A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 664 The World of Conferred Gods

The beast that opens the sky corresponds to Yun Ye, the strongest genius in the Red Sky Realm who was born with the power to open the sky.

Moreover, it is a Dacheng form, and its strength has reached its peak.

Maybe some beasts can open up the world after reaching their peak and become true beasts of the world, or even gods of the world.

Zixuexin imitated the beast that created the world, which undoubtedly lowered the threshold for using the power to create the world, and wiped out Yin Seng's residual thoughts in one fell swoop.


The divine heart gradually crystallized and was grabbed by Zixue Xin. She could sense the power of authority contained in it, but she did not desire it at all.

If she completes the creation of the world, this level of divine power in the universe will not be worth mentioning. At best, it will only be the nutrient for the growth of the cave.

If she didn't succeed in opening the sky, she would have died directly, and her divine power would still be useless.

Many people regard it as a treasure, but to her, it is just like that. It is okay to use it as an artifact, but it is too cheap to use it as her own foundation.

Zixue's chief basically has the qualifications to open the sky. Even if he gives up opening the sky, he can still achieve the top position by relying on his own ability, and he will not sacrifice the near for the distant.

"The question now is how to leave. Although the resources I carry are enough for one beacon transmission, it is only once. Do I want to return?"

Zixuexin raised her head and said, the last three words slowed down, "...Qing Liusheng?"

The Immortal Palace was reorganized. The Immortal Palace that was originally divided into two and collapsed was like going back in time and reorganized in an instant.

Qing Liusheng stood in the center of the Immortal Palace of Gods and Demons, with some kind of magical power stirring, and finally calmed down.

Astonishment flashed in Zixue's eyes. Such a sophisticated and huge instrument can also be traced back using divine magic?

"Of course I'll continue. How can I catch half the fish and then leave? Shenting has given me such respect, and I should give back."

he said.

"You are more outrageous than anyone I have ever seen. Let's not talk about why Shenting insists on killing you. Two venerables already intercepted the first attack. Is Wanling Group really sure to stop them all?"

Zi Xuexin raised the corner of her mouth, and her eyes showed a bit of excitement for some reason.

She somewhat understood the current situation.

There is no way, the scene is too big.

Although there are thousands of venerables in the Immortal Dynasty today, for practitioners, the name of each venerable is a legend. They are all pinnacle beings who can single-handedly suppress a universe. It is impossible not to know it, and it is impossible not to know it. Learn about his life.

In the past, these venerable divine dragons were seen first but not at last. They didn't know where to practice and develop diversity, and there was no chance to see them at all.

But now?

It is foreseeable that the subsequent scenes will become bigger and bigger until a big storm is set off, affecting the entire Immortal Dynasty!

Although there are thousands of Immortal Dynasty venerables, compared to the vast diversity, they are still too few. They cannot move around at will, and most of them only appear during the Immortal Dynasty grand ceremonies.

Several venerables took action against each other. The symbolic meaning was more important than the actual meaning, and it was enough to cause a huge impact.

Faced with this kind of scene, Qing Liusheng was still so confident. She didn't believe it if he relied on Wanling. There was a high probability that other top forces intervened to completely ensure that he was fine.

The divine clothes on his body are proof. The treasure of the true realm is called the real treasure, and the treasure of the honorable position is called the divine weapon. Some people also use magic treasure, treasure weapon, mysterious treasure, and true treasure to make analogies, and the sacred treasure of the honorable position is called The ultimate treasure, the treasure accompanying the rise of many ancient geniuses, is actually at the level of artifacts.

Although the weapon of rules is not as perverted as the absolute rules, it is still easy for a monk to rise. After all, the position of respect is already at the pinnacle, which is completely different from the special levels of the imperial way and the holy way. This is something that no human race can't do without luck. areas of achievement.

Qing Liusheng, who is only in the spiritual realm, walks around wearing the artifact, which shows that the forces behind him attach great importance to him.

