A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 648 The Flashing Sword King

Everyone deeply realized what it meant to "have fun playing games".

Since it was a game, it naturally did not involve death.

Therefore, even if they were engulfed by the ultimate move of the Storm Captain, they only lost their qualifications to play the game and were completely unscathed.

"Where are the people?"

The Storm Captain did not care about the lives of these people at all. He stared at the crowd and did not see the conspicuous boy at all.

In this world, there are flashing fairies similar to the human race, and they are still the ruling race. Even after being taken over by the Immortal Dynasty, the momentum of the flashing fairies is not as good as before. The appearance of Yun Ye and the other three is very recognizable, and the aesthetics of all races can be accepted.

Even if they changed the world, their charm could not be concealed.


The wall of fire rose and rushed into the sky!

"Storm, over here."

"Yin Luo?"

The Storm Captain frowned.

The Silver Light Captain "Yin Luo", with a mask on his face, came with the deputy captain and the black and white wizard.

"Heh, the big beheading trick is still ineffective, Storm! This is a game with rules. Only by making good use of the rules can we stop these monsters!"

"I completely understand from your move just now. Although the three of them look young, in fact, any one of them has extraordinary strength. Simple attack is meaningless to them!"

Yin Luo's voice is dry and hoarse, and he is a man who has experienced wind and rain.

"Game rules? Yin Luo, do you want to join forces with me?"

The leader of the Storm smiled grimly, carrying the big sword on his shoulder, and the overwhelming spirit shocked everyone present.

"Why, you don't want to?"

The leader of the Storm said lightly.

"In the end, it depends on strength. Tell me, Yin Luo, how do you plan to solve it!"

The leader of the Storm smiled coldly, not caring about what Yin Luo was thinking. Storm is not comparable to Yin Guang, and small cleverness cannot reverse the gap that is too big.

"We come up with the strategy, and you do the work. The three contestants are restricted from climbing over the wall and hurting us. We can block their way with the fire wall magic, and then we can delay their steps."

"Look, they're back."

Yin Luo nodded his head, and everyone looked over. Sure enough, the young man in the green robe waved to them and appeared at the end of the street again.

He was unharmed and had no sense of tension. He was just deliberately greeting them.

"Interesting, kid, are you a wind magician? You can actually escape with my moves. This is not something that everyone can do!"

The leader of the Storm said.

The conversation can also be considered as delaying time, and you can also understand the situation by the way. Why not?

"Yeah, you can understand it this way. Your moves are ineffective against me. Using magic to create a wall to intercept is the right option, but don't block them all, otherwise the rules will change again..."

Yun Ye smiled.

In terms of physical strength alone, Yun Ye's current spiritual realm perfection can actually suppress the realm of law.

The 24th level of the vortex method represents the endless strengthening of the body. After a year of practice, even if he loses three methods, his physical strength will not change.

The so-called masters in this world are just equivalent to the small success of the mortal realm, and they can't hurt him at all.

What's more...

Yun Ye is wearing the supreme treasure.

As a treasure treasured by the Qing clan, the Qingtian Feather Light Taoist Clothes cannot be interfered with by anyone below the rank of Honored, and the Honored can also invalidate most of it.

In this world that has been controlled by the Red Heaven Realm, the effect of this divine clothing has not been weakened much, and there is no one who can break it.

"The tightly-fitting Dou Qi is not considered a wall, you can break through it directly. We will not ignore such an obvious thing."

"But this is enough. As long as we block most of the streets in advance, you can only go this way. When you are almost there, we will block your way ahead. At this time, we can completely make you exhausted. Is this against the rules?"

Yin Luo hugged his chest and said, his masked face showed no emotion.

"So that's it? The leader is amazing, he found it so quickly!"

"Yes, there is too little time, I didn't notice it, wouldn't this be an infinite loop? If you want to break the loop, you can only be fast enough to complete the leap in an instant!"

"There is no solution at all. You are still talking nonsense with us at this speed?"

