A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 647 Emerald Heroes

The wall of fire blocked the way forward, and Yun Ye stopped in front of the wall of fire.

The rules of the game are that you are not allowed to fly, you are not allowed to pass through walls, you cannot climb over dead ends, you rely purely on physical strength, you do not use the three methods, and you are not allowed to hurt people.

Which rule does firewall belong to?

Answer: It is a temporary wall.

You cannot cross or climb directly, you must go around.

Although the set rules are not written down, with their thinking speed, they have naturally considered various possibilities, and there will be no undefined situations.

"Haha, President, you were stopped first. As expected, you will always face more hardships if you keep moving forward."

Xie Jinglun's voice came from afar. He took another path, and there were not so many people blocking him. He had already jumped into the city streets.

In the first step, he was ahead for the time being, but he couldn't relax at all. Not to mention that Tian Xiaoxiao was like a ghost, and he could run so fast by playing magic, which put great pressure on him. The president's strength was also The bottom is bottomless. This kind of small scene will only delay a little time at most. It is impossible to expect to determine the outcome.

"Deputy commander, the other two have already run away, why don't we chase them?!"

"The leader is waiting behind, let's solve this problem! The clothes he wears make it difficult to move, and it seems that he is not good at melee combat. As long as the weird movement magic is sealed, the reward will be won! Give it all! I'll do it!"

"Oh oh oh! The reward belongs to our Silver Light Group!!"

Four silver-skinned people wrapped in white and silver light suddenly rushed out of the wall of fire. This is a humanoid race named Yinling. They are born with the ability to absorb light and train it into silver energy. This energy is called Yinhui Dou Qi. Let physical abilities increase dramatically and the entire race become warriors.

The four Silver Spirit people were so fast that they almost turned into four rays of light, flashing past and taking action with confidence.

Four against one, there was still a magician in strange costumes, and they won the reward from the gods!

“It’s really full of fighting spirit, but it’s not enough!”

Yun Ye suddenly raised his head and smiled at the four of them. At this moment, the attacks of the four fell at the same time, and then...

Throw it all away!

The four people suddenly left the place, their expressions changed greatly.


"It's so fast, the afterimage left behind!"

"No, people are going to run away!"

Several people followed their instincts and turned their heads to look in the direction Yun Ye left.

But something strange happened again, and the flow of time seemed to slow down. They clearly saw the young man in gorgeous robes walking away step by step. Everything around him moved extremely slowly, not just people, but even the dust on the leaves!

They could only watch the target walk away, their bodies simply not moving fast enough!

"Deputy Captain! This is not a slowdown magic. It's because our spirits have been affected and we have entered the opponent's mood. Only our thinking can keep up with the opponent's speed! We can catch people with great speed, fast!"

A magician built a magic array. With his thinking accelerating, he used magic faster. He directly blindly activated the buff magic to cover the deputy leader behind him.


The blood rushes!

The man with a rugged appearance and a tall body, with silver skin dotted with stars, was surging with muscles, and his strength was greatly increased. Feeling the surging physical power, he yelled: "What a waste, let me do it!"

As the deputy leader, he naturally felt that this god's game was very strange. Even if there was a reward, he asked his subordinates to test it out first.

When he met him, he discovered that this child from the fallen fairy clan had no fighting spirit and no intention of fighting back.

Since he won't fight back, it's up to him, the deputy captain, to seize the opportunity!

"Godspeed - Liberation!!!"

A huge silver light exploded, covering hundreds of meters like star points, forming a silver field, and the figure of the deputy leader of the silver light suddenly disappeared.


After the explosion!

He appeared behind Yun Ye and dropped a kick from the sky, aiming to hit Yun Ye directly on the head!

This is lightning-quick speed, and the speed at which you want to avoid the need is extremely amazing. The speed shown by this child just now is not enough!

But what Deputy Captain Yinguang didn't expect was that the child in front of him didn't even turn his head, and the heavy blow on one side of his body missed by a hair's breadth.

