A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 661 Three opposing universes

Gong Haili's worries are justified.

If it were a world that he chose to enter on his own, or a random world, the danger would undoubtedly be much less, but the school gave huge benefits to Yun Ye to enter the designated world.

Whether it is good intentions or bad intentions, it will become an opportunity for those with good intentions.

"If I guess correctly, this should be the condition given to the two problematic directors before they were cleared. They obviously have bad intentions, so I'm afraid they won't be able to go."

Chixueluo rarely expressed his opinion.

"Don't worry, the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm is a closed management, the number of people who can enter is fixed, and the top of the sky screen personally guards the entrance to the universe. And we Wanling also have a trump card, we still have to see it before we see it."

"Indeed, we all are not afraid of some demons and monsters."

Long Linglong nodded.

Although the overall strength of Wanling is far inferior to that of Shenting, according to the chairman, they will mobilize most of their power to protect them secretly. If they go to such great lengths to fight just for one person, even several venerables from Shenting will be hated.

"I wish you good luck, President. The water outside is too deep. Even if there is a canopy to protect us, it may not be able to prevent emergencies."

A silent young man suddenly spoke, then jumped down from the edge of the window and left the Academy.

A strange look flashed in everyone's eyes.

Water heavy waste...

Although the God-Emperor never married and had no heirs, he did have several elders and peers of the same clan. Today, 20,000 years later, the Shui clan has traces in Jiuzhou. Shui Chonghuang is a member of the Shui clan in Tengzhou. Descendants of the line.

In terms of background, most of the monks present were probably Shui Chong Huang.

However, as a direct descendant of the Queen of Gods, the Shui family is very low-key and mostly carries out activities in the Tianqian universe and even in the sky. Its reputation is not as prominent as that of Chixue and Zixue.

Shui Chonghuang has reminded them that this trip to the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm may be a big problem.

"Liu Sheng, I really feel that it is better not to go. Although the Wanling Group is powerful, how much power can it mobilize for you personally? The reality is not that the Dragon King has returned and ordered the entire group to protect you. Even my parents can't You come here to protect me just because of something, let alone a company or a group..."

Gong Haili is a little creepy.

He was still a student and had no power of his own to intervene in a fight of this level. No matter how he looked at it, there was no possibility of survival.

Not to mention the return of the Dragon King, the enemy will not give you a chance to defeat monsters and upgrade, and will just kill you before you start.

The big forces cashed in on each other, and they felt they were not at a loss, but as the party being cashed out, it would be a disaster.

Maybe Qing Liusheng is extremely talented and is valued by Wanling Group, but isn't it valued by the other side?

If it were her choice to make this kind of gamble, she would reject it 1,000% of the time.

Risk and reward are not proportional at all!

Assassinations a hundred times or something is just a joke. They could have grown up to the real realm smoothly and competed for the ten seats. They were expected to open up the world. How could they face someone who might be the pinnacle of the real realm or even the honorary position right from the start? enemy?

"1+1 is greater than 2. Tianmu and Wanling are protecting them at the same time. People who are interested can't just retreat in the face of difficulties. After all, Wanling is also a first-rate force in Tengzhou, so I'm still a little bit sure..." Yun Ye said with a smile, "I Now I’m curious, what’s so special about this so-called Divine Court that it dares to compete with the Divine Queen’s Heavenly Court.”

Everyone looked at each other, knowing they couldn't stop him.

Qing Liusheng is obviously not going to the Purple Energy Donglaiquan, but more like a decision-maker, hunting down hostile forces, and his level of thinking is different.

With Qing Liusheng's strength and skill, he must be the heir to a certain big force. They may have overthought it, and he can handle the trouble this time.

On the contrary, the word Shenting made them frown a little. Targeting Heaven? So arrogant?

"The review is over. I'm leaving now. The next time I see you is probably at the end of the year. But don't worry, I've already completed the one-year course. Goodbye..."

Yun Ye smiled and waved away, leaving behind a pile of petrified people.