It is impossible for such a character to be used as a bait. Even if it looks like he is being used as a bait, when you actually fight him, you will find that the opponent is actually an army commander, protected in the center by layers of layers. It is no different from a frontal decisive battle.

There are fewer people, so it is Calabash Baby who saves Grandpa, sending them one after another.

Qing Liusheng was not worried, so what did she have to worry about?

At worst, she leaves, and Shenting has no reason to offend Zixue. In any case, the Zixue clan has been in business for thousands of years, and everyone agrees to use the power of blood. It is still very influential. In Tengzhou, this three-acre land has The final word.

"Chief Authority Array Diagram!"

Zixue Xin held the array diagram high, the Tai Chi circle spread, and the Immortal Palace Ceremony Array immediately responded and activated, and various information flows flashed through, consistent with the multi-faceted gate tower.

"Permission passed, the gate of diversity is opening, and the coordinates are determined - world number 348!"

"The world of the middle plane - the world of gods!"

The light beam fell and the two began to teleport again.

Yun Ye knew when he heard the 48th sequence number in Sequence 3 that this was a world with a greatly enhanced energy level, much stronger than the world of gods and demons in Sequence 4.

Like the Tomorrow Society position, sequence 0 is the red sky world, sequence 1 is the top world, sequences 2 and 3 are high worlds, sequences 4, 5, and 6 are medium worlds, and 7, 8, and 9 are low worlds. Each sequence The span is quite exaggerated.

If any rank in Sequence 4 can suppress it, in Sequence 3 it takes at least a small master to destroy the resistance and complete the invasion.

As we all know, even a small step forward in each level of the Red Sky Realm will cause earth-shaking changes in strength. These worlds can allow the level of the Venerable to take a step forward. This is a sublimation of energy levels and cannot be compared.

Only two venerables appeared in the God and Demon Realm, because this world can only have two venerables. If there are more, even if the God Court is not afraid of resource loss, it must consider the tolerance of the God and Demon Realm itself.

And in the Level 3 advanced world, just as Zi Xuexin thought, the strength and number of the blocking monks have changed dramatically.

The Conferred God World.


A silent light column fell from the sky and landed on the Multi-Gate Tower in Xiadu. Under the attention of many parties, the green-robed boy and the woman in battle clothes walked out of the light column.

They looked indifferent and did not care about the countless eyes cast at them.

The two people's thoughts were intertwined, and they had a lot of exchanges.

One was popularizing science, and the other was asking and listening.

"The Conferred God Realm also has saints similar to those in the Hongmeng Realm, but they are much weaker. The only rule they master is that they will not die and will not suffer from catastrophes. At the same time, almost no one in them masters the divine law. They need to use spells, heavenly eyes and treasures to observe the world, but paradoxically, almost everyone can deduce the past and the future."

"There used to be three saints in the Conferred God Realm. In theory, they correspond to the honored positions in our world, but they are more like immortals who have practiced and become immortals. They have very comprehensive power, but not extreme. Their strength lies in the innate treasures they master. It is said that they are treasures from the time of the creation of the world. They contain some powerful rules, so they can exert stronger lethality and effectiveness than saints. Even saints are often defeated."

Zi Xuexin first introduced the general situation of the Conferred God Realm.

"You said that you practiced and became immortals? Why is it called "immortals" instead of "gods" and "saints"? Isn't this the "Conferred God World"? "

Yun Ye asked curiously.

The Conferred God World naturally does not refer to the Conferred Gods, but since this name was taken, it should be expressed.