Unable to stop, he hit the ground hard, creating a large crater of more than ten meters, and gravel flew everywhere!

This big pit did not affect the boy. Before the big pit appeared, the boy seemed to have no friction. He was still sliding forward while turning sideways and was out of the range of influence.

"This kind of alertness and reaction ability is a master!"

The deputy leader of Yinguang looked grim. He thought he could bully the magician and get the reward easily, but this game is not that simple. The three participating people are all strong, and they can do so terrifyingly without breaking out their fighting spirit. His speed of movement and combat intuition and reflexes are comparable to his!

It’s so difficult!

It is impossible for a weak person to dodge his swift kick just now. This move has eliminated countless opponents for the Silver Spirit Clan. It is a unique skill of the race and has already reached its peak!

Although his level is not as good as that of the group leader, he is still considered a respectable figure in Bicui City. If the opponent can easily dodge, he is probably a group leader level figure.

It is no longer possible for him to get all the rewards, so he can only try to contain him as much as possible to increase his assistance score!

"Super fast—explosion with all your strength!"

The vice-captain of Silver Light turned into silver flash again and madly caught up with Yun Ye in front, his speed already exceeded the speed of sound.

The speed of sound in this world has changed, and it seems to be about 600 meters per second. This speed is converted into the average level of geniuses at Zixue University, which has reached the foundation of the mortal realm, which is not bad.

After all, Yun Ye and the others cannot use the three methods. They all rely on their physical strength. It would be difficult to accelerate without extraordinary strength.

If they had not continued to train their bodies after entering school and learn subtle skills from the basics, even if they were born with extraordinary physiques, they would not be able to break through hundreds of meters per second with their bodies without awakening.

Unfortunately, Yun Ye is an exception.

His control over the body has reached the pinnacle. His control is at the energy level, and he is not a mortal body at all.

He once again easily dodged the attack of Deputy Captain Yinguang, and pressed a hand on Deputy Captain Yinguang's abdomen the moment he missed his attack.

The next moment, Deputy Captain Yinguang found that everything in front of him suddenly turned upside down. A strong sense of weightlessness invaded his whole body. His whole body flew hundreds of meters directly and was directly embedded in the wall.

The most frightening thing is that after this process was over, he didn't have any injuries at all. Let alone being injured, he felt almost no shock. He only felt a pulling force restraining himself to the wall, and he had to use force to break free!

"What kind of monster is this? This kind of skill is beyond the reach of mortals!!!"

The deputy captain of Silver Light could not recover for a long time, and the power covering his whole body dissipated directly.

He had never heard of this level of skill. Even in the stories in myths and legends, this kind of thing had never appeared. However, even the heroes in myths could not master it. That was obviously unrealistic and probably just because of his shallow knowledge.

Perhaps, this is the power hidden under the myth, which can only be known at that level, and a weak person like him is not worthy of understanding?

According to legend, the strongest realm of swordsmanship, boxing and other tactics is the transcendental saint level. He may have seen the existence of this level today...

In the entire Bicui City, there is not even a single existence of this level. It is just a myth and legend. However, if it is not limited to Bicui City, there are many sword masters in the world who are evaluated as reaching the realm of extraordinary saints. Therefore, The world generally believes that transcendental saints exist, but they are too mysterious to be seen.

"Deputy Captain! Deputy Captain, are you okay? You were defeated too? How is this possible? You are the strongest warrior of our Silver Light Group besides the Captain and Yado!"

"Yes, what kind of magic did that young man use just now? He actually knocked the deputy captain away so far in one breath. What a sinister villain!"

"Deputy commander, let's take a shortcut and go together. There is no need to give face to a villain!"

Watching the young man in blue robe disappear from the distance, a large number of younger brothers gathered around him to ask for help and yell.

His face was bruised and white, and he finally shouted: "Shut up, everyone. This boy's strength is bottomless at all. What I just knocked away was not magic at all, but pure physical skills. You idiots are you idiots?" Do you know how terrifying it is to hit me several hundred meters away and still leave me unscathed?"