Their faces were filled with tears. I went and left, and I couldn’t bear to be upset. I insisted on suppressing them, and even said that I had completed the one-year course ahead of schedule?

As soon as he left the teaching building, he saw Zixue Xin playing with something in the flower bed, and he couldn't help but step forward with a move in his heart.

"Chief Zixue, did you take the Planting Skills class? You seem to be very interested in these?"

"Well, my parents are both researchers in the field of plant technology, so I have been interested in spiritual plants since I was a child. When talking about spiritual plants, it is probably the most dazzling and ordinary thing, right? It brought the Immortal Dynasty to its peak, But it also led to the rapid decline of the Red Sky Realm.”

Zixue Xin did not shy away from telling her past. Her parents were both Xuanjing monks and researchers of spiritual plants. The wealth they saved allowed her to survive the most difficult moments in the early stage. Finally, after exploring diversity, she relied on various opportunities to step into one step. Bu opened up the situation, and the beginning of everything was Ling Zhi, so she has been very interested and has been studying.

"Original spiritual grass, the crystallization of the highest technology 10,000 years ago, was created for only one reason, and that was to convert a large amount of "spiritual energy raw materials" accumulated by spiritual veins. At that time, the concentration of spiritual energy increased explosively, and it entered the national practice, and everyone The Golden Age of Yakuza.”

"But as the literal meaning says, the original spiritual grass can only transform "spiritual energy raw materials", rather than directly obtaining spiritual energy like caves and secret realms. In the past, spiritual energy raw materials were called "air of earth veins" and were used by monks and demons. Some of the corpses, as well as the power accumulated through natural evolution, come from the void. Not all the power of the void is converted into spiritual energy, but some of it is turned into matter, including spiritual energy raw materials. "

"The accumulation of countless thousands of years in the Red Sky Realm allowed the original spiritual grass to create a prosperous age, but the uncontrolled creation of the world also quickly ended the prosperous age."

"The creation of the world requires too much spiritual energy. The consumption of spiritual energy in a parallel universe is enough for thousands of monks to achieve perfection. In the case of successive openings, even if the energy of the red sky and earth veins has been accumulated for countless years, it will not be enough. In a short time It will be exhausted in just one or two thousand years.”

"The original spiritual grass is a witness to history, and it also represents the ultimate in spiritual plant science. It is the lowest producer. It will always be the first lesson in plant technology classes."

Zixue Xin squatted in front of the spiritual grass and said something to herself.

"Chief Zixue, what exactly do you want to say?"

Yun Ye said.

"Nothing, just a sigh of human creativity. The Red Sky Realm has entered the Age of Ending Dharma, but the Immortal Dynasty has opened an era of pluralism. The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency when there is more damage. The way of man is not the same. When there is not enough damage, there is more than enough. That's right. Because of the way of man, the human race can rise in an era when demons and demons arise, just like today, the God-Emperor and God-Queen created the world and ruled over diversity.”

"Our cultivation is the pursuit of this glimmer of possibility. The more advanced our cultivation is, the stronger our premonition that the way of human beings is always with us and cannot be separated."

Zixue Xin showed a faint smile on her side face.


Yun Ye looked at Zixue Xin's profile with interest. Was this saying that Shenting would deal with him at all costs?

To put it simply, the way of man is that a small number of people plunder the majority of people to maintain their own status.

The same is true for Shenting. They must eliminate their competitors and make one family the only one, so that they can stand high and siphon all resources.

"Chief, the review has ended. Are you applying to go to Tiangan Universe today?"

Yun Ye glanced outside, and saw that the Taoist artifact projection had disappeared, along with everything and those who had problems. The entire school was now very noisy, and one could hear too many discussions about this matter.

This was the result of not using magical soundproofing. When the two of them talked, they were isolated from outside interference. It would be okay to reveal this kind of information to the entire society, but if it was revealed to too many people, it would be difficult to screen if there was a problem.

