A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 718 Enforcement of Resolutions


All the monks present were stunned and could not say a word.

The young man's courage was so amazing that he faced the God Queen directly.

Don’t be afraid of anything at all!

His aura is rising steadily, revealing its original appearance, no longer suppressing or hiding it.

In the eyes of many monks, the seals and shackles, which were extremely complex and indestructible, were directly shattered by the Qi machine and completely disappeared.

The clouds and nights of the two time and space are overlapping, and the magic of the future is lifted!

He had already released the seal in another time and space, but now he was just covering it. Naturally, he returned to his strongest state very quickly.

"The strongest in this world, my life cannot be controlled by anyone, not them." Yun Ye glanced at the two Taoist envoys and many venerables, and finally his eyes stopped on Shui Wuge's perfect face. He said in a tone, "Neither can you!"

"Be bold!"

"It's simply outrageous!"

"So disrespectful to the Queen!!"

The expressions of all the monks present suddenly changed. The Taoist Master looked at Yun Ye coldly, and golden chains suddenly appeared in their bodies.

Taoist weapon·Sin-sealing chain!

The golden chain of order came and penetrated Shui Wuge's heavenly power, trying to judge Yun Ye on the spot.

Now that he has been recognized as a Taoist disciple of the Immortal Clan, and the Queen's recruitment has been rejected, this person is undoubtedly an enemy of the Immortal Dynasty. Tomorrow's Taoist tools will be effective as long as he faces the enemy, and his Taoist tools will be based on the opponent's crimes. The crime increases the power!

This kind of crime cannot be concealed. It will be judged directly from the level of rules. Unless you have fraudulent power that far exceeds the Tianmian Taoist weapon, it cannot be avoided.

"I am not guilty. It is the opposite of sin to be a disciple of Taoism."

With a casual sweep of Yun Ye, all the golden chains exploded, and the hazy power of the heavenly stems and caves that enveloped him suddenly brightened and began to evaporate rapidly!


The chain of the Taoist weapon was broken at will, and Zhan Meng immediately vomited blood. Every drop of blood contained terrifying power. A massive amount of spiritual light burst out, sweeping across the sky, and turned into a dragon and snake. However, it was resolved by the formation, and there was no further explosion of power. .

Zhan Meng took a few steps back with an ugly face and said nothing.

"You are actually not guilty. Are your birth years too short?"

Rou Zhao did not believe that people of the Qing tribe would not violate the rules of heaven, but the Taoist tools would not make mistakes, and innocence was innocence. This could only be attributed to the fact that Qing Liusheng was born too young and had been cultivating before he could commit a serious crime.

"Father, Priest Zhanmeng was defeated so easily? How is this possible? Qing Liusheng should only have the strength of the Venerable. When the cave is not opened, he can actually defeat the Priest Tiangan who has the authority of Tiangan Cave?"

Shui Chonghuang stood beside Shui Faming, protected by the power of the venerable, somewhat in a trance.

"It has nothing to do with strength, this is the price of the Taoist weapon's backlash. The Taoist weapon of Zhanmeng Priest has the effect of judging sins, but correspondingly, when the opponent is not guilty but has merit, the target of the Taoist weapon will be reversed, and ordinary methods cannot Let alone let the priest be injured in such an understatement."

"It's okay to say that he didn't commit any crime, but if he had merit, I'm afraid the Taoist weapon wouldn't be able to take effect tomorrow!"

"Are these achievements related to the previous assassinations? Defeating so many assassins at the venerable level is indeed a great achievement..."

Shui Faming's expression was solemn.

The most powerful means of the Immortal Dynasty, other than the Tiangan Cave, is the Tianmian Taoist Artifact. This is a power that can cross the void of the outer sky and still be effective.

Even in other universes, Taoist users can still borrow the power of the Tianmian Taoist weapon, but it will be weakened. It is not a problem to suppress most of the Lords of the Cave Heaven, and the effectiveness is much more frightening than that of ruling the Tao.

Even the original God Emperor relied on the Great Destruction and the original Tomorrow Dao Artifact to block the ancient Tianmian Dao Artifact of the Immortal Clan.

