A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 722 Nine invincibles, the cave sky is shattered!

Weak cultivators often need to cooperate with each other to ensure efficiency.

What about top cultivators?

They are the determiners of order and the possessors of the most resources. If they want to become top cultivators, another top cultivator must be removed.

Honored position is the dividing line of top cultivators. From this stage, it is an incompatible competition stage.

Why is it that since the Divine Emperor, almost no one is willing to practice the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven?

The reason is very simple.

The Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven consumes too many resources and it is impossible to cultivate it.

The Divine Emperor has the Red Heaven True Immortal Method. Under the blessing of the Red Heaven Method, the growth rate of the cave heaven is far beyond that of the normal Divine Lord. But even so, it took ten thousand years to reach the top of the Emperor Road, which is completely not at the same level as the difficulty of practicing other cave heaven methods.

In modern times, where do the countless secret realms and Red Heaven authority come from for the Heavenly Stem Divine Lord to devour.

Even if it is possible to invade the multiverse, ten thousand years is not enough.

There are too many cave heaven masters in the multiverse era, and the resources are divided. It is impossible for the emperor to dominate the world and siphon everything like the Red Heaven Realm.

For those who seek immortality, if they cannot cultivate to the realm of the emperor, they cannot use the Taoist tools to make wishes. No matter how strong they are, it is just a waste of life.

Therefore, even if the power of the Four Elements Cave Heaven is inferior, it is still a perfect upper-level substitute for the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven.

"This is Qing Liusheng's war..."

"However, can you really fight against nine invincibles with your own strength?"

The two Taoist tools lifted the limit and quietly retreated behind Shui Wuge, and began to calm the side effects of soul shock and cracking after using the limit.

They are still paying attention to this battlefield. Now only their level can pay attention to this battlefield.

Even if it is a broadcast, the power contained in it can kill mortals. Even if the Queen of Gods protects the world, there is no need to increase the risk.

They are still hesitating. Qing Liusheng has just created the world. Is he really capable of fighting so many invincibles?

Moreover, he looks confident?

I hope he is not arrogant.

Otherwise, they will have to calculate the crime of deceiving the Queen of Gods.

"Although I had expected it to be a trap, I didn't expect it to be in this form. Well, there is nothing to be surprised about now. There is only one thing we can do and should do now." The invincible man with purple hair shawl smiled, very free and easy. His figure was ambiguous and he did not reveal his identity, but the divine stone floating above his head showed that he came from the Heavenly Court. The divine stone exuded a trace of aura, covering him and isolating him from all detection. The source of its power was a vast amount of spiritual thoughts. This is a fantasy artifact! "Kill!!!" One of the invincibles showed his posture, and a roar opened the prelude to the war. The amazing aura of the demon king crushed the field. It came from the demon forbidden land, and its whole body was covered with black scales. Its body was too huge, like a pillar of heaven. There were scale thorns on both sides of its trunk. It seemed to be a creature similar to the image of an angel, but the whole body was completely fixed, without movable joints, more like a cross with some twists on both sides. It has pupils, which are two conspicuous red flames, but it has no mouth, and can only make sounds with its body.

As its killing mantra came out, the five invincibles joined it.

They were originally here to help Qing Liusheng test the Queen of God.

But since there is an order, it doesn't matter if the target is changed.

Kill Qing Liusheng directly!

Five invincibles of unknown origin and identity, and a genuine demon king, this lineup is too luxurious for testing!

When the six took action, strange phenomena filled the sky, and the outside world was shaken by the majestic extreme aura. Even the battle-hardened Tomorrow God Army was shocked.

When have they ever seen such a scene!

The Immortal Dynasty has been peaceful for too long. The demon supreme or cave master who forced himself into the world without knowing his own strength does not exist at all. They don't need to fight against the invincible who are close to the emperor. Now they see six people taking action at once... and three are staring at them. This kind of pressure can be imagined!