"The application has been approved and you can leave tomorrow. Why, are you a little impatient?"

Zixuexin stood up and said with a smile.

"Yes, I can't wait. Purple Qi Donglaiquan should make my physique take a big step forward, so naturally I can't wait."

Yun Ye said.

"Then just look forward to it. As far as I know, the Purple Qi Donglai Spring has not been used for 30 million years, and it should have accumulated considerable power."

"Thirty million years? Hasn't it been used since we occupied Hongmeng Realm?"

"That's not true, it's just that the time flow rate in the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm is very different from that in the Red Sky. One year in the Red Sky, one million years in the Hongmeng Realm. Thirty million years is actually only thirty years in the Red Sky Realm. It's worth mentioning that , an era of Hongmeng lasts for 100 million years, which means that it takes about one hundred years for a person to be born with authority.”

"It's a pity that since they were brought under the rule of the Red Sky Realm, the saints who were originally supposed to be immortal in the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm only have about a year left in the Hongtian life. For us, they will be replaced in the blink of an eye. "

"One year of Hongtian's life span, in Hongmeng Realm, isn't it one million years?"

Yun Ye's pupils shrank.

"This is indeed true in theory, so many monks have to stay in the outer world even if they give up their practice. The rules and regulations of the Red Sky Realm are too terrifying."

Zixue Xin nodded.

In the past, it was impossible to escape from the Red Sky Realm, but now that there is a chance to escape, some people are naturally unwilling to get involved.

The more powerful the Immortal Dynasty is, the greater the choice space for each class, which is not necessarily a good thing.


Yun Ye thought of another thing.

Because of the authority of the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm, it only stays at the level of the "edge universe" and is less affected by the Red Heaven Realm. It can live for millions of years. What if it is a powerful universe that is currently hostile to the Immortal Dynasty?

He soon separated from Zixue Xin and returned to the dormitory to use the sky curtain authority.

Outer intelligence will not be disclosed on the Internet, and what the school can query is limited. Currently, he does not know if the Immortal Dynasty has any strong opponents.

If you want to know the answer, you can only look at Tianmu.

"Overview of the New Celestial Dynasty Multiverse Group."

"Origin Universe: 1."

"Parallel Universe: 541."

"Approximate Universe: 8223."

"Edge Universe: 100,000+."

"Universe of Opposites: Unmeasurable."

"A large number of edge universes are already under complete control, but they have not been incorporated into the Immortal Universe Group for various reasons."

"There are currently three opposing universes that have the ability to resist and have not yet been included in the rule: the dimensional technology universe, the prehistoric universe, and the rule-breaking universe."

"Three major... opposing universes?"

Yun Ye was inexplicably shocked. Should he sigh at how big the world is? There were unexpectedly many opponents in the Immortal Dynasty!

Enough for three universes!

This is a bit strange.

The Immortal Dynasty has mastered the technology of creating the world, and its power can travel through all realms, but it has only been ten thousand years before it met its opponent? Have you really explored that far?

But as Yun Ye investigated further, he came to understand again.

It turns out that these three opposing universes are not powerful enough to fight against the Immortal Dynasty, but have various special features that delay the progress of the Immortal Dynasty's strategy.

Invading a universe and converting it into one's own camp requires a lot of preparation and completing various complex conditions, such as destroying the principles of civilization, completing the unification of the universe, and stealing the world's destiny.

It is because of their own specialness that the three opposing universes have prevented these conditions from being achieved, so that they have always retained their ability to resist.

In reality, the three major universes only delayed their own death and could not counterattack the Red Sky Realm, so they did not attract much attention.

Yun Ye then checked the files related to the three opposing universes, and sure enough he found that some monks chose to turn against the three opposing universes in order to survive.

However, there is no Lord of the Cave Heaven among them. Generally, if the monks betray, the Immortal Dynasty will not change its strategy. But if the Lord of the Cave Heaven betrays, then the entire Immortal Dynasty will strangle them with all their strength. No Lord of the Cave Heaven will be so unwise.