"Who knows? Maybe it's because they are all human universes. They call those who practice to immortality immortals, and those who achieve immortality through external objects gods. The so-called saints are just more powerful immortals." "And the reason why it is called the Conferred God World is mainly because the three major religions founded by the three saints monopolize all power. Humans and monsters have no possibility of becoming immortals. They can only enter the three religions list and serve the three religions. In order to obtain practice resources, the three major religions will launch the Conferred God War every once in a while, eliminate the weak, and use the bodies of the losers to nourish the blessed land." "Of course, this was in the past. Now the three saints and the three major religions have long been annihilated and completely ruled by the Immortal Dynasty, becoming Zixue's resource world." Zixue said lightly. "Resource world? I see." Yun Ye nodded. The Immortal Dynasty abides by the path of inner saints and outer kings. It doesn't mind expanding its allies. As long as they join the human race, they can be treated equally. But in the same way, if they are not human beings, and are not affiliated with the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty, then no matter how free and unfettered they are in their original world, they will break through the barriers of the world without hesitation and bring them into the interference range of the Red Heaven.

If not, how can the Heavenly Stem Universe expand rapidly, and how can the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty achieve exponential growth.

You should know that the current New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty has even the Lord of the Cave Heaven on the Divine Lord List, not to mention the Venerable Monks below it.

"As a high-level world, there are many monks stationed in the Conferred God World. There is also a power similar to spiritual energy here, which can be used through specially adjusted spiritual equipment."

"With this world being a huge cave heaven blessed land, it can maintain the practice of some high-level monks, and it is very important."

In other words, there are many Venerables living here.

Maybe the struggle in the Red Heaven Realm is more false, less respectful, and there are not so many conspiracies, traps, and plots. The dark force of the Divine Court is a very simple and direct operation.



Yun Ye and Zi Xuexin exchanged their thoughts for only a moment, and then five venerables burst out their auras in all directions of the world.

The powerful divine thoughts swept across the world, locking Yun Ye across half of the Conferred God World.

Before the people arrived, the venerable divine law had already been launched. The very pure divine law attack instantly pierced through Xia Du's extremely powerful luck formation, and was about to directly destroy the souls of the two. The Qingtian Daoyi emitted a green light, forming a barrier, protecting the two.

At the same time, Zi Xuexin took out a divine mirror calmly, which was also a venerable divine artifact.

She shone it towards the sky, wanting to take a look at the true bodies of many venerables and protect herself.

As a result, she found Yun Ye's abnormality before she took a look at the great venerables. She was stunned and almost wanted to wipe her eyes. This Qing Liusheng...

Is it wrapped with many sealing chains?

These chains seemed real and illusory, very vague. Even Zi Xuexin was not sure whether it was an illusion, but she suddenly had a warning premonition and knew that she could not continue to explore, and immediately focused on defending the venerable divine law.

The two great artifacts each showed great power, and the honorable divine law was also dissolved into nothingness.

"It was a test, or it was intercepted. Five honorable people in the second world have already taken action, and this is only at this moment."

"Whether there will be other honorable people taking action next is another matter. I have begun to be curious about your origins. It is so rare that the Divine Court can make such a big fuss."

Zi Xuexin stared into the distance. She didn't think that the honorable divine law was just this level. After all, the artifact was just an artifact, far less than the real honorable position.

At least the divine mirror she held could not easily block the honorable divine law, without even a wave.

"Yes, I was also surprised, but it doesn't matter. Wanling also dispatched many honorable people, one of whom has already achieved great success and has almost no rivals."

Yun Ye said.

Zixue Xin raised her head, and there was pressure coming from the sky. It was the arrival of three venerables. They broke through the outer sky and forcibly arrived at Fengshen Continent.

One of them is entangled with all spirits, and the smell of blood and soul is deep in his breath, making people involuntarily feel terrified.

"The Great Master of All Souls, it is said that he slaughtered the creatures of a higher universe to create the All Souls Map. His power is full of absurdity and weirdness, and he is an extremely twisted soul. From then on, he was invincible in the world and became invincible three thousand years ago."

"To be able to invite this Dacheng Venerable to come out, I really underestimate you, Qing Liusheng."

The voice of a venerable person in the Divine Court spread throughout the world, and his murderous intent was very obvious, leaving those who didn't know at a loss. Why do you value Qing Liusheng so much?

In the spiritual realm, how to drive Dacheng Venerable is just that all spirits need to design a trap to kill you in the divine court, otherwise it will not be like this simply to protect a genius.

