A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 724 I am the only one invincible!

"It is indeed the Nine Lives Dao Code, the power of cause and effect, but this kind of power..."

An invincible person was mentally shaken and thought of a possibility.

He couldn't believe it!

"Not just cause and effect, even if cause and effect are destined, it is impossible to summon invincible power directly from the future."

"Has he mastered... the magic of the future?"

The lamp died and whispered. He practiced the method of time, traveled through time and space, and saw some traces. This method is too powerful!

"Future...divine law?"

The Black Scale Demon King repeated these four words.

At this moment, the terrifying aura suddenly revived, shaking the entire Jiuzhou to the point of collapse.

The other six invincibles all retreated in shock, their order-level bodies evaporating, and their auras couldn't bear it.

Is this the Supreme?

It is indeed possible to fight against the ancient existence of Tiangan Cave in its peak period. This kind of power is too terrifying!


Clear sky and thunder.

The three pure divine thunders swayed, almost ready to fall.

The Formation of Divine Thunder has been engraved into the rules of the Red Sky Realm, and trials will be launched for the advancement of the human race.

But on the other hand, Yun Ye also knew the threat of demons through future magic in the past. The Three Pure Divine Thunder Formation will suppress overly powerful forces. Once the power that is enough to destroy the Red Sky Realm appears, the divine thunder will appear to stop it.

The power of this resurgence has reached the upper limit of what the Red Sky Realm can bear, and can easily shake its foundation!

The body of the divine phoenix that covers the sky and the sun is solidified in a certain dimension, and its two burning blood-red pupils become more and more ferocious: "Detain his soul, lock his body, and seize his magic!!!"

The most ultimate possibility in the entire Red Sky Realm, that the nine lives and the future are actually integrated into one?

No wonder you have such prosperous luck!

No wonder it can swallow up all the possibilities around it!

No wonder even if the God Queen suppresses the fate of the human race, the fate still flows uncontrollably to Qing Liusheng!

Holding two invincible Taoist methods, and even the Nine Lives Taoist Code in hand, how can one not force his luck, how can he not go against the will of heaven?

When such a character grows up, why not surpass Shui Changdong?


Demons and humans are two completely opposite races. No matter who becomes the final ruler, it is impossible to allow these beings to become gods and immortals!

If he waits tens of thousands of years, his accumulation will be interrupted!

What's more, how can the human emperor, who is truly at his peak, be comparable to his successor?

The Queen of Gods spent three thousand years devouring the universe, but she only recovered the power that was lost by the True Immortals, barely surpassing the former God Emperor!

Once Qing Liusheng suppresses the world, he will definitely take the initiative to eliminate those who are dissatisfied!

He is the ruling Dao, and the contract signed by Tomorrow Dao cannot restrain people like him!

"Divine Phoenix."

Shui Wuge's eyes narrowed, and she had already judged through this resurrected aura that this was an existence that was far superior to the monks of the Imperial Path. He could be called a demigod and had the strength to fight against the Lord of the Imperial Path.

How much life will she need to suppress the divine phoenix?

One thousand years, is it enough?

"One thousand years is not enough, then two thousand or three thousand years. There is no end to the road, and life should have an end!"

Shui Wuge closed his eyes and adjusted the Heavenly Stems and Cave Heavens.

A war may break out.

This is a conspiracy.

There are only two directions.

In the first type, the demon supremes all took action and were suppressed by her self-destruction of the Tiangan Cave to eliminate hidden dangers for future generations of mankind.

In the second type, the Supremes held back, thinking that she would not let Qing Liusheng grow up. In the end, Qing Liusheng grew up safely and became invincible.

For her, any direction is the perfect outcome.

Moreover, from her perspective, we can know that if the demons cannot join forces to defeat her at this time, the future is destined to belong to humans.

Qing Liusheng will achieve invincibility, eliminate all dissenters, change the rules again, and establish his position as the eternal protagonist of the human race.

Still hoping for another chance?