"He has mastered extraordinary saint-level physical skills! There is no use having too many people!!!"

The roar immediately stunned many members.

Extraordinary saint-level physical skills?

Is the deputy leader crazy?

This is a realm that only a few people in the world have mastered. Which master is not extremely talented and has fought all the heroes in the world. Only then has he trained himself to the extreme to enter this realm. It can be said to be the ultimate in martial arts. A little-known guy, maybe His strength is indeed impressive, but you said he has reached a profound state of transcendence and sainthood?

Seeing the reaction of the group members, Deputy Captain Yinguang had a bitter look on his face. He also knew that his statement was completely unconvincing. Only through actual practice can one understand how difficult it is to make progress, let alone reach the realm of transcendence and sainthood. No, there is not even one person among them who can be called a master.

Can a little guy like him be transformed into a saint by defeating him?

Deputy Captain Yinguang can imagine what the reaction of those real masters would be when he said this to them. Even if he was extremely sincere, the result would only be like this:

"Yes, you probably didn't lie."

"But is there a possibility that you are too weak to understand how terrifying it is to become a saint?"


Not to mention that the people around him were doubtful, he himself had to question himself when he was said like this. Could it be that he really overestimated the other party? Maybe this level was not worth mentioning for a transcendent and saintly existence, but he himself Too weak, creating an illusion?

He couldn't give an answer, so he waved his hand: "Catch up. His strength is unfathomable. Even if he is not a transcendent saint, it is completely beyond our control. But there are many masters in Bicui City, and he will always show his strength. Compared with this illusory game of gods, his martial arts is more real, and even if we only get a glimpse of it, it is worth pondering for a lifetime!"

"Indeed, even the deputy captain was defeated without any suspense. This is something that only the captain can do. Being able to see a strong man at the captain level fight is already a grand event. Even I am getting excited. Next time we fight, I will prepare a grand magic." A voice suddenly sounded, but it was a furry panda holding a wand, with a pair of black-shrouded panda eyes shining brightly.

"Black and White Mage!"

Many Silver Spirit members shouted.

Yun Ye walked some distance and was stopped by a group of muscular men holding big swords. It was just that they were from the Silver Spirit tribe before and now they were from the Arnold tribe.

The Anuo tribe is a native word, and the translation given by the research is more understandable: the red-leaf tauren tribe.

Each of these tauren has red leaf-like horns on their heads, which are similar to leaves with only veins and no leaf flesh, and are instead filled with red fighting spirit.

"Our Storm Mercenary Group is number one in the world!"

"This road is blocked!"

The minotaurs roared, making the air vibrate.

"Weak chicken, come and fuck me!"

The leader of the storm, who was holding a big sword and was full of oppression, took the lead. He walked to the center of the street in a few steps and yelled while carrying the big sword.


"Captain Storm's signature move, Wrath of the Ox King, breaking through the silver light's obstruction before was nothing. It was possible to escape, but now there is no way to escape!"

"Captain Storm is a master-level warrior. Can he withstand such a delicate skin and tender flesh, forcibly fighting such an awesome man in close combat?"

There were many mercenary groups around, and their eyes lit up, and now they were in for a good show.

The wrath of the Ox King is, to be precise, called the ox-like roar.

It is a racial provocation ability that can instantly detonate the enemy's anger, making people lose their rationality and engage in close combat with the tauren.

Needless to say, the physical advantage of the minotaur is that if you cannot resist the roaring ability of the bull, there is a high probability that you will be chopped into a pulp with a sword!


They then saw the figure of the young man in green robe flicker and gently step over Captain Baofeng, completely unaffected by the bullish roar.

"Boy...how dare you underestimate me!"

Captain Storm's eyes widened, blood red spread, and a whirlwind of fighting energy wrapped around his body. The moment Yun Ye crossed over from him, he felt extremely angry. This kid simply didn't take him seriously. Damn it!