The people around suddenly realized.

You have to use your brain to play games.

Although it is just a very common detail, if you don't think about it, or even have your intelligence reduced, and just want to solve it with force, you won't find it.

But this is just speculation, just the possibility reflected by the boy's behavior. Whether it depends on the person who makes the rules.

Or, the person who needs to abide by the rules.

For example, the contestant himself.

Many eyes converged.

"Great, it's totally feasible and not against the rules."

Yun Ye confirmed Yin Luo's guess.

He was very surprised.

He only did it once, bypassing the fire wall and breaking the Dou Qi wall. Normally, shouldn't he be confused for a few more times and jump for a while before he found the problem?

He saw through it directly, which was above the level in terms of IQ. It seems that we can't underestimate the intelligent races here. Even if they don't have a tool like divine consciousness to analyze intelligence, some of them can quickly summarize the current situation.

"No way, Captain Yin Luo is right, doesn't that mean the game is over?!"

Such easy good news made many warriors and magicians present scratch their heads. They felt something was wrong but couldn't tell.

"Haha, I underestimated you, Yin Luo. You are indeed a rare intelligent individual in the Silver Spirit Clan. You found a loophole in just a few minutes!"

Captain Baofeng suddenly calmed down his expression and spoke to Yin Luo approvingly, but then he found that Yin Luo didn't look happy at all.

"To actually say that it is completely feasible... This is not a good thing. Such obvious loopholes are allowed, which can only explain one problem!"

Yinluo's face was full of gloom.

As his words spread, the smiles of the people around him gradually disappeared, and the feeling of badness spread. They thought about it carefully...

Indeed, when will the challenges they face become so easy? Who was not killed from the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountain of corpses, and how much luck was there along with it?

"What's the problem, Yinluo?"

Captain Storm stared at the young man in the distance. The hand holding the sword couldn't help but sweat. He also vaguely sensed the answer.

"It's very simple." Yinluo held down the mask and put it on more firmly, "With their strength, this kind of problem is at most a trouble, not an unsolvable problem, so the gods don't impose restrictions and let us There is only one reason to take advantage of this..."

"So, I need to join forces with you, otherwise can I stop this person on my own?"

There was a sudden commotion all around.

After all, the assistants were all good and bad, which was in sharp contrast to Yinluo's calmness, which had already planned everything.

In response to this, Captain Baofeng grinned and burst into laughter: "As expected of the leader of the Silver Light Group, he has two skills. Even if he has no confidence at all, he tries his best to seize every opportunity to win and has no intention of retreating? Okay? , just rely on your willpower, our cooperation will be very happy! ”

Yinluo didn't talk nonsense anymore and kept his eyes locked on Yun Ye.

The game can't completely hinder the contestants, it just tries to get the ratings as high as possible.

The point is that there are no consequences for failure. Everyone who was just beheaded and hit head-on by the Red Raging Bull King survived. He has no reason to back down!

What's more, this injury was not caused by this boy, but by Baofeng Chu's hand.

The only people who can really make them quit are their "companions" who are also facilitators.

Yun Ye moved. He was in a competition and couldn't fish all the time. Otherwise, the goal would be achieved, but the maid uniform would not be visible.

"Do it!"

"Fuck you!"

At Yun Ye's move, the two mercenary groups roared angrily, and all members took action with great force.

But unfortunately, Yun Ye didn't even bother to hide. All the attacks bounced away when he got close, and the swords, guns and sticks were directly shattered.

No one could stop Yun Ye. He casually picked up a piece of broken iron from the air and threw it. The magician's staff that was maintaining the fire wall was directly disconnected. The magic power rioted directly. The fire wall was naturally extinguished. Yun Ye was not sure about this. The man waved his hand and turned to leave without looking back.

"Next time, remember not to stand so high. Although I can't climb over the wall, I can throw some small objects."


The wall of fire rose again, blocking Yun Ye's way, and the scene of the black and white mage jumping from the roof flashed by.

