A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 665 Ten Innate Treasures, Sky-Opening Ax

The three Venerables of Wanling stopped the God Court, giving Yun Ye and Zi Xuexin plenty of time to transfer.

The Conferred God World is completely the private land of the God Court, without any outsiders. The five Venerables do not belong to Zi Xue, but they took over the Conferred God Universe in this area and became the transit station for Zi Xue to go to the Hongmeng Purple Qi World.

Even the five Venerables themselves come from multiple forces, and the Martial Venerable does not even belong to any organization, seemingly a neutral party.

Of course, no one believes this, but it doesn’t matter what force the Dou Ji Martial Venerable belongs to, and no one has to test it.

Compared with the five Venerables who are already in this world, the three Venerables of Wanling suddenly descended from the outside world and are invaders.

This makes Zi Xuexin a little strange. The barriers of the higher world are much more difficult to cross than the God and Demon Realm. Can the Venerable of Wanling descend so easily?


"It is indeed intentional. There are many innate treasures here, which are the ultimate power left behind when the universe was created. If you take one of them in this world, you can compete with the saints. If you collect all ten, you can reproduce the creation artifact that divided the chaos when the universe was created."

Yun Ye's blue eyes reflected the world and had already seen this future.

At this stage, the ancient, modern and future magic can't actually see too far, but using the infinite Dao Sutra to bless it is another matter. This is a heaven-defying thing.

He used the infinite Dao Sutra to bless the magic, and even Zixue's director could not realize that he was being observed, and was taken away by the Dao weapon in a daze.

At this time, these eyes also saw the future again, letting everything settle.

"The Creation Artifact, the Axe of Creation, it is said that these ten innate treasures were collected separately and never fell into the hands of the five martial masters. Two of them were even kept in the Immortal Dynasty Divine Army. The Divine Court was just trying to gain suppression power in a higher world, so would it spare no expense?"

Zi Xuexin frowned. She knew about this famous Axe of Creation.

This is a creation artifact that can reopen the world with one axe in the universe, and its status is comparable to the Heavenly Dao Artifact and the New Heavenly Sacred Artifact of the Red Heaven Realm.

If the treasures that make up the creation artifact were not scattered in the hands of different people and not concentrated in the hands of the three great saints, and one of them was taken away from the beginning, I am afraid that the Conferred God World would have to be suppressed by the top Venerable.

But this so-called creation artifact can only be used in the Conferred God World after all. Outside the Conferred God World, the law of creation contained in it will be sharply weakened.

Not all worlds belong to the Red Heaven Realm, and they have gained the possibility of truly creating the world. The so-called rules of creation in most worlds are only after the world is created. Each era breeds internal rules, and the power of the Axe of Creation is the real power of creation.

This kind of treasure is like the spatial authority of Yin Monk. It is a tasteless thing to eat and a pity to throw away. I can't think of any reason for the God Court to gather it together and set up a killing array in this world of conferred gods. Can they predict the future and expect this day to come?

"Is there a possibility that the wealth of the God Court is too much to use, so they try to increase their own foundation as much as possible?"

Yun Ye gave an answer.

"If I calculate, I don't think so."

Zi Xuexin really thought about it seriously. She was thoughtful, "The Red Heaven Realm can only support one Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven Lord to grow to the Emperor Dao. How many resources are consumed in it? No matter how many resources there are, they are not enough. Even if the Divine Court holds hundreds or thousands of universes, there will never be an overflow of resources. Well, this is the case under normal circumstances."


Yun Ye laughed. Isn't it possible to see the reason? Who stipulates that wealth must be actual resources?

Zi Xuexin suddenly frowned and looked at all parts of Xiadu. She found that countless people knelt down and the emperor who looked like a human being was holding a grand ceremony.

"The Supreme Saint killed the evil demons outside the domain. We are willing to offer a great sacrifice to help the saint!"

The emperor said so.

Then, kneel down and salute, and offer sacrifices to the heaven and the saint.

"The five great venerables took over the three major religions and took charge of the world on their behalf? So many humans are tamed, what is the calculation?"

Zi Xuexin's eyes were slightly cold.

Although she was just a real person, she was not afraid of conspiracy, otherwise she would not have accepted the mission of accompanying.

Since winning the five-school competition, she has been ranked on the Dragon and Phoenix List of Tengzhou, becoming the uncrowned king, with her own special features.

Zixue High School arranged for her to accompany because she was special enough, not just for a simple farewell.

"Maybe they also want to test the strength of the Immortal Dynasty. Most of the Lords of the Cave Heavens stand on the side of the Immortal Dynasty. Not all of them are like the three seats and eight seats. They also want to know how much power the Immortal Dynasty has accumulated over the years."

Yun Ye said.


Zi Xuexin was stunned. Why did he say it was none of her business?

"Look, the Axe of Creation is here. This ceremony may be related to the Axe of Creation."

Yun Ye suddenly said.

Zi Xuexin looked up suddenly, and saw ten phantoms flashing across the sky with the naked eye, including beads, swords, banners, pictures, tripods, pianos, lotuses and other innate treasures.

Once the innate treasures appeared, although the situation did not immediately reverse, the retreat of the five great masters was also curbed.

"After all, he is the invincible Dacheng Venerable three thousand years ago. He is really powerful. Without this innate treasure, he would not be defeated even with the home advantage." Dou Ji Wu Venerable sighed, and the various formations arranged in various parts of the Fengshen world finally collapsed, and dust returned to dust, and the ten innate treasures took over.

