The invincible ones all have the power to approach the imperial way.

The foundation of the demon and demon clans is immeasurable. Did they accumulate it over tens of millions of years, or hundreds of millions of years?

No, according to Yun Ye's calculations, the history of demons far exceeds the figure of one billion years!

It is still possible to extrapolate further, but it is not necessary.

For human beings, a million years is an unprecedentedly long time, let alone tens of millions of years or even billions of years or tens of billions of years?

Over such a long period of time, even if the true immortals have been destroyed many times, there are still a large number of forbidden areas that have not been destroyed. There are unfathomable amounts of demon supremes, which make people fearful. Compared with the large number of outer gods, the hidden dangers of the demon supremes are even greater. very.

And because the True Immortal once used the power of the True Immortal to cut off history and erase traces of the past, although Yun Ye and Shui Wu Ge can know the length of the demon's history, they cannot truly peek into the past, and naturally they do not know who is a threat. What power.

This kind of unknown prevents Shui Wuge from taking action at will. There is definitely a reason why the human true immortals have not wiped out these forbidden areas. Being able to survive to this day means that these forbidden areas are either extremely lucky or have some kind of power against the true immortals.

Just like the unchanging sea in the past, it can shield the prying eyes of the true immortals. It seems to be the inner scene of the world left after a certain person failed to become a god.

If you break in at will and encounter the remaining power that is too troublesome, even if Tiangan Cave can suppress it, it will consume a lot of power and enter the decline period early, which is not in line with Shui Wuge's own expectations. She has to wait for Yun Ye to return again and grow into a The next God Emperor is undoubtedly safer.

"Queen God, if you take action now, Qing Liusheng is still alive, why don't you take action?"

The purple-haired invincible man spoke.

They deliberately shattered the cave sky, but did not completely shatter it. They hoped that the Queen of Gods would spend a lot of mana to repair it and recast its foundation.

This is possible for an existence at the level of the God Queen, but it will consume an extremely huge amount of power. The cave is too precise and powerful, which will be a heavy burden for the God Queen, which can further weaken the God Queen.

"It's not over yet, you're just starting."

Shui Wuge shook his head slightly.

"Why, does this Qing Liusheng still have some power that he has never used before? Why not use it? We are here to die, so there is no need to be so defensive."

"If you keep your hands, you will die..."

The purple-haired invincible couldn't help but laugh.

The meaning of "invincible" is different from that of the emperor's way. It is a title for the powerful immortals and peak demons. If the emperor's way is not revealed, they will be invincible in the world.

Indeed, each mountain is higher than the other. In front of supreme beings such as the Divine Queen or the Divine Phoenix, they dare not claim to be invincible, let alone invincible.

But the premise is to face the Supreme. How many such figures have there been in the past and present?

Qing Liusheng?

He has potential, but at this point in time, he is nothing, and any invincible can suppress him.


A hand suddenly penetrated the chest of the purple-haired invincible, crushing his heart.

Yun Ye walked up behind him at some point and struck him through the chest without him noticing, and its power began to cover his body.

"what have you done?"

The purple-haired invincible's body froze, and he found that he could not move, and the immortal body of order also collapsed internally!

Simply put, if something wasn't done, he was going to die.

This kind of power...

Could this be the possibility that Qing Liusheng would gain in the twisted world?

It seemed that he was disappointed too early.

How could a "Dharma Realm Monk" who was able to kill the White Dragon God Lord by himself be vulnerable? He was planning something, deliberately breaking the cave sky!


The other invincibles were also surprised. They didn't catch any traces. They all wanted to take action, but they also found that they couldn't move!

His own body has actually collapsed at the root, and is heading for self-destruction under the influence of some kind of force!

"The Nine Lives Dao Code - the law of heaven has been determined!"

Yun Ye held the Daodian with one hand and fully demonstrated this power.

The Nine Lives Dao Code is the power of possibility. Any possible result can be achieved. It forcibly fixes the future of the invincible in a daze!

"The Dao Code... Qingtian Dao Code? No, this is not the Tifa Dao Code."

The red flames representing the eyes of the Black Scale Demon King burned fiercely, but there were also black flames burning, suppressing the power of possibility from the Nine Lives Dao Code.

The physical decline is contained, the future of immobility is denied, and recovery is gradually achieved.

But this had already taken a blink of an eye, Yun Ye did not stop moving, mercilessly tore out the purple-haired invincible man's revered entity, tore his body apart, swallowed him whole and suppressed him in the four-state cave.

The divine stone wanted to resist, and light emerged, but the purple-haired invincible relied on the divine stone to reach the realm of invincibility. When the protection of the divine stone was penetrated, his end was already doomed. He took a deep look at Yun Ye and said: "Qing Liusheng, do you want to kneel at the feet of the Queen?"

"It's important for people to know themselves. The current God Queen is invincible, but you are far weaker. Besides, we are all enemies in the end. Why not cut them off in advance?" Yun Ye smiled.

"It makes sense." The purple-haired invincible nodded, his strength declining rapidly, "I hope you can survive and see me again."

"With the Taoist code in hand, anyone will kill you, Qing Liusheng."

"I am destined to be invincible in the world. The Queen of Gods cooperated with me because she saw this. This is far from the end. My trial has only just begun!"

Yun Ye crushed the revered entity in his hand, and the cave sky quickly recovered, its power surged, and the power gained from devouring an invincible person was too huge.

A huge amount of energy overflowed, forming one layer after another of strange phenomena covering the red sky, which was comparable to the fall of an emperor.

The broken cave sky cannot digest such a huge power.

The purple-haired invincible is purely composed of spiritual thoughts. The Four-State Cave Heaven has the highest utilization rate of matter, and most of the illusory spiritual thoughts will spill out.

But this is not a problem. What he wants to open up is not only the four-state cave, but also the inner universe of Yin and Yang. Now the Yin side has been gathered.

So, the next one is the Yang side.

Most of the invincibles here are demons.

Life energy, as much as you want!


"Destroy the divine light!"

The majestic figure, the hundred-meter-tall invincible broke free from the restraints of the Nine Lives Dao Code, opened his mouth again and spit out white floating light, this time with thousands of Dao Dao, using all his strength to directly obliterate Yun Ye.

It didn't see through Yun Ye's method of suddenly killing an invincible person, but it held the Dao Code and was able to open up the world. Is this the combination of the Emperor and Water Emperor?

When such a character grows up, even the Supreme One will become terrified and must die!

"The magic of the future - see the future!"

Infinite Taoist scriptures were turning in Yun Ye's heart, blessing the future divine law, and sublimating its power to the extreme. The terrifying figure suddenly descended, and was extinguished by thousands of divine lights with one hand.

The towering invincible was horrified, and a massive amount of demonic power condensed into a blazing white spear that reached the sky, trying to block the figure coming from the future.

But it was useless. This figure just struck a blow and destroyed everything. The spear condensed with divine light was annihilated on the spot.

The invincible man, who was a hundred meters tall and had accumulated a huge amount of vitality, was picked up like a chicken. When he was caught, all the past and future were cut off, and all his own existence was disintegrated into extremely pure vitality, which poured into the cave and was refined. Yun Ye's body.

"How could this happen, Dao Dian, this Qing Liusheng actually obtained the Dao Dian!"

"Could this power that restricts our possibilities be the Taoist code of the legendary Nine Lives True Immortal? This is a Taoist code that was lost in history. Could it be that it was wandering in the outer world and was obtained by Qing Liusheng?"

The seven invincibles were all extremely surprised.

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