Whether it is the Qing tribe or the demons, it is because they have this idea that true immortals will continue to be born and miracles will continue to appear. They have lost their pride in suppressing everything and being arbitrary for all eternity!

"Detain his spirit, lock his body, and seize his law!"

The Black Scaled Demon King was the incarnation of the divine phoenix. Together with the divine phoenix, he shouted words that shook the three days, and all seven invincibles took action!

The extinguished oil lamp and the dragon's fire gathered together, burning out the shadow of the ancient fire god, staggering out, and the fire domain regenerated itself.

He wants to fight against the shadow of the future.

In response, the shadow of the future pointed to the sky, absorbing the power of the four-element cave and almost disintegrating the four-element cave.

When reaching the top.

He said:

"Heaven and earth!"

"I am the only one who is invincible!"

The six invincibles were horrified, and some kind of transcendent power came to them.

The Vulcan phantom was swaying, and it was going to self-destruct in an instant.

The six invincibles also found themselves beginning to collapse, and their bodies of order were disintegrating for unknown reasons.

They couldn't help but be horrified. The demon had a body comparable to the body of order, and could be neutralized even if it was attacked by powers.

Strength is the same as order.

Although this requires endless accumulation, the body method is a kind of order of heaven and earth, and it can indeed reach this state.

But precisely because of this, they were shocked that this projection from the future could directly ignore their cultivation and authority, and directly destroy the very foundation of their existence?

"Why is it that the Lord of the Cave, who has just opened the Cave and is still in a semi-disabled state, summons such a powerful projection?"

The Black Scale Demon King was less affected, but his emotions became more and more agitated. There was only one answer.

The combination of the Nine Lives Dao Code and the future divine law has such power!

Directly let a newly born God Lord directly reach the realm close to his original body - the realm of the inner world!

"Qing Liusheng's power is limited, only one strike, kill!"

Dengmie opened his mouth and urged the oil lamp treasure to the extreme.

This is an imperial treasure that can burn through the nine netherworlds, absorb souls, bring death to the living, and bring resurrection to the dead.

He completely released this treasure, and the oil lamp came alive, turning into a divine fish with flames burning on its back.

This is a divine fish without the concept of time, with flames spewing out, and time burning and evaporating.

He wanted to end the summoning time of the projection in advance.

But the next moment.

His body disintegrated rapidly, so fast that it could not be suppressed, and the body exploded and tore into pieces, gushing out infinite energy and being swallowed by the projection.

As a demon magic monk who had not mastered the three days, all his energy was hidden in the body. With death, some of it was released, but more was locked in the body.

The other five invincibles did not attack Yun Ye this time, but took action to divide Dengmie's energy.

After many battles, they also found that Yun Ye's goal was their lifelong cultivation.

However, I don't know what the meaning is...

Even if it is the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven Method, it will take hundreds of years to devour and digest the lifelong accumulation of an invincible person.

Could Qing Liusheng do it in an instant?

Time acceleration?

Time acceleration will consume one's own lifespan, but only by becoming stronger can they survive the danger in front of them, and they will choose so.

The divine light overflowed, and a large amount of true essence gushed out, which was endless and covered the Red Heaven Realm.

This power is too destructive, and it can cause the Red Heaven Realm Jiuzhou to fall into a great disaster, and a large formation is needed to offset it.

However, even with a large formation to suppress it, the power of the Venerable who is almost the emperor is too strong, and it will take a long time to dissipate after death.

But this life is different. The Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven suppresses everything, and the power of the invincible is also like smoke.

The light went out and the body that was originally immortal even after death decomposed.

"The internal and external environment has reached the peak."

"You are useless!"

Yun Ye said.

The projection is the same.

The sound shook the void, covering the outer universe. The incarnation of the divine phoenix opened its eyes, and the black scales burned, turning into feathers.

"Above and below the heavens!"

"Only I am invincible!"

Countless ultimate methods intertwined and reached the top of the red sky. In a moment, many hostile people disappeared. This is...

Only I am invincible!

The five invincibles exploded directly. The irresistible force ignored their cultivation and authority and directly destroyed their roots!

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