"I see, you really can't climb over the wall, or even stand on a high place? You can arrange more, well, how many seconds can you delay? This is a game, so you are not angry. The reason is right?”

Yinluo's voice sounded again.

"Of course, games require opponents. If there are no opponents, find opponents. If the opponents are not strong enough, then limit yourself. This is the game."

Yun Ye smiled and said that the rules he made himself were naturally formulated with these possibilities in mind, which would only make people happy.

It is said that in the ultimate future of mankind, the meaning of everything is only games, because everything is within reach, whether it is knowledge, money or anything else, it has lost its meaning. In this case, the only way is to impose restrictions on yourself, follow the rules and do something. , can make people feel the meaning.

And that's exactly the game.

Although Tian Xiaoxiao didn't know this theory, she instinctively felt the fun. An unparalleled genius like her could do whatever she wanted. They didn't have a lot of happiness that ordinary people could experience, so they were interested in "games" instead. More interested.

The game is so pure.

"I can't destroy the wall, I can only make the people who maintain the wall stop moving. I can see it from a high place, standing behind the wall of fire..."


Yun Ye kicked randomly, and an ordinary stone flew out, passed through the wall of fire, and hit the black and white mage directly in the chest. His entire 300-pound panda flew directly into the air, his body spinning 360 degrees, what? The magic cannot be maintained in this state and will collapse immediately.

"I can listen and argue."

Listen to the voice and argue?

In this chaotic environment?

And what sound did the black and white mage make?

Could it be the sound of breathing?

Regarding this, there are only two words in everyone's mind: horror!

Could it be that this ear strength and throwing accuracy have been specially practiced?

Fortunately, at this level, it can still be compensated. The wall of fire disappeared, but the ground shook, as if something was about to rise.

Unlike the wall of fire, which needs to be maintained, if the earth wall magic only controls the soil, it can be left permanently, even if it knocks down the caster.

This is their trump card!

However, they obviously ignored the factor of strength. Yun Ye just stamped his foot casually, cracks spread on the shaking ground, and the magic of the earth wall came to an abrupt end.

Unlike flames that burn directly in the air, since the soil controls the ground, it can be stopped.

At this point, even if the two major mercenary groups joined forces, they had actually exhausted all their tricks.

None of them mastered the magic of concealing sound.

The blocking means were completely ineffective!

"If the strategy doesn't work, use will and faith, and set up a wall of fire again!"

"Boss, isn't this trick useless?"

"I'll let you - set up a wall of fire again!"

The Storm Leader roared with a ferocious expression.

Many magicians gritted their teeth, knocked the ground with their wands, and the wall of fire rose again.

Yun Ye had already crossed a large number of streets, looking for a road to the city gate. During this period, these people took their positions and set up fire walls and earth walls at the same time.

The earth wall was a one-time solution. Most areas used earth walls. Only the road in front of Yun Ye could not use earth walls, and had to use fire walls.

Yun Ye naturally used the same method, throwing stones casually, but this time a large number of minotaurs rushed up, trying to directly catch the stones with their bodies.

This made Yun Ye shrug and throw another stone to knock down his previous one.

There was no way.

Skills have different effects in different situations.

If they hit the stones prepared for the magicians behind the fire wall, their bodies would explode directly, without any knockback effect.

Swish, swish, swish!

Yun Ye rushed into the crowd, and in an instant, more than a dozen people flew far away, showing unmatched physical strength.

But the opponent was also prepared for this situation. There were wind magic chains connected, and non-designated people could not touch them, and they were forcibly pulled back.

Yun Ye cut off the wind chains casually, and was only blocked for a few more seconds.

"What's going on? No matter how you look at it, there is nothing, absolutely nothing... There is no fighting spirit, why can you cut off the wind chain?!"

The pupils of the magicians contracted.

Physical attacks should be completely ineffective against wind chains. Why can this boy cut off the wind chain with his bare hands?

