A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 737 The Third Ruler

The arrival of the Lord of the Immortal God showed his attitude, which directly led to the decline of many auras that were ready to move.

The human race still has a calamity, whether Qing Liusheng is invincible or not, we have to wait and see.

——The Supreme found a reason for himself to retreat.

In this regard.

Yun Ye was naturally happy to hear it.

His power still has too much room for growth, and the longer he waits, the better it will be for him.

"Mother, thank you for the Qingtian Dao Dian you sent me. I still need this Dao Dian to stabilize the Yin Yang Cave Heaven, so please lend it to me for some time."

Yun Ye said to Qing Kong, his attitude remained unchanged from the past.

"Your Majesty, please use it."

As soon as these words came out, Qing Kong knew that he had made the right bet. Qing Liusheng valued the Qing Clan's nurturing grace and would not kill them like other immortal clans.

In fact, the Immortal Dynasty also had a precedent of the Yuexian Clan, and there were no problems. Some of the Yuexian Clan even became the most trusted Heavenly Stem Priests of the Queen of Gods.

She joined the Immortal Dynasty as the mother of Qing Liusheng. As long as she didn't seek death, there would be no problem. It just depends on whether Qing Liusheng will become a Taoist or an immortal in the end.

"Become a Taoist or an immortal..."

This is what makes Mingri Dao annoying. Qing Liusheng has the original Taoist artifact and his philosophy is close to that of the founder. I'm afraid he won't become an immortal at all.

Choosing to become a Taoist or to bless all living beings is undoubtedly a weakening for these cultivators who are at the top.

Of course, if it is to solve the rules of life span and let the life span return to its original position, then they, the immortals, will agree with it.

"First of all, we need to use the Taoist artifact to restore order. Someone needs to eliminate the influence of the loss of the Queen of Gods."

Yun Ye, Mingxian God Lord, Qingkong and other cultivators descended on Hongtian.

With many venerables as witnesses, Yun Ye opened his mouth and announced to Jiuzhou: "The Queen of Gods has passed away, the Tao of Tomorrow Tai Xin Ling has been dissolved, and the Immortal Dynasty is facing an unprecedented crisis. From this moment on, the Immortal Dynasty will enter a wartime state, and I will serve as the third ruler. With this Tao weapon as a witness, I will not let you down!"

He didn't do anything else, everything can be proved by the sword in his hand. He raised the Tomorrow Sword, his long ice-blue hair fluttered, and countless Tao rules spread.

This is a network of rules visible to the naked eye, which Yun Ye specially did to reassure ordinary people.

The Tao rules originally formulated on the Tomorrow Tai Xin Ling were re-engraved on the Tomorrow Sword, and the laws of the Tao weapons in the boundaries of each continent were covered again.

"The new ruler, Qing Liusheng!"

"It's incredible. This is simply a carefully planned story, full of surprises..."

"Don't make a fuss. Her Majesty the Queen of Gods is extremely wise. She decided everything and sacrificed herself to clear the obstacles of the Immortal Dynasty and pave the way for the successor!"

"Four supreme beings have fallen, and three of the five major immortal clans have perished. Only the Qing clan where Qing Liusheng belongs has survived. Qing Liusheng is not afraid of what people say. Hahaha, but it's true. This is an existence that claims to be destined to sweep everything before he has achieved enlightenment. He is so domineering!"

"Domineering? Fewer enemies means more friends. This is the way of life of our Tomorrow Dao. I am not surprised. After all, the Qingtian Dao Canon is the foundation of Qing Liusheng's enlightenment. If the Qing clan hadn't taken out the Qingtian Dao Canon, it would be too difficult for Qing Liusheng to open up the cave heaven. Whether he would win at that time would be a problem... You must know that the Divine Phoenix follows Just one force is enough to kill tens of billions of people, how can there be any mistake! "

"Yes, compared with the merits of giving the Dao Canon, the Qing clan's actions in history are bad, but they can still be tolerated, but remember, it's just tolerance, not forgiveness! "

"Even if ordinary people today are willing to sacrifice their own safety in exchange for the future stability of the Immortal Dynasty, the Queen of Gods will probably not agree. How can the ancients compare with modern people? "

"Your Majesty the Queen of Gods has too many concerns. When the war begins, you have to divide the fragments to protect us. Alas! "

"It's time to prepare for the grand sacrifice! Countless heroes in Tiangan Cave Heaven died with the Queen of Gods, which resulted in the death of the four supremes and the extinction of the three major immortal clans. A grand farewell is needed! "

The entire Red Heaven Realm fell into a mourning atmosphere. Not to mention the Queen of Gods died in battle, the sacrifice of countless cultivators in Tiangan Cave Heaven alone is also related to all mankind.

