A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 666: Joining forces to create the world

"Sealing Chain!"

Zixue Xin's mouth twitched. She saw it right. Qing Liusheng's talent was forcibly restricted!

Such a dense sealing chain, to what extent does this lock the power?

Is this how Qing Liusheng behaves so unfathomably?

She could only think of the four-element body she was born with. This kind of affinity and harmony could not be compared to the simple four-element spiritual roots!

The power of creation flows through his body and can be activated at any time. It has become a kind of bloodline!

She, like the five great sages, also thought of a title for this kind of talent and foundation.

Immortal Taoist!

"With such a talent, he doesn't care about his identity being exposed at all..."

Zixue Xin originally thought she understood the situation, but after getting deeper, she was at a loss. How could such a talent be so publicized?

Born with the bloodline that created the world, no wonder Shenting spared no expense in killing him. She couldn't help but want to take action when she saw it!

If you don't get rid of this kind of person, you will feel that the end is approaching every time you close your eyes. How can you feel at ease?

You must know that Qing Liusheng is very likely to come from the immortal clan. Once he grows up, it will be a disaster for the Xintian Immortal Dynasty. All the achievements in 20,000 years may be completely destroyed!

But thinking of the order of the Immortal Dynasty and the Qingtian Taoist robe Yun Ye was wearing, Zixue Xin reluctantly suppressed her murderous intention and continued to wait for the situation to develop.

"Along with the four elements, you are born with a body that created the world. What the artifact saw is indeed correct. You will bring a lot of trouble to the Divine Court in the future..." Lord Douji Wu said coldly, "It's a pity that it ends here. The Divine Court will use the At the cost of the disintegration of the Fengshen universe, everything will disappear completely. No one can survive in the void, and the newborn body that created the world is far from qualified. "

He didn't think Yun Ye could make a comeback. Although the four-element streamer could stably open the sky, due to his own strength, the interference range was too small. It was impossible to block a real opening blow, let alone a well-aimed blow. It is the world itself that wants to disintegrate the world and let everything collapse into the void.

After losing the world, there is a void without time and space, without any direction to speak of, and all cosmic beacon arrays will be ineffective.

"Open the sky!"

"Open the sky!"

"No matter how bright your future is, it will perish now!"

Venerable Doujiwu and the four Venerables roared together, burning authority, smashing it with authority, turning it into fuel for the ax that opened the sky, and swung the creation artifact, and the sound of all the broken avenues rumbled across the entire Fengshen Universe, and the universe The end came directly in advance because of Kaitian's axe.

Faintly, the tragedy of the universe resounded, the darkness began to collapse inward from the boundary, and everything in sight began to twist and turn into purgatory.

This is - the great destruction of the universe!

The moves used by the New Heaven God Emperor to defeat the immortals have been studied and reproduced. Although they cannot control it independently, and they are not as powerful as the Red Sky Destruction, it doesn't matter. This move is to destroy the universe and bury everything. , whoever is not the God Lord or the Emperor will die.

Just a few venerables were able to defeat such a formidable enemy. This is what makes divine magic so exciting.

When the future and destiny can be deduced in advance, as long as you are willing and completely eliminate all accidents, the strong will always be strong and the weak will never rise!

"You want to kill Qing Liusheng even if you destroy yourself?!"

"The problem is huge. He destroyed a certain rule of the world. The world cannot function and it has come to an end early!"

"Great destruction! The God Emperor's moves were so poorly imitated that all the practitioners were swallowed up!"

The expressions on the faces of the three nobles of all spirits were extremely ugly.

How powerful is the Divine Court? To control the Venerable to such an extent, he has completely lost himself, even at the cost of his life!

This is a great destruction. Even if the universes are like playthings in the hands of their lords, they can be suppressed at will.

But what they suppress is only the creatures in the universe, not the universe itself.

Once someone awakens the consciousness of the universe and allows the universe to reject them on its own, even the monks in the Red Sky Realm will be unable to move forward.

And now that the universe is shattered, there is no doubt that it corresponds to the terrifying power that created the world, which can bury everything, and they will all die!

Before the great destruction of the universe, unless you have transcendent strength, it is impossible to escape the gravity of the great destruction!

Although detachment does not refer to true immortals, it must at least have imperial level strength, or be the Lord of the Cave Heaven and be able to compete with the power of a realm!

Although they have the power to create the world, the creation of the world is only the invincible power of the five elements, but it does not mean the magic of heaven!

It can be said that they didn't even have a chance to gamble. No one could create a new world. There was no such supreme secret in their memory.


This scene silenced Zixue Xin. She had various means to leave, but when the scene of world destruction appeared, she had only one choice left.

Create the world!