Moreover, at the moment of the attack, it seemed that every area of ​​the entire wind chain was under a huge amount of pressure, and it exploded directly as a whole, so it could not recover as quickly as ordinary physical attacks.

They have tried very hard, but their methods are completely ineffective in front of this contestant!

"Who are you? Tell me your name!"

The leader of the Storm Group roared in anger. They used all their methods just to stop this for more than ten seconds?

Shame, it's really shameful!

"You haven't practiced enough. How can you know the name of the winner if you can't beat me? If you have to call me, just call me Passerby A."

Yun Ye left without stopping him this time.

"Passerby A..."

Yin Luo's face was very ugly. It was obviously a failure for them to get such a name, and it could even be said to be a great shame.

After operating in Bicui City for many years and thinking that they were already big figures in the city, they were so powerless that even people under heavy rules and restrictions could not stop them for even a minute?

The gap was too big!

But no matter what, Yin Luo vaguely felt the call of fate. He thought this was an opportunity to rewrite his fate. How could he allow the opportunity to slip away?

No matter what method he used, he had to improve his performance points and get better rewards.


Yin Luo started at great speed, leading a group of men to shuttle through the houses. Since there was no way to use any strategy, let's fight to the death!

The leader of the Storm on the other side did the same. He jumped up and chased after him with a huge sword.

During the chase, the figure of the white-haired female swordsman came towards them. Her expression was cold and she didn't care about the two mercenary groups at all.

Although I don't know why this woman went in the opposite direction, the people of the two mercenary groups are now pent up with anger, and any fire will explode.

"Get out of the way, woman, don't you know that our Storm Mercenary Group is clearing the way?!"

A minotaur roared.

The silver-haired female swordsman ignored it and continued to do her own thing. She got closer and closer to the two mercenary groups. When she was about to collide with them, the minotaur swung the huge sword and chopped them off, with murderous aura, "You are looking for death!"

They don't know what it means to be gentle with women. They are just worried that they have no place to vent their frustrated emotions. It's a good time!


The giant sword exploded, and the minotaur in front of the silver-haired female swordsman was split into two with a flash of sword light, and blood gushed out. The minotaur who was directly cut in half had a frozen expression, and he couldn't believe it. He staggered a step, and a white light exploded, and he walked out from the inside of the corpse.

Looking at the two corpses that gradually disappeared on the side, the minotaur fell into silence. He knew very well that he had just died once.

If it weren't for the rules of the game, he would be cut in half by a sword in reality, struggling to die in pain.

The female swordsman's fighting spirit was clear and condensed to the extreme. She clearly swung a swift slash, but no one present noticed the fluctuation of her breath.

Many members of the group therefore noticed the gap of despair level. The girl in front of them had unimaginable swordsmanship attainments, and she was not a match for brute force!

"How brave, really brave, killing my people in front of me!"

The leader of the Storm smiled grimly, laughed in anger, and didn't waste words. The big sword swept across, and the storm fighting spirit suddenly turned into a half moon and swept out.

He couldn't kill the mysterious contestant, and couldn't deal with the people of Bicui City?

Do you really think he can do whatever he wants?

"Silver hair, and this sword... Wait, Baofeng!"

Yin Luo seemed to have thought of something and shouted, trying to stop the fight, but Baofeng was a master-level warrior, much faster than him, Yin Luo, and had already slashed with a sword, fighting with the silver-haired female swordsman.

Where the two swords met, a strong air explosion exploded.

Baofeng was tall and tall, and he was holding an extremely wide sword, which was almost as big as the torso of half an ordinary person. It was a weapon that only a race with a strong physique such as the tauren could use freely, and was very useful in suppressing power.

On the opposite side, the silver-haired female swordsman was young and beautiful, with flowing silver hair and thin arms and legs. She didn't look like a warrior at all. The sword in her hand was just that of a normal swordsman. The only thing that could be said was her gorgeousness.