"Fortunately, your Majesty suppressed everything. So what if there are nine? Even if the real emperor monks are resurrected, it is useless. They will still be suppressed by your Majesty the Queen of God!" Someone whispered, full of confidence. Compared with the breath they sensed, Yun Ye faced five invincible people close to the emperor realm, and a genuine unknown demon king. This power is too strong. Even if he is a quasi-emperor, it is only a physical realm. The spiritual law cultivation is still in the realm of law, and it cannot be compared with Tian Xiaoxiao, the king of manifestation. Moreover, in the Xuan realm stage, the four elements cave heaven is much weaker than the heavenly stem cave heaven. The heavenly stem cave heaven is the fusion of ten laws, but in fact it is twenty kinds of zodiac signs, while each zodiac sign of the four elements cave heaven is the fusion of two forces, which is essentially eight kinds of zodiac signs. In the initial creation of the world, the number of fusions is still very important. The heavenly stem cave heaven can be opened up to the peak level of the honorable position-quasi-emperor. But the Four Elements Cave Heaven Opening Heaven is actually only a Great Accomplishment Venerable at most, unable to match the Perfect Venerable, not to mention the Quasi-Emperor who is only one step away from reaching the top.

That is, Yun Ye has the prototype of the Yin-Yang Four Elements Holy Body, and his foundation is quite amazing. With the secret assistance of Shui Wu Ge, he uses the top-level divine materials as the foundation of the cave heaven, greatly skipping the early accumulation. Otherwise, under the absolute power gap, he would not be able to suppress the two Taoist weapon users.

"Destroy the divine light!"

There is an invincible figure, as tall as a hundred meters, not a human. It opens its mouth and spits out a white floating light, which directly penetrates the cave heaven barrier and blasts into the interior.


The big star was almost penetrated, constantly cracking, and magma overflowing. Yun Ye himself was also swallowed up, and a wisp of blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth, "Divine light?"

It's really strange. It seems that today I can see a lot of powers that I have never seen before. The system of demons is completely different from that of humans.

Although it is a physical method, there are also existences similar to the Juehuang. They are nurtured by heaven and earth and born from heaven and earth. It is extremely difficult to imitate spiritual methods.

Before he could wipe away the blood, the second Invincible's attack came.

"The end of the road!"

This is a dragon-shaped demon. The green flames it spits out directly burn through the power of the sky, and fall into the cave without any hindrance to wreak havoc.

The green flame made Yun Ye understand in his heart, was this the descendant of the Tengzhou dragon?

The entire sky in Tengzhou was turned into a forbidden area because of this terrifying Tenglong.

It seems that after today, the human race will have another trial place that they can fully control. True dragon blood is the most precious treasure in the Red Heaven Realm, and it can make people reborn!


The six invincibles launched their attacks one after another. Each of them only had one blow, and the Four Elements Cave Heaven could no longer bear it.

The cave sky directly collapsed, and the entire cave sky turned into chaos again, and was already in dilapidated state.

This is not a false world line. Yun Ye is indeed defeated by the Demon Emperor with the help of Dongtian.

"So vulnerable? After all, he is just an undeveloped genius, not worth mentioning."

The purple-haired invincible shook his head in disappointment. He looked at Shui Wuge and said, "Queen God, if we stop him now, will he still survive without taking action?"

His purpose was to see clearly the reality of the Divine Queen, and consume the Divine Queen's power for the three masters of the Divine Court. Qing Liusheng was too young to go against the will of heaven.

"Queen God, I'm going to go to war. I shouldn't just see a human cub with a law realm. If you have any other tricks, come up with them."

The Black Scaled Demon King spoke, the dark flames burning, as if he was expecting the Queen of Gods to make arrangements.

In the Red Sky Realm, Tian Xiaoxiao was watching the battle. Facing the black-scaled demon king, she hesitated at first, then became confused, and finally suddenly showed a look of shock, muttering to herself: "Shenfeng The incarnation, its consciousness has really revived, and it is about to be born..."

Although her blood came from the divine phoenix, she had never actually seen her. It was difficult for her to judge whether the blood left behind had chosen her based on her past purpose, or whether the divine phoenix's true form had awakened.

At this moment, it is completely confirmed!

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