A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 660 Purple Air Spring

The hymn became more and more intense, from soothing to exciting. Yun Ye, the Taoist instrument, made listening to it particularly enjoyable, but others could only hear the lingering sound.

This is the Red Sky Realm, and the hymn is not very obvious. At least before the Tianmian Dao Artifact is actually deployed, it is difficult for ordinary people to hear the complete hymn.

The more you listen to it, the more you are looking forward to tomorrow. Those who can listen to it in full basically have the qualifications to awaken the Taoist tools of tomorrow.

In singing.

Each teacher and student was penetrated in a daze and locked to the sky.

They did not ask questions like "Me? How could it be me? I was wronged!" Instead, they accepted the reality with a wry smile.

"It's just that we don't remember it ourselves. Dao tools are tools of rules, and they will only act according to the rules..."

"I often feel that there is something wrong with my memory, and today I am indeed facing a trial."

Someone sighed.

"A future more desperate than death..."

In fact, most people who are 100 percent sure there is something wrong with them choose to commit suicide before the review even begins.

Regardless of whether you can succeed or not, at least give it a try.

Although the memory is not left behind, the various resources and power they obtained will not disappear. To reach today's realm, they know that they are absolutely full of evil. If they go to hell, they will sink forever until their souls are completely destroyed.

Therefore, they would rather die directly.

As for those who have not committed suicide to this day, they are actually taking a chance, or their memory has been completely erased, and they have not obtained any resources. They have made their identities so beautiful that they do not notice anything is wrong, and they just wait for the organization Calling will wake you up.

But today this concealment has killed them, and they will endure countless years of torture in hell without knowing why.

As for escaping.

Xian Chao directly notified the students who stayed in each party in advance to return to school for review, so naturally they were not worried about escaping.

The New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty is now in power with the God Queen and is still in its prime. Anyone who dares to openly violate the rules will not be tolerated by heaven or earth.

Moreover, the multi-gate towers in all major universes are in the hands of the Immortal Dynasty. Even if you want to escape, what can you do to escape?

Physically crossing the void?

This is naturally impossible. They can only wait for the butcher's knife to swing, or simply commit suicide.

The reactionary forces in Zixue University were wiped out in one fell swoop, and two more directors were sent to prison. However, there were fewer students and teachers, only a few hundred in total. Compared to the number of students and teachers in Zixue University, Worth mentioning.

"Three members of the entire society have confirmed their betrayal of the Immortal Dynasty and have issued a multiverse arrest warrant!"

Another piece of news shocked Zixue.

After eight seats, there were actually three more seats who absconded in fear of crime and were listed on the wanted list. It was true that as soon as they said they had nowhere to escape, someone tried to take the law.

First-year all-society office.

"I finally found out that the people with problems are all high-level officials. They are in high positions. It's really hard to understand what kind of force can support them. This is the Red Sky Realm. Can even the high-level officials of the five major universities be corrupted?" Yuhua Xique sighed.

"It's really chilling. The Red Sky Realm has various means to check all directions. How on earth did they cover up all this and get to the top?" Chixueluo said in a deep voice.

Everyone is also confused. The Immortal Dynasty has various strict review procedures. Although the Zixue Council seems to be private, it is actually still under the jurisdiction of the Immortal Dynasty, but rarely interferes in internal operations. Serving as a director will definitely be punished. Investigation, such a big problem was not discovered?

The most advanced investigation would even involve Taoist priests. The five major universities in Tengzhou were so important that they undoubtedly qualified for this treatment. However, three people actually had problems?

"There are loopholes in any program. Crimes committed outside the Red Sky must be actively judged by Taoist weapons, otherwise they will not be detected. These directors did pass the Taoist weapon inspection when they took office, but they have changed under the long years of decay. ." Yun Ye said.

He watched a lot of the lives of Zhang Jutan and Yu Wang. They all changed after they reached high positions, and they did not rise after being funded.

If you want to be corrupt, you have to be in a high position to be corrupt. If your status is too low, you will not be able to hold high-level positions even if you are funded, and you will be kicked off the Taoist review.

Under many restrictions, as long as you stay in the Red Sky Realm, you have to pay attention to the rules of heaven and restrain your behavior. Therefore, the entire Red Sky Universe maintains a considerable order. Forces such as Shenting are just baring their teeth in the dark and dare not be exposed. own details.

"Liu Sheng, don't you think that you are really from Tianmu? You can survive being blocked by King Yu!" Gong Haili suddenly put her arms around Yun Ye's neck from behind and said curiously.

"I agree! Although it is said to be an assassination of the president, in fact we have not even seen King Yu's face. We can only imagine how perverted the person who protected the president this time is. It cannot be said that he is a figure on the list of divine masters!" Xie Jinglun quickly raised his hand.

"Really or not?" Everyone was shocked. They were pressed to death without even seeing it. Although he was not a person on the list of divine masters, it was true that only a high-ranking monk could do it and protect a newcomer with such great strength. , some people believe that they are the parents and children of Priest Tiangan, right?