The Taoist weapon that Shui Wuge holds today is not only a Tianmian Taoist weapon, but also a contemporary Taoist tool, far from being comparable to the ancient Taoist tools that are sluggish and whose effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

Facing today's Tianmian Taoist tools, the resurrection of the God Emperor requires at least the peak of his status and even the great achievement of the Imperial Dao to be able to compete.

This is only the difference between modern Taoist tools, and does not take into account the repercussions of the surge in the multidimensional era.

Today's Tianmian Taoist weapon at least requires the Lord of the Imperial Cave to fight against it, and it is in a state of great destruction, so there is no problem in suppressing Qing Liusheng.

But the problem is that Qing Liusheng did not commit the crime, and the problem is a hundred times more complicated!

It is easy to say that the Taoist weapon cannot work, but it is just missing a method.

What if the magical weapon in turn suppresses the God Queen...


The power of Tiangan Cave was completely torn apart, and Yun Ye broke away from all restraints and returned completely to freedom.

He said calmly: "There's no need to accuse me. I haven't done anything yet, and you two Taoist envoys want to judge me?"

"We don't remember that there is a citizen of the Qing Clan like you, Qing Liusheng. It's useless to exploit loopholes! Could it be that the alien race invaded the Red Heaven Realm, and we have to wait until it actually commits a crime before imposing sanctions? Just kidding, you are a citizen of the Immortal Dynasty. They are our primary targets of protection, and there is only one word for intruders..."


Rou Zhao said coldly.

She proved her words with actions. A white and silver ancient sword emerged from her chest. She suddenly grasped the Taoist weapon condensed with her heart and will, and swung the sword towards Yun Ye. During the slashing process, The power belonging to the Taixin Bell is injected into it, upgrading it to the level of Tianmian Dao Weapon.

For a monk who has just reached the quasi-emperor level, this sword can already be equated with death, and it is impossible to resist it.

But Shui Wuge looked at this scene unmoved.

Use tomorrow's Tao tools to deal with the founder of tomorrow's Tao...

What could be more outrageous than this?

as expected.

Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, Yun Ye directly caught the Taoist tool that could only be touched by the Taoist user tomorrow with his bare hands, without any damage.

Not to mention ordinary people who were dumbfounded, even the Taoist user himself, Rou Zhao himself, was stunned for a moment.

Yun Ye said: "It's a pity. I wasn't a citizen before, but I am now... As a reward for suppressing a rebellion, I only need citizenship. To be precise, it is an outstanding citizen."


There was silence, Rou Zhao could be said to be so angry that she was shaking all over, and she was so angry that she couldn't say a word.

Who is it!

Who actually gave citizenship to an intruder named Qing? Still trying to achieve outstanding citizenship status? ?

She had never been so angry. A Qing tribesman with a forged identity was directly awarded the status of an outstanding citizen after a joint operation. Was the recommender a rebel? Or do you think that citizenship cannot protect young people?

"Tomorrow's Tao is a good thing. Everyone must abide by it, otherwise the Taoist weapon will impose sanctions. I am also very law-abiding, Lord Priest."

Yun Ye seemed to continue to taunt.

Rou Zhao felt that a string in her mind was broken. She was so angry that she just wanted to kill this bitch directly...

But it's a pity that she is a monk, and she is a priest of the Tomorrow Way. Rage is not something that will appear in a great monk like her.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to take action!"

She turned to look at the God Queen.

Taoist tools do not require consent to judge anyone. After all, Taoist tools will only be executed in strict accordance with the rules of heaven, and there will be no accidental injury in any sense.

But if it is a person taking action or taking action against citizens, it is different. The enforcement resolution needs to be opened for voting.

Yun Ye has always been a Taoist son of the Qingtian clan. The evidence is conclusive and there are prerequisites for the enforcement of the resolution to strip him of his citizenship.

"Clang clang clang!"

Tomorrow's Taixin Bell floats in the sky, and the Taoist rules spread.

The Goddess raised her eyes and said:

"Start the enforcement resolution and strip Qing Liusheng of his outstanding citizenship status!"

"The information is fully disclosed!"

"The voting process begins!"

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