"You didn't mind the trouble and gathered all the top ten innate treasures. How long have you been preparing for them? They were exposed just to assassinate Qing Liusheng..."

Venerable Wanling frowned slightly.

He was already a Venerable three thousand years ago, and he has not slept for a single day in these three thousand years. He has been getting stronger. Naturally, he is not afraid of the ten great innate treasures.

But the ten greatest treasures merged into one to form the Sky-Opening Axe, and it was controlled by the Lord of Hongtian. This was a bit troublesome. Not to mention whether we could win in battle or not, even escaping would be a lot of trouble. Some people might be left behind. Let Wanling lose his position.

He was completely confused. What if Qing Liusheng came from the immortal clan? If any member of the immortal clan could interfere with Hongtian's situation, Hongtian had been overthrown countless times in the past ten thousand years. Why was it so fierce only this time?

Even the order from the Immortal Clan is very clear, which is to use Qing Liusheng to attract attention and then kill these venerables, even if it is revealed that Qing Liusheng is from the Immortal Clan.

Isn't this weird?

The behavior of both parties is incomprehensible.

"Ten great innate treasures——"


The five great sages burst out with great power, and massive amounts of true energy rose into the sky, connecting the ten great innate treasures, and the ten great phantoms gradually came closer and overlapped.

Finally, a simple divine ax filled with chaotic energy appeared, and was held by Master Douji Wu. He felt a sense of power just by holding it, as if the whole world had decomposed and turned into a fragile veil. The world can be reopened with just a hack.

This is not entirely an illusion. The Sky-Opening Ax does have the power to open the sky, but if the user is not strong enough, it cannot completely split the universe.

"Those saints are restricted because of their world level. In any case, it is impossible to split the world and refine the earth, wind, water, and fire again, but I..."


Master Douji Wu used the concept of martial arts to bless the Sky-Opening Ax. With one strike of the ax, the world of the Gods was thrown into chaos, and countless humans were swept to death.

It stands to reason that it is not that simple to integrate the ten innate treasures.

When facing a calamity, the three saints also needed multiple processes to complete their unity, and they could only last for a very short period of time before being separated again, and could not be activated again for a long time.

But this kind of problem is not a problem in Shenting. They have unique technology and can blur these rules. At this time, the ax of opening the sky is stronger than before!

The three great sages of the Wanling Group retreated, and each used the power of creation to strengthen their authority, guarding Yun Ye and Zixue Xin.

However, the power was rapidly disappearing, and even the three great sages were surprised. The three of them might not be able to hold on to this kind of offensive for long together.

"This is not good. Although the power of creating the world is limited to the Fengshen World, the Fengshen World has been completely chaotic, and we can't fight out for the time being."

"Qing Liusheng, please leave on your own."

Venerable Wan Ling turned his back to Yun Ye and said.

Qing Liusheng is a big shot, and he comes here wearing a treasure. At this level, he should not be able to stop him. If it is not possible, if the three great sages work together to break through a point, they should be able to send him away. This is an existence that he cannot offend.

(Sacrificing five venerables should be enough to find a lot of clues about the Divine Court. Adding the existing ones, it can be said to have cut off an arm of the Divine Court.)

Yun Ye did not answer Wanling Venerable, but a thought flashed across his mind.

The multiverse is too vast. If you want to pry into it, you can only bless the infinite divine magic to accumulate amplification multiples. However, he is only in the spiritual realm. A conceptual body without honor can increase without limit, and he cannot read such huge data on his own. There is a fundamental problem in existence. limit.

King Yu's memory, he forcibly erased the shackles of divine law by seeing the future, and got a glimpse of the whole picture.

But it won’t work in the past.

From the moment King Yu received the assassination order, countless forces intertwined to cover up his traces. The sources of these forces were probably Cave Lord-level existences. They were so powerful that even Yun Yexiao could not trace them back. Director Xue’s recent actions are not a difficulty.

Moreover, the size of King Yu himself is far lower than that of Zun, and his traces interfere too little with the multiverse, making it difficult to establish a clear anchor point.

But if it were replaced by the five major thrones, it would be different. Just the existence of the throne would suppress the single universe level, and the traces were extremely clear. Even if it was covered up, it would be much easier to trace back than King Yu, and it might be a breakthrough.

"Qing Liusheng, you should leave!"

Venerable Wanling spoke again, already a little impatient.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a majestic appearance. One of their ten innate treasures is fake. Follow my orders and attack them together. They are here today."

Yun Ye said calmly.

"Order us venerables??"

The three great sages felt ridiculous at first. Even if they were from the immortal clan, they looked down on them. Is this a battlefield where the spirit realm can intervene?

Then, as Yun Ye took a step forward, they gave up this idea and silently bowed their heads and obeyed the order.

As Yun Ye stepped forward step by step, a large number of chains appeared around him, and then broke one after another. As the chains broke, his strength soared, and at some point, the four streamers of Feng, Shui and Fire also passed through the Taoist robe and floated away. Come out, wrap your arms and legs, and burst out with the power to create the world.

The chaos and fragmentation of the entire world calmed down. In front of Yun Ye, it automatically rose into pure air and sank into turbid air. The heaven and earth opened up for a while.

The five venerables were all horrified. This kind of vision and control were unheard of!

The spiritual realm possesses the power to create heaven and earth, surpassing the existence of the five elements and the divine body. This is probably the strongest Taoist in the history of the immortal clan, and is born sacred!

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