The throne has a life span of 3,200 years. What kind of genius has I never seen before? They are all fleeting. How many can make it to the end?

"You said you are invincible in the world. If that's true, you should turn around and run away. How dare you call yourself invincible if you are not the Lord of the Cave Heaven? Lord Douji Wu... I didn't expect that you would serve the Divine Court and assassinate Qing Liusheng at such a cost. "There are so many geniuses in the world, why do five venerables need to take action?"

The Venerable Wan Ling was full of bloody aura, but he behaved in a harmonious manner, speaking with a smile and ease. He was also the one who felt strange about this.

He, a senior executive of the Wanling Group, knew very little about Qing Liusheng. Why did Shenting conclude that Qing Liusheng was a huge threat, even if a large number of dignitaries died?

"Venerable Wanling, I'm ashamed to say that it was my order for King Yu and the others to assassinate Qing Liusheng. But at that time, I just thought that Qing Liusheng was extremely talented and might quickly rise to the top of Zixue and gain control over us and others. There are obstacles in the divine world, but I didn’t expect that I still underestimated him. In the spiritual realm, he can freely use the power to create the world, and he is born with a body of wind, water and fire, and..."

"He has mastered the Tao."

Lord Wu sighed.

It's not enough to master Taoism. They are people from the Immortal Clan. Seeing that the Queen of God is about to fall, how can their Divine Court allow outside forces to share the results?

Who knows whether this is a genius or the reincarnation of Qingtian?

Therefore, it must be killed and crushed with absolute strength.

"Your statement is baseless and has almost zero credibility."

"Even if I kill Qing Liusheng, what does it have to do with you? If you take action now, the vast multiverse will not be able to accommodate you."

"Betraying the Immortal Dynasty will lead to death sooner or later."

Venerable Wanling cannot understand that a mere interest group can actually drive a being standing at the top of the pyramid to die. This is unreasonable.

As a defender, he was willing to take action without risking the pressure of the Immortal Dynasty. If his life was in danger, he would definitely run away.

But the Lord Wu in front of him was different. He was far weaker than him, but in the end he did not turn around and leave, but instead regarded death as if he were home.

"The Divine Court is far stronger than you think. How can it be just an ordinary interest group and grow to such an extent? Besides, do you really think that position is important? No matter which emperor's era, even at the quasi-emperor level, The emperor can also be pressed to death with one finger, and now the Immortal Dynasty is about to enter the cave-heaven era. "

"It's time to take action. The support from the Immortal Dynasty won't arrive even if we keep chatting. You can come in because we let you in on purpose."

Master Douji Wu finally took action and conquered the world with his fist.

"Qing Liusheng, it seems that you will be in big trouble in the future. The venerable person has personally confirmed that you have mastered Taoism. No wonder you are so unscrupulous in your actions."

Zixue couldn't help but laugh, this was really a big show.

No wonder the Divine Court acted so unscrupulously, the Immortal Clan and the Divine Court were both shady forces.

The Immortal Dynasty was quite happy to see this kind of scene. It could naturally deal with many traitors and there was no reason to stop them.

"It's a win-win situation. We can kill hard and gain an advantage by fighting life and death, and the Queen can also sit on the Diaoyutai and watch the clouds roll and relax."

Yun Ye said.

To be precise, Yun Ye and Shui Wu Ge watched the dog bite the dog on both sides.

In terms of the origin and deeds of the Wanling Venerable, the Wanling side he represents is quite like a villain. The crime of massacring an entire universe is not a small one.

It can be seen from the fact that major worlds will fall into the Tianqian universe. Massacre is explicitly prohibited by the Immortal Dynasty. Violators must at least sacrifice their own strength and luck to eliminate the backlash of such evil for the Immortal Dynasty.

But now, this great crime is being told as a shocking and diverse deed...

This logic is actually quite natural.

Is it possible to violate the rules of heaven and still stand here without strength, background and power?

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