He burst out with fighting spirit and wanted to turn around and hit Yun Ye's back directly, but he was too slow and couldn't make it in time. Yun Ye had already walked far away and entered the sea of ​​people of the Storm Mercenary Group.

Wherever you pass, the crowd automatically separates, and you must pass through it before you see it.

"Stop him!"

Captain Baofeng was furious and roared. The Ox King's will directly caused all the team members to passively activate their fighting spirit.

The whirlwind-like fighting spirit merged into one, and the area where the mercenary group was located became a whole, making it impossible for even a fly to fly out.

Yun Ye was stopped and his speed dropped sharply, but he looked at the fighting spirit in front of him and did not stop.

This situation is obviously not seen as a wall that he can break through.

"The fighting spirit of our clan is indestructible, I want to see where you run away!"

Seeing Yun Ye being shrouded, Captain Baofeng slowed down and was no longer in a hurry to take action. He approached step by step, but his violent fighting spirit was gathering.

This was the calm before the storm. Everyone watching around felt the brewing anger of Captain Storm, and couldn't help but shrink their heads and take a few steps back.

They really wanted to stop him and increase some points, but with Captain Storm here, they didn't have the guts to stroke the tiger's beard yet, so they could only sigh in their hearts that the opportunity to change their fate had slipped away.

In response, Yun Ye didn't look back, and still walked to the end of the street step by step at his own pace. The fighting spirit surrounding him seemed to be weakening. It had dropped to the speed of an ordinary person's walk, but began to rise rapidly again.

"Have you not eaten yet? You can't even trap a caged bird. Just focus on me. If you paddle again, be careful. I will hammer you little bastards to death!"

Captain Storm's face suddenly darkened.

"No...boss...it's not that we didn't use any force, it's that he was disappearing. It was as if we had changed from grabbing one of his arms to just one finger, and we couldn't use any strength at all!"

The deputy commander had exhausted all his strength, his face was flushed, veins were bulging, steam was filling the air, and muscles were lifting up his armor.

But it was no use. Yun Ye walked faster and faster, and his figure gradually appeared as an afterimage, crossing the barriers formed by fighting spirit.

Seeing that the person was about to run away, Captain Baofeng could no longer continue to accumulate strength. He suddenly jumped out and raised the big sword in his hand:

"The Red Raging Bull King is beheaded!"

The extreme whirlwind was like thunder in the sky, stirring the sky. The huge amount of fighting energy gathered attracted the attention of the experts from the entire Bicui City.

The horror of this move has been recognized, and it has a proven record of decapitating people like a hurricane passing through!

"Is he the rumored leader of the Storm Group? It turns out he has this kind of strength..."

The silver-haired swordswoman stood on a high point on the eaves, looking at the place where the storm gathered.

She could see the positions of the three contestants, but she was still thinking about which one to intercept. Now it seemed that she didn't have to think about it. Someone had already completed the delaying task for her. Compared with the other two, the young man in green robe in front of her blocked the The success rate is higher.

"Hey, Mavericks used a special trick. I don't know if it will work. This guy..."

"There was no panic at all."

A blond man wearing a magic robe with dozens or hundreds of magic stones hanging on his body was fighting Hatche and standing at the city gate to watch the battle. He was considered the big boss and was directly guarding the final level.

Since it is a game played by unknown gods, the contestants must be capable, and the possibility of others in Bicui City successfully intercepting it is zero!

Therefore, if he comes directly to the city gate and no one else can stop him, then there will definitely be players coming to the city gate. He can just wait and wait.

"Super Duo Ceremony."

"The Immortal Crown."

"Fairy Song."

"Triple acceleration stance."

"Triple deceleration stance."

The blond man is a magician and is very good at arranging the magic in advance. One magic after another is set up.

With his strength, he has not been so serious for a long time, but there is no way. With the power that just ignored the defense mechanism of Bicui City and instantly seized control of the whole city, he has to be serious. There is no way to miss this supreme state. Second chance.