"The continent dragon and phoenix ranking. This is a position that can only be held by the strongest person who has conquered a continent. The male is called the true dragon, and the female is called the true phoenix. Many people understand this position as the uncrowned king and the candidate for the god. Why is there such a title? Woolen cloth?"

Zixue Xin sighed, crossing the cloudy night, the aura belonging to the true state of perfection was no longer blocked, and was released fearlessly, straight into the sky.

Compared to the great thrones that are as vast as the world itself, her breath is too small, swaying, and dim as if it might be extinguished at any time.

But the three great sages all shrank their pupils as they thought of something.

The True Realm Ranking can only be entered by those who are one hundred years old. The Immortal Dynasty defines a hundred years as a generation. Since Zixuexin is the owner of the contemporary Dragon and Phoenix Ranking, it can be said that she is the strongest monk in Tengzhou within a hundred years and the only one who can A young monk who is said to be invincible.

She has stood at the top, competing with all the real dragons and phoenixes in Hongtian to be the strongest.

What does this mean?

It means that she may complete the creation of the world at any time and become the God of Creation!

The reason why she has not taken this step is simply that she has not yet found a suitable position to create a new world. It is not impossible to do so.

Once there is real danger, just like Yun Ye's sixth life, he can forcefully create a new world, which is enough to gain the power to turn the world around and become invincible.

She believed that she and Yun Ye were not on the same path, so she would not place her hopes on Wanling Group and Yun Ye.

Then there is only one thing to do, fight hard and create a new world!


Running water is the foundation, which is the foundation of Zixue Cave Heavenly Method.

The water spirit pattern spreads and covers into a sphere, wrapping a world in it, and a massive amount of energy is injected into the alien space. This is just a little bit of the atmosphere.


The spiritual patterns of wood are intertwined and overlapping, and water produces wood, which naturally evolves. The trees are reborn, then wither, and finally burn with flames.


As the fire spirit pattern reappears, a life of some kind swaying in the fire seems to have been born.


The trees burned out and turned into dust. The extremely mysterious spiritual patterns of earth were compatible with water, wood, and fire. Although they collided fiercely, everything was developing for the better. It just knocked out a lot of lightning, magma, Snowflakes without falling apart.


What was finally knocked out was the golden spirit pattern, which was nurtured by the earth.

"With such a skilled and stable Zixue Cave Heaven Technique, it is no wonder that it is the strongest in Tengzhou today... The control of the five elements has reached its peak, and I am not as good as me."

"I didn't expect that I would have a chance to survive, but I don't know if I can succeed."

"It's difficult to create something new in this environment..."

The three great sages were not happy too early. The creation of the contemporary world is too precise. If there is any mistake, it will destroy itself. No matter how many miracles Zixuexin has created in the past, it is difficult for them to rationally expect that the same miracle will happen this time.

There is a magical mirror floating next to Zixue Xin, vaguely protected by various powers to prevent it from being disturbed, and perfecting it step by step in her own world.

The creation of the world is very mysterious, but it is not the case in the Red Sky Realm. When everything is ready and brought together, the prototype of the cave sky will be born, and then it will extract the power of the void and expand at a high speed, truly forming a world with an independent cycle.

"Want to create a new world...dream!"

Master Douji Wu smiled and burned the conceptual body, and used his last strength to swing an ax again.

This blow made the three great sages almost burst into flames.

No matter how talented Zixue Xin is and her control is exquisite, there is nothing she can do about this kind of external interference, and she will inevitably fail.

"It's over!"

"After burning the power, there is still energy left to activate the heaven-opening artifact?"

Zixue Xin raised her head and sighed. She still had some strength left but there was nothing she could do. Fortunately, she thought she would be able to show off in the end.

"How can we stop shouting? Didn't I say that one of the Sky-Opening Axes is fake?"

"It's just right."

Yun Ye's voice suddenly came to mind, and the hearts of the three great sages and Zixue jumped.


The Sky-Opening Ax disintegrated instantly!

Even the collapsed world of gods returned to its original state suddenly and suddenly, everything seemed like a dream, like a dream.

The only thing that hasn't changed is probably the "Purple Snow Qilin Sky" that has already opened up most of Zixue Xin and is almost ready to take shape.

The universe didn't collapse?

A thought flashed through Zixue's mind, what else is she going to do to create something new? There is no benefit in placing the cave here, so just stop it!

However, halfway through the creation of the world, it can't be useless, right?

"Purple Snow Qilin!"

The unicorn roared, biting off half of the world in an instant, and together with the five great lords, it turned into chaos and dissipated.

After Zixuexin finished doing all this, she was stunned for a long time, and then she seemed to wake up. Was she a thug from Chengqing Sixth Life?

False Unity and Attack: Everyone works together to attack and defeat the enemy.

The real combination strikes: I am lying down, you are about to open up the world.

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