Tomorrow's emperor, Tian Xiaoxiao has no objection to this title.

Even the supreme level has been passed. No matter how difficult it is for a being like Qing Liusheng to fall into disgrace, it can be said that he is destined to become an emperor in the future.

Tian Xiaoxiao sat upright. The originally playful little fox seemed to be meeting his parents in front of Meng Ji, and was very nervous.

"Xiaoxiao, how can you be so unsettled if you want to become an immortal? You don't look like a Sky Fox who is determined to challenge the human race now."

Meng Ji is very beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people feel that the world is eclipsed. It is the ultimate concept of beauty.

This is also the power, dream and beauty that belongs to the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan.

Her voice soothed the restlessness and restlessness.


Tian Xiaoxiao did not question and immediately made changes. Her body relaxed a little and no longer showed her emotions.

There were too many things going on today, which indeed made her lose her sense of proportion. As a representative of the Tianhu clan, she had to at least pretend to be calm on the surface.

"Meng Ji, you should also be able to understand the purpose of my coming here. Now that the Supreme Being has suppressed it, three out of five immortal clans have been eliminated, and the other two clans have also submitted to the immortal dynasty. It can be said that the human race has eliminated most of the hidden dangers and has established a new generation. The basis of the law of heaven.”

Yun Ye was not affected by the appearance of this ancient being and went straight to the point.

"The Tianhu clan will abide by the agreement and join the Immortal Dynasty, and Tian Xiaoxiao will also reach a contract with you and become your true spirit."

Meng Ji paused, "As for other demons, I can't restrain them. Now I have lost the power of the Demon King and have no weight. Whether you want to completely exterminate the demons or give them a way to live, I have no objection."

"It seems that the Tianhu clan is lucky to have you. In this case, the agreement has entered the final stage. I will burn new Taoist rules and clean up the entire red sky. Only demons willing to join the Immortal Dynasty can survive. ." Yun Ye said calmly.

"I knew this day would come to the human race thousands of years ago, but it came so quickly. It seems that I am still on the side of the winner..." Meng Ji shook her head slightly.

Tian Xiaoxiao was silent.

As the only Demon Emperor who approached the God Emperor to make an agreement, Meng Ji's foresight was beyond comprehension and is now being proven one by one.

"Your goal is not to become an immortal or a god. It seems that you are more considering the future of all races?"

Yun Ye said suddenly.

The ancient monks he met basically practiced for immortality and strength, but he had hardly explored the demon side.

What is the meaning of these supreme beings, demon emperors, and even invincibles, other than to become immortals and gods?

"Maybe it's because of my past experiences. I don't have much obsession with becoming a fairy. Why, do you want to hear my story?"

Meng Ji looked at the bright sun in the sky and smiled.

"There is time to listen to the story, but is your character really like this?"

Yun Ye was a little surprised.

The demon emperor's personality seems to have undergone completely opposite changes. She used to have almost no emotional fluctuations and was a cold beauty.

Now she looks like a kind old woman, with countless stories to tell that will never be finished.

"No need to be surprised, the incarnation of the Nine Star Goddess actually separates the emotions. This is a dream practice method, not a reincarnation technique in the conventional sense."

"And my appearance is also a perfect posture in the eyes of human beings. It is not my true body. I will be unable to express emotions after sleeping for a long time. Now that I have not slept for ten thousand years, the dream method has been lifted, and I will gradually recover naturally."

Meng Ji smiled, and two fluffy white tails popped out from behind. One stretched out and landed on Tian Xiaoxiao's head, and the other stretched out and slapped Yun Ye's face. It felt soft and smooth. Ye stared at it for a while, wanting to reach out and touch it, but Meng Ji had already retracted her tail and happily told her story.

"A long time ago, the Sky Fox clan was already a demon saint clan, and there was King Sky Fox Xian, who was considered the overlord of the Red Sky Realm. I was born during the period when King Xian's strength was at its peak."

"The Sky Fox clan practices divine magic and is born with the power to control other living beings. The more tails you have at birth, the stronger this talent is. Even if it is not shown in the early stage, as long as you live, you will definitely be able to accumulate and become famous."

"I was born with nine tails. This is a qualification that has not appeared for tens of thousands of years. It can be said that I have been valued by the entire clan and loved by thousands of people. With the support of the entire clan, I have indeed shown good performance. The speed of cultivation has reached the realm of "chaotic times" within a hundred years."

"During this period, the Tianhu clan had a conflict with other demons. A war began, and the entire Tianhu manifest realm fell into war. Maybe it was because I was protected too well. I almost didn't know the start and end of this war. I don’t know, I just saw many dead Sky Foxes having their bloodlines removed and buried under the Sky Blood God Tree.”

"Later I learned that it turns out that the Sky Fox clan can devour the blood of the same clan to increase their tails, or they can increase their qualifications through the fruits of the Sky Blood Divine Tree. Even though both methods have their limits and are far inferior to being born with nine tails, they can still guarantee the Sky Fox clan's Strong."

"But for me at the time, this result was still unacceptable. I only saw familiar people dying one after another, being taken away from their blood, and entrusting their power to the next young Sky Fox, and the entire Sky Fox Appearance World It’s changing drastically and is beyond my ability to bear.”

"Later, the Tianhu clan won the victory and obtained a larger territory, more resources, and countless slaves. Although there are very few intelligent demon races, and most of them are demons without intelligence and cannot be enslaved, this is a big problem for Tianhu. It’s not a problem for the Fox clan. As long as there is still a soul, Tianhu can control it forever.”

"As the number of slaves increased, various races gathered in the manifest world, and I finally developed my own power and began to contact the dream dimension. Since then, I have been traveling in the dreams of creatures of all races, collecting spiritual particles to This practice strengthens the divine law.”

"Gradually, I understood the customs, wisdom and habits of various races. Although I had never met a person before, I became familiar with him to the point where I might not even know him better. This unique practice experience allowed me to meet him by chance. I have told many stories, and I have also regretted why I did not have enough power to achieve better results..."

"Later, I established the Great Demon Tribunal to maintain the order of the demon clans, hoping that relative peace would come, but unfortunately, this was only a very limited intervention."

"If you want to completely change the order and rebuild the world like the God Emperor, even if you have become an emperor, you are still far from qualified. What's more, this is the order of the world. For your own future and your own selfish desires, it will always lead to war. , If this is true for one clan, let alone countless demon races?”

"The God Emperor is obsessed with the prosperity of the human race because he is a true immortal, but I don't have such thoughts, probably because Tianhu has a sparse population. I hope that Tianhu can live a stable life and don't have to be obsessed with ruling the entire Red Sky Realm. Eliminate all threats."

"And after several times in the past and present, the best choice I can think of is the human race. Only the human race has Tao weapons. Only the human race can abide by the order established by itself. If it fails in this case, it can only mean that all races are doomed. Can't coexist."

"As long as you abide by the order, you will be treated equally. This is the reason why I believe in the Tao of Tomorrow. This is the reason why I hope that the Immortal Dynasty will survive."

"Qing Liusheng, you should firmly grasp the future entrusted to you by the Queen of Gods!"

Yun Ye and Meng Ji looked at each other.

"Hahaha, it's such an ordinary story. There were no twists and turns at the beginning and the end was just a snap. I thought you would tell some touching stories. It's really unexpected!"

Yun Ye couldn't help but burst into laughter, and after a while, he said seriously: "I should tell everyone this sentence personally... It is entrusted by the Queen of Gods, and I will never let it go!"

Fish, fish, keep fishing, the second chapter will be posted at night.

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