If you really want to extend your life, it's not impossible in an edge universe similar to Hongmeng Realm.

"It's okay without the Lord of the Cave..."

Yun Ye breathed a sigh of relief silently.

He also thinks too much. Shui Wuge is not dead yet. How can he allow the highest technology to leak out? No matter what means are used, maintaining the dominance of the Central New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty is the first priority. Without strength, there is no fairness or order. Empty talk.

Under this situation, even if the exploration of the multiverse is in full swing, the actual direction is still controlled by the Water Dancer. In the end, all universes will be merged into the Tiangan Cave, without any exceptions.

The Lord of Cave Heaven was under pressure from Shui Wuge, and it was impossible to openly betray him directly. At most, he would conduct some exchange of interests.

March 20th.

When Yun Ye was traveling, Long Linglong accompanied him to the Duoduomen Tower, and Zixue Xin walked towards him from the opposite side.

"Chief, good morning."

Both of them said.

"Oh, Linglong is here too. Could it be that she is President Liusheng's girlfriend?"

Zi Xuexin flipped her purple hair and showed off her perfect figure unscrupulously. The dazzling light caused the eyes of the surrounding students to shift involuntarily, and then immediately moved away. Well, he is a person who cannot be trifled with.

"The chief is joking. It's just that as a friend, I'm worried about Liu Sheng."

Long Linglong said calmly.

"I see."

Zixue Xin smiled and moved her gaze to Yun Ye aside, "It seems that President Liusheng is fully prepared, and his aura is different."

"The same goes for the chief. It seems that he is not only accompanying me, but also has a battlefield that he needs to go to." Yun Ye smiled.

Zixue Xin put on a tight-fitting suit that was easy to fight. Although it was very thin, it had the texture of armor. It was completely covered from her hands to her neck, and it completely fit the skin. It seemed to be a biological armor type that could grow freely and be used at any time. Get full coverage.

On the other hand, Yun Ye's usual cyan robe gave people the impression that he would most likely suffer a lesson in the multiverse.

At least that's what the graduates around him thought when they saw him in this costume.

Only Zixuexin thought that his aura was different and that he was fully prepared.

"There is no way. After all, we are the chief. Gaining more rights means more responsibilities, otherwise the Queen will not be able to spare us."

Zi Xuexin smiled and raised her hand to pat Yun Ye's hand, "Okay, let's go and say goodbye to your friends!"

"See you at the end of the year. Come on and get qualified." Yun Ye said to Long Linglong.

Long Linglong nodded and watched the two people leave.

Their specific itinerary is to first transfer to the Tianqian Universe, then jump to multiple worlds through the Tianqian Universe, and then arrive at the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm.

Then it's Yun Ye's free exploration time. He can teleport randomly, or enter unexplored edge universes and opposing universes.

Taking the step out of the Red Heaven Realm is the first step in the growth of today's monks!

Yun Ye thought he was very excited.

It is very different from the appearance of the red sky.

Listening to the name of the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm, it seems that it is still an orthodox mythical world, and expectations are rising!

But after Yun Ye took a few steps, he was still far away from the multi-dimensional gate tower, when he was stopped by an invisible wall of air.

"It's busy, please wait a moment."

"Number of people ready to be transferred: 52231..."

A floating box popped up and explained.

Yun Ye was slightly startled.

Long Linglong also saw the floating window and was also surprised: "Can the teleportation be busy? And, 50,000 people?!"

She looked around and saw that even if she counted the flowers and plants, she couldn't gather 50,000 people. Is this a Yin soldier crossing the border?

"It seems that we can't leave for the time being. There are a lot of people. Oh, don't you know? There are overlapping spaces around the Multi-Dimensional Gate Tower. It doesn't look like there are many people, but it is actually overcrowded. You need to go to the Mysterious Realm to see the different spaces."