"The Immortal Dynasty is everyone's backstage." Yun Ye said.

Then he was stared at by everyone.

Everyone is indignant. Do you believe this? Without a big background, it is impossible for everyone to have this kind of protection based on reality!

Yun Ye spread his hands, there was nothing he could do about it. In the Red Sky Realm, this statement really couldn't be true anymore, but in the outside world, he was still unable to do so...

Even in the period of the God Emperor, he was no match for a true immortal and had no strength. How could he establish absolute order?

"May I come inside?!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and the female voice that spoke made everyone jump.

Gong Haili also let go of her arms and immediately sat upright.

It’s Zixue Xin!

"come in."

The door opened automatically, and the purple-haired beauty wearing ice and snow hair stood at the door with a smile, "Hello everyone, this is the first time we have met, right? I am Zixue Xin."

"Chief Zixue, why are you here? Do you have anything to do with us?" Chixueluo stood up quickly. He used words very respectfully, and it was obvious that he respected Zixuexin.

"It doesn't have to be so formal. I'm just taking the opportunity to visit you all today. With your qualifications, exploring diversity is either this year or next year. How can we meet on the cosmic battlefield?" Zixue thought to herself.

"You can explore the multiverse this year. Does the chief know how many places there are this year?" Bian Yanglei suddenly said.

"Even if you know, you can't say it. Just try your best to show yourself. If you are the strongest, you will definitely be qualified."

She told Yun Ye because Yun Ye would definitely get the qualification and it wouldn't affect anything. But telling others might be vicious competition.

There are always some special strategies that can increase your chances of getting a spot.

Gong Haili and others didn't look sideways, sat upright, and didn't ask any questions.

Zixue Xin and everyone got to know each other and then left, not staying long.

Everyone felt disappointed. Although the contact was only a few minutes, Zixue Xin was really outstanding.

"President, the chief is here to see you, right? What was the school's reaction to the incident involving the eight seats?" Tian Xiaoxiao asked.

Zixue Xin showed no intention of contacting Yun Ye, but Tian Xiaoxiao was keenly aware of the subtle differences in the atmosphere.

"The school thinks this is a dereliction of duty on its part and said it would give me a large amount of compensation. Chief Zixue is here to inform me of the result." Yun Ye did not lie.

Although Zixue High School was very reluctant, it caused big trouble and even the Tiangan priests were alerted, and they had to hand over an answer sheet.

Qualification for multiverse exploration is one of them, with pros and cons.

And the second one is the massive amount of spiritual stones and some special resources.

In this era, spiritual stones have become an important resource for cultivation. After all, the spiritual veins of various worlds cannot be transmitted across worlds. Making them into highly compressed spiritual energy crystals is the best way.

The only difference is probably that the spiritual energy contained in spiritual stones in today's era is extremely huge. Even a low-grade spiritual stone has all the spiritual energy needed for a monk with a single spiritual root to cultivate into the mortal realm. The middle-grade spiritual stone is needed to cultivate into the spiritual realm and the high-grade legal realm. , the best one is the Mysterious Realm.

Further up, the effect of spiritual energy is weakened, and higher purity cultivation resources are needed, such as various genius treasures, not to mention various special spiritual energy.

The amount of spiritual stones Zixue school compensated Yun Ye this time was about 100,000 top-quality spiritual stones, which was a huge number compared to ordinary monks.

However, for a large consumer of resources like Yun Ye, even a hundred thousand spiritual stones with a single spiritual root that has fully cultivated the profound realm are not worth mentioning.

Just by solving the three major realms such as King Yu, he actually gained tens of millions of top-quality spiritual stones, but one hundred thousand was just an added bonus, and the main event was later.

"Zixue High School has mastered a special world called the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm. There is a place of creation called the Purple Qi Donglai Spring. It is said that a ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi can be born in every era, which can make people become successful instantly. Holy, immortal, this Purple Qi Donglai Spring currently does not have the Hongmeng Purple Qi, but it also contains supreme good fortune, which can revive the blood of the monks in advance. The school decided to use this spring water as compensation. "

"F*ck! Come and assassinate me! This is a great opportunity to try even to death!" Everyone, even Tian Xiaoxiao, couldn't help but curse.

Purple air comes from the spring. This is really a famous name. Although the infinite database records the information of this thing, even the infinite database has things that cannot be copied. The treasures of heaven and earth such as Hongmeng Ziqi and Ziqi Donglaiquan are among them.

In the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm, this thing is equivalent to an immortal saint in an era!

Although this saint is only immortal in the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm and cannot leave his universe, it is enough to show that this purple Qi is equivalent to the rules and authority of the world.

The pool that can give birth to authority is used to warm and nourish the body. This is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step!

"It only takes one assassination to get it, and I would do it a hundred times again!"

Xie Jinglun looked up to the sky and sighed.

His background is different by more than one step, so he needs this kind of opportunity even more.

"This spring water can only be used in Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm, right? Liusheng, they still have to go out? Isn't it money to buy life?" Gong Haili frowned.

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