After three thousand years of development, cultivators have spread to thousands of universes. Tiangan Cave Heaven, as the general base, is often inhabited by related people.

The people of the Red Heaven Realm hope to live in the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven to slow down the loss of lifespan, and the cultivators who explore the diversity hope that their families can stay in a safe area and not be harmed by enemies. These demands make the people in the Heavenly Stem Cave Heaven not only limited to the Heavenly Stem people, but also a large number of the Red Heaven people.

In this purge, although Shui Wu Ge sent away the irrelevant people in advance because it was an open conspiracy, a large number of cultivators stayed and died as sacrifices.

The cultivators of the Tomorrow Dao are different from those of the Ruling Dao. They have a status respected by the entire Immortal Dynasty and fight for the entire Immortal Dynasty. Even though cultivators are rarely born in ordinary families, the significance of their existence has not changed, all for the continuation of the stability and prosperity of the Immortal Dynasty.

There is no doubt that these sacrificed cultivators are heroes worthy of sacrifice by all mankind. After Yun Ye announced that he would become the third ruler, he immediately began to prepare for the sacrificial ceremony, completely ignoring the true immortals who blocked the Red Heaven Realm.

This is a serious matter, so the preparation time is also very long. During this period, the people of the Red Heaven Realm are also adapting to the new order.

Unlike the past, the Tomorrow Sword has lost its Dao Domain and will no longer be detected by any Dao Instrument, but the power of rules can be activated at any time.

Whether this is good or bad is a matter of opinion.

But Qing Liusheng also has the qualifications to stabilize the order of the Red Heaven Realm, there is no doubt about that.

Now in the entire Immortal Dynasty, only Qing Liusheng has the Heavenly Crown Dao Instrument!

At the same time, since this is Qing Liusheng's own Taoist tool, the rules written in it must be followed by him, so there is no need to mind that he was once Qingtian Taoist.

Just like the ruling monks will never inscribe rules that are beneficial to ordinary people on Taoist vessels, it is not that they do not know how to maintain the stability of the bottom, but that they will persecute ordinary people without knowing it, and even kill ordinary people at will. They don't have any rights. It's too nonsense for them and they can't limit themselves.

Taoist tools only recognize behaviors, not people. There is a famous saying in the Hongtian world that is widely circulated in all walks of life.

"The emperor breaks the law and the common people are equally guilty, but you can always trust the Queen!"

"After all, the rules of heaven were enacted by the Queen."

Taoist tools are tools of the heart.

Violating one's own Tao is the same as killing oneself with one's own hands, and the restrictions imposed will be far beyond that of a normal monk.

In the Immortal Dynasty, making rules by one's own hands is the implementation of one's own Tao. You can violate them, but the price is the disintegration of the Tao tools and the collapse of your own spirit.

For this reason, Yun Ye took Tian Xiaoxiao to see the Demon Emperor who had made an agreement with him.

In the new era, the Demon King still did not practice human law. He spent ten thousand years just rebuilding the manifest world and embarked on the road of manifesting himself and becoming an emperor. He has not yet returned to his peak.

Stepping into the Mengtian Palace suspended in a corner of the Red Sky Realm, Yun Ye and Tian Xiaoxiao walked through the dream-like palace and came to a secluded library.

The silver-haired woman with an indifferent expression was sitting there, holding a book and flipping through it. Seeing the arrival of Yun Ye and Tian Xiaoxiao, she just closed the book calmly.

"Please sit down, tomorrow's emperor..."

If she has something to say.

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