Zi Xuexin smiled bitterly. She also forgot that she had the chief authority and did not need to wait, but Qingliu was only a first-year president, no different from ordinary students who had finished their classes. If they wanted to teleport, they had to join the preparation sequence first.

"There's no need to rush, maybe we can still make those waiting for us confused. Our minute is worth a million minutes in the Hongmeng Purple Qi Realm." Yun Ye said.

"What you said...makes sense! Phew, thinking about it this way, aren't they quite pitiful?" Zixue Xin couldn't help laughing.

Long Linglong's face was expressionless, and she didn't think this was funny at all.

Waiting for them, it means that there are enemies. No matter how long you disgust others, if you can't win in the end, then everything is meaningless. There is no way that the winner can laugh when he looks back on his memory.

"Chief, haven't you left yet?"

A young man's voice suddenly sounded, and the three of them turned to look over.

Wearing a black trench coat and a silver lightning mark on his face, a very handsome man walked together with a white-haired young man in martial arts uniform.

"Tianhui, Shiguang, what a coincidence, you are about to set off too?"

Zixue Xin said.

"I'm so bored that my whole body is itchy. If the examination hadn't just started, I would definitely not stay in school." He Shiguang came over and patted Yun Ye on the shoulder. "You fought beautifully last time. It made me realize that there are people who are better than you! Although it's only been more than a month since we last met, I've actually become much stronger. Next time we fight, your turtle shell will be 100% broken by me. You'd better not stand still!" "I'll try my best." Yun Ye smiled. "This is Yuhua Tianhui. I remember that there is Tianhui's daughter in your class. If you have a good relationship with me, maybe you can let Tianhui marry his good daughter to you... At least it's easy to negotiate!" He Shiguang was forced back by his friend's eyes halfway through his words. "He Shiguang, my daughter likes what she likes, it's fine, she's not suitable for big occasions, especially those who are seeking their own death, which is the most inappropriate!" Yuhua Tianhui didn't like Yun Ye very much, and only had four words to keep a distance from him. Lingjing intervened in the affairs of the Divine Court and took risks. It really didn't seem like a rational person. He didn't want his family to be implicated. "He speaks a little bluntly, don't mind it." He Shiguang said.

"It's good that Tianhui speaks bluntly, at least there won't be so many troubles. If he is like the eight seats and the three seats, it would be a disaster. He pretends to be a perfect saint on weekdays, but when it comes to the critical moment, he will backhand a knife, which is neat and tidy. The unparalleled in the real realm actually assassinates the newcomer in the spiritual realm." Zi Xuexin shook her head instead.

"It doesn't matter. People who don't pursue the maximization of interests will have no intersection. Why should they bear grudges?" Yun Ye smiled and shook his head, not caring much.

Long Linglong, who was named on the side, looked at her nose, her nose looked at her mouth, and her mouth looked at her heart.

If she was not a cultivator of divine law, she would definitely jump out and ask back.

Why is the maximization of interests discriminated against?

It's so cold!

"Chief, are you going there this time too?"

Yuhua Tianhui looked at Yun Ye deeply, turned around and asked Zi Xuexin a question.

"It seems that you are too?"

Zi Xuexin nodded directly.

"Before coming here, I have asked all the other people in the society. All of them should go. This time, it is really a big problem. I don't know who is behind this move!" Yuhua Tianhui said. "If the enemy comes, the general will stop it. If the water comes, the earth will cover it. If we can't handle it, there is still the Immortal Dynasty. It's just a problem of one or two universes. Otherwise..." He Shiguang disagreed. "Okay, let's talk about it after entering the universe battlefield. I have to send President Qing Liusheng to the Hongmeng Realm. I won't chat with you anymore." Zi Xuexin interrupted. "Okay." The two nodded to Yun Ye and Long Linglong, then walked into the Multiverse Gate Tower and disappeared in the light. "Let's go too. We have just applied for special permission. Now your preparation number should be zero." "... Indeed." After watching the two disappear in the Multiverse Gate Tower, Long Linglong also turned around and left.

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