immortal Dynasty are very perfect, and even reports can be directly contacted to Shui Wuge. Perhaps he can enjoy seeing the unparalleled geniuses in the world today.

With Shui Wuge here, there is no need for him to embarrass himself with his half-baked management skills. His mission is to concentrate on practicing and becoming the strongest.

In terms of practice, he is a professional.

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