"Still no use for fighting spirit, who the hell is he!"

The deputy captain of Silver Light squatting on the roof shouted, this is too confident, the opponent is the leader of the Storm Regiment!

There is no aura of heaven and earth in the green world, nor is there any element of magic, only the power bred within the body of life.

What has a high degree of cohesion and can be released to the outside world is called magic power.

Those with higher quality that can greatly improve the physical body, but cannot be separated from the body too far, are called Dou Qi.

The specific practice is to continuously increase these two energies, study their properties, and accumulate the knowledge of using the two powers.

This is fighting skills and magic.

Theoretically, both energy level and skill level can be divided into eight levels: elementary, intermediate, advanced, top, master, grandmaster, king, and transcendent saint. If it is simplified, it can be directly called first level and second level.

Deputy Captain Yinguang's self-control strength is pretty good, and he can be considered a respectable figure in Bicui City, but his overall level is only that of a top-level warrior, and he is still far away from those truly top-level beings.

After all, Bicui City is just a new city. It is only because the strange true spirits flow out from here that it gradually forms a city.

It does not belong to any country or force. It is a purely neutral city.

In terms of strength and foundation, they are far inferior to those ancient forces. The top energy level warriors are already very powerful.

For example, his captain, who is only a top warrior who has mastered master-level skills, is already a first-class existence in Bicui City and has a great reputation!

The leader of the Storm Group is a rare master-level warrior in Bicui City. His status and weight cannot be generalized. He is one of the faces of Bicui City.

A figure of this level jumps up, the storm gathers, and the strength is so terrifying. In his mind, no one can underestimate it...

But this contestant was unmoved at all and didn't even look back. This was extraordinary confidence. A fool could feel such a big movement!

"What a wonderful power this is, it can crush everything!"

"This is my goal, the pinnacle of warriors!"

Captain Storm's moves caused a sensation throughout the city, and many people had longing in their eyes.

This kind of power is enough for one person to form an army. Who doesn't desire it?

"The Red Raging Bull King is beheaded!"

The hysterical roars of the leader of the storm resounded, and the sword seemed to be about to open the mountain, swallowing up everything in sight without any regard for the safety of the group members and passers-by. Everything along the way was torn to pieces, and Yun Ye was completely covered.

Blocking contestants?

Wouldn't it be better to solve it directly?

"The first person to exit!"

Everyone in the city watching the video had this thought.


The owner of this idea does not include Captain Storm himself.

The moment he swung the sword, he felt that he had no real sense of hitting it at all. It was like a phantom, as if someone was floating down the river in the storm.

"Oh oh oh oh! Long live the leader!"

"We are the first and come out on top!"

"I don't know what kind of reward you can get for defeating the contestants. I'm afraid it will scare people to death. A reward from the gods. Any reward is priceless to us mortals!"

Many members cheered.

"Don't be too happy too early. The opponent is probably a master storm magician. My fighting spirit could not directly solve it!"

Captain Storm was brought back to reality, and he said solemnly, stopping everyone from cheering.

Everyone's joy solidified.



"Cough cough cough..."

A cough suddenly sounded in the dust blown up by the storm.

The expressions of all the members changed drastically, and they held the sword again. Are they really alive? This is the leader's most powerful trick. Can he survive a head-on hit?

"Eh...I'm not dead?!"

"Yes, what is going on? I clearly remember being swallowed up by the storm. Could it be that the leader kept his hand?!"

"No...that's not right! Although it sounds ridiculous, I'm afraid this is God's protection. I just saw another me disappear into thin air, and have you noticed it? We are no longer qualified to assist!"

The voices sounded one by one, the leader of the storm changed his expression, and with a wave of his sword, the storm immediately blew away the fog.

I saw that many members and people who should have been dead were alive and well. One of them even put his hand through the wall to prove his point.

They're not dead, but they're out and can't touch anything anymore.

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