A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 719 The Four Elements Create the World

Any resolution takes time.

Even the Immortal Dynasty cannot be completed in an instant. During this period, no one can forcefully threaten the safety of a citizen.

Yun Ye didn't care at all about the decision.

The body floats.

Rise into the sky.

The hymn continues to spread, and the power is gathering and compressing.

"It's impossible to escape. A dragnet has been set here, and time and space are forbidden!"

"Qing Liusheng, the only way for you is to kill me!"

Zhan Meng wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth and manifested countless chains in the void. They were real heaven and earth nets, created by the Heavenly Stems and Cave Heavens.

Above the sky, monks with solemn expressions walked out one after another. The weakest one was also the Venerable. His aura shook the heavens and was infinitely majestic. He was the divine army of tomorrow!

All the power of the red sky returned to the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven. This power was so huge that Shui Wuge could not control it alone, so the ten Heavenly Stem Priests and the Nine Continent Tomorrow Divine Army were born. They all assisted Shui Wuge in controlling the Cave Heaven existence and obtained Part of the power of the Heavenly Stems and Cave Heavens.

The sky is immortal, and so are they.

Yun Ye had no intention of breaking through the obstruction and leaving. Standing high in the sky, he naturally opened his arms to embrace the world. His perspective had begun to narrow.

All the limbs and bones were brought back into his eyes. Every cell shimmering with spiritual light, every drop of blood that could crush mountains and rivers, every strand of spiritual thoughts attached to the cells could turn falsehood into trueness. He returned to the world of body and spirit. Practice.

And in the chest, where the heart beats, a gorgeous sword occupies all vision.

It was a Dao sword that reflected the sky and illuminated the earth. It seemed that millions of mortals were working, carving immeasurable prayers and entwining water and fire.

Sometimes she looks like a sword, but if you look closely, she looks like a woman in a blue dress with her eyes closed and a cold demeanor.

Everything is getting closer.

At some point, Yun Ye stood opposite the woman in the blue skirt. She seemed to sense his gaze. The woman in the blue skirt's eyelashes trembled and she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were ice blue, filled with the clarity of the sky, cold and beautiful, and seemed to reflect the color of their souls when they looked at each other.

Yun Ye smiled slightly and said nothing, but it seemed that he could speak a thousand words.

The two of them struck each other with palms, and their spirits and wills merged and complemented each other...

Sublimate immediately!

Taoist tools are the ultimate divine method of the human race!

The ultimate in yin!

Yun Ye's spiritual realm is increasing rapidly. The completed soul, assisting the ancient, modern and future divine magic, has suddenly reached an unimaginable realm.

He created a new world in the future predicted by the divine law of the future, tried the right direction, and forcibly closed the correct future with the nine-life divine law.

Finally, he opened his eyes and pointed one finger to the sky and the other to the ground.

The eyes of all the creatures in heaven and earth gathered together.

The entire Red Sky Realm.

No matter where or who is, everyone has started this viewing ceremony that spans time and space.

"This gesture, this kind of special ceremony, wouldn't be possible..."

Tian Xiaoxiao looked up at the sky as if the sun existed, and murmured to himself.

"This is a dead end! President!"

"How can today's Red Heaven Realm create a new world!"

Gong Haili couldn't help shouting.

Her voice spread far away, and those who heard it had different reactions, some were disgusted, some were sneering, or some were joking, but these were not important, everything was frozen.

The four elements around the boy who saw the sky surged out and turned into four pillars of light, suppressing all directions. The astonishing power completely confirmed everyone's perception.

He wants to create a new world!

Today, when the dry cave sky covers the entire red sky world, the world is created!

This is a dead end!


The earth is showing.


Air is being born.


The liquid is transformed.


Energy is bursting.

Solid state, gaseous state, liquid state, plasma state, everything is advancing according to its inherent trajectory. When the four elements converge, a new world is completed.

Everyone was silent, watching the young man create the world, watching the Heavenly Road mechanism trigger, attracting the attention of the world.

Good luck!

The close-up of the Heavenly Road is actually a ritual for good luck, everyone pays attention to it, and everyone prays, which can actually increase the possibilities!

In the distant ancient times, this was an important guarantee for monks to exercise their power and even complete their advancement.

At this moment, Yun Ye's creation of the world has attracted the attention of the whole world, and in this way he has gained unparalleled luck.

His power has nothing to do with the mentality of the viewers. Even if most of these viewers are not willing for him to create the world, they actually believe in their hearts that he can complete the creation of the world. After all, he has already completed it on the road to heaven, and now it is just Repeat it again!

"Creation of heaven and earth!"

The four light pillars suddenly converged and collided, and the ultimate power was suddenly born. Three days emerged, with the red sky, blue sky, and Xuantian blocking Kaitian.

All human Dharma cannot circumvent the three-day barrier. If you want to enter other dimensions to practice Dharma, you must first break through the three-day barrier.

The same is true for the creation of the world!

"Today's era is covered by the Heavenly Stems and Cave, which is equivalent to having the fourth day. It is simply a dream to break through, and he is doomed to fail!"

"Yes! He will fail..."

There were also people who didn't want to believe that Yun Ye would successfully open the sky, muttering to themselves.

But since Yun Ye decided to open the sky, he was naturally confident.

Countless Taoist scriptures appeared in his hand.


Three days were penetrated.

The power of the four elements finally overcame many obstacles, rushed out of the outer world, and intertwined at one point.

The storm that destroyed everything spread, and the extremely strong hymn sounded passionately. All the monks in the Red Sky Realm showed bitter expressions.

A feat that no one has accomplished in thousands of years was actually accomplished by an invader!


In the midst of the song, the heaven and earth opened up, and a star emerged from the chaos.

This big star contains huge energy, and it must have given birth to an incredible extraordinary race, but it is completely different from the path of Tiangan Cave.

All energy is gathered into this one planet, and there is no need for the existence of useless space in the universe. It is completely the only one in the world.

This kind of world can utilize energy to the greatest extent, and will not consume a bottomless pit of energy to advance like the Heavenly Stem Cave.

No matter what, Yun Ye completed the creation of the world, the Dharma Realm...

Create the world!

Baptized by the cave, the physical body is transforming and sublimating rapidly. Yun Ye's body, which has already reached the quasi-emperor realm, is stepping towards the imperial path step by step.

This terrifying improvement made Rou Zhao completely irritable.

"Not okay yet? Resolution!!!"

Rou Zhao asked.

"Qing Liusheng violated the rules of heaven and forcibly created the world without review, causing a potential safety threat to a large number of people. The temporary restriction procedure can be directly initiated!"

"Do it!"

The two Taoist envoys finally got the permission to take action, and they took action together. The power of the Heavenly Stem and the Heavenly Stem suddenly followed each other, and a confrontation involving the power of the Heavenly Stem broke out!

"Hahaha, good time!"

"I accept your luck!"

"As a reward, you will be witnesses of the new era! Witness the arrival of my era and the most glorious age!!!"

Yun Ye's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he let out a loud roar that penetrated the sky. No one could deny that he was a Taoist who ruled the Tao!

"You are so arrogant that you should be punished!"

The two Taoist envoys shouted in unison and took action on behalf of the God Queen. Stars were seen swirling around, and the majestic world was smashed down on both sides. Their action was a world-destroying power.

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