This is a sword that is entirely silver. Only the hilt is inlaid with gems that sparkle with red aura. The various patterns and textures are exquisitely carved. At first glance, it looks like it is not an ordinary object. It is closer to a ceremonial sword than a fighting sword. .

As an intelligent individual of the Silver Spirit Clan, how could Yin Luo not recognize this sword!

This is the Silver Spirit Blood Holy Sword!

The silver spirit tribe's treasure used to be guided by blood and could display unparalleled speed. Legend has it that the sword master of the silver spirit tribe who wielded this holy sword once traveled three thousand miles in one day, destroyed an entire country, and beheaded millions of people. Single-handedly established the status of the Silver Spirit Clan and the Bicui Ten Clan!

Five thousand years ago, the Silver Spirit Clan was persecuted by the Blood Saint Clan and had no choice but to turn to the Fairy Clan for help, so they dedicated this sword to the superior clan.

The person holding this sword can only be the royal family of the Shining Fairy Clan!

That dazzling silver hair is eye-catching proof!

Even if she hasn't spread her fairy wings yet, this woman will definitely not be a fallen fairy, but a real fairy royal family!

"This woman's strength is so terrifying!"

Baofeng also noticed the problem while fighting. When he looked at the plain face of the silver-haired female swordsman, a sense of fatal danger exploded. The next second, his eyes were covered with silver light, and he had lost all sense.

Many masters present watched helplessly as the master warrior "Storm" and his top sword were cut into hundreds of pieces by the silver light.

"Tick tock..."

Cold sweat dripped.

It emanated from the faces and backs of everyone present.

There was deathly silence in the entire place, including Baofeng, who had already lost the qualification to play the game after realizing it. His blood-red eyes immediately regained their clarity.

Awakened by being brutally killed!

If this wasn't a game, he would be a piece of meat now, dead for no reason!

"Oh, even my sword moves can't break the protection. It's really the power of the gods!"

The silver-haired swordswoman walked forward again, not caring about the so-called storm mercenary group. The people in Bicui City were too weak. When she saw the storm gathering just now, she had already seen clearly the strongest people in the city. human level.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of the divine game, her coming here to find a way to become stronger would probably be a waste of time.

"There is no one like you in Bicui City, and you can't be a nobody. Who are you?"

Baofeng said unwillingly.

He just shouted without expecting a response from the other party.

However, the silver-haired swordswoman stopped. She was from the glittering fairy clan, and she always attached great importance to her name and answered all questions.

If you ask why, their name is their pride!

"Remember, the person who defeated you is..."

"Miriya Arellano!"

Storm was stunned.

the name.

Like thunder!

"A legendary figure actually came to Bicui City and happened to catch up with this game?!"

Yinluo and others murmured to themselves.

They were filled with horror.

And suddenly, there was a sense of epicness.

With such heroes gathering in this green city and encountering this god's game, once this incident is over, it will probably become a legendary deed and spread around the world, right?

Many people could not understand the atmosphere at the scene and kept asking who this was.

Then someone answered with a complicated expression:

"The shining swordsman, Mirialia Arellano...the unparalleled genius who was rumored to have been defeated by the dragon-slaying swordsman by just one move!"

"She is a terrifying powerhouse who has already stepped into the realm of kingship at the age of twenty. It is said that she has been traveling to become stronger. Every time she appears, her strength will be much stronger than the last time, always at high speed. Growing, and her desire for growth is never-ending!”

"Always! Always! She has been challenging stronger opponents. The last time she appeared, she fought against the dragon-slaying sword master, and they almost ended up in a tie. Even the sword master at the same level could only defeat her by one and a half moves!"

The silver-haired swordswoman was obviously walking in the opposite direction.

But she met Yun Ye.

The sword in her hand pointed at Yun Ye, fierce fighting energy wrapped around her body, her silver eyes seemed to see through everything, and said: "You are a strong one, I challenge you! The silver shining fairy, the seventh fruit of the World Tree, Miriali Ya Arellano - please enlighten me!"

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