A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 740 A corner of the ultimate future magic

"The rule of Tianshou is an iron rule, an absolute rule. Even the Lord of the Imperial Path Cave Heaven can only live for twenty thousand years, and he will still die if he holds the Dao Code!"

"You can actually travel to 30,000 years later without any trace of defying Tianshou's rules?"

Tian Xiaoxiao highlighted something incredible, like looking at a monster.

Ni Xinzhao smiled: "This is indeed a bit beyond common sense, but the world is full of miracles. Once you understand how things started, it won't be surprising."

"Could it be that Dao Lord again?" Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help but ask. Based on her intelligence, she felt that the most likely one was Tongming Qiong.

As a true immortal who controls the future, he should have the highest degree of interference in Hongtian. Maybe he can achieve this kind of miracle!

"It's almost as long as there are absolute rules for confrontation. Back then, the Immortal of Tongming Qiong controlled the future, and it was natural to leave behind a backup plan."

Yun Ye didn't need to hide anything at this time. He glanced at the sky and said, "As a true immortal who can see the future with his own eyes, he already knew his Taoist code before he became an immortal. As time goes through countless cycles, the Taoist code becomes countless." This change, although the level has not changed, he basically fully controls the power belonging to the future field. "

"Unlike other true immortals who don't know how to use Taoism, Tongming Qiong masters his own ultimate future Taoism after becoming an immortal. By blessing the ultimate future Taoism with absolute rules, he can use the reincarnation technique to continue the future: it's very simple. The truth is, if this person is obviously dead, but he still has an infinite future, what will happen? "

"The next life will appear! The ultimate future Taoism can actually do such a thing. No wonder, the true immortals do not hesitate to intensify the possibility of attracting gods in the future, tearing apart the future Taoism, sealing it to various places, and even In the multiverse, this Taoist code has such threatening power..." Tian Xiaoxiao murmured.

She is very aware of the content of this reincarnation technique. The Tianhu clan is already a demon who has studied it deeply. However, the cost of reincarnation as a human is still huge, and once the reincarnation is completed, the longevity rules will take effect and the life countdown will begin.

In addition to being unable to circumvent the interference of Tianshou rules, reincarnation cannot clean away the dust of the soul. Even if you obtain a new body, your consciousness and way of thinking will not change. There is almost no growth, and it is difficult to innovate.

Before ascending to the throne, these would not affect anything. With the knowledge and power of King Xian, one can practice smoothly. However, when the throne comes into contact with the rules of heaven and earth, the progress will plummet. This realm is too mysterious. It is becoming more and more idealistic and spiritual. Accumulation of dust can greatly affect progress.

Not to mention becoming an emperor, taking over the three days and integrating them to create the fourth day. This process not only requires control, but also requires the understanding of the great road. It is too difficult for a soul gathering dust and a decayed body and mind to cross this step. If you want to defy nature, you can only rely on external forces...

For example, the power of killing is Tian Xiaoxiao's choice.

This is the result of the reincarnation of the top king. She is born with a strong body and soul. She is a natural immortal species. The dust in her soul is far less than that of humans. If a human is reincarnated using the reincarnation technique, the realm is slightly lower, and there is a high probability that she will be cleared three times in a row. Shen Lei can't even pass this level.

As before, it is no longer possible to survive for thousands of years by taking away the body after the completion of the Sanqing Divine Thunder.

The thunder of the Three Purities God strikes decay!

"Is it okay to tell me these things?"

Tian Xiaoxiao said.

"Sign a contract and move forward and retreat together. With your sincere help, more demons will be willing to surrender. Besides, you can't hide this power once you use it."

Yun Ye smiled.

"Dao Lord... is really scary! If the world knows that Dao Lord can circumvent the rules of Tianshou, there will be countless people who are willing to serve!"

Tian Xiaoxiao's expression was complicated.

The rules of Tianshou do not have as many loopholes as imagined. If humans want to transform into demons, not only their bodies must change, but their hearts and strength must also change.

Otherwise, even if you don't consider yourself a human being, practicing human laws will still be sanctioned by the Tianshou Rules. Similarly, if you only give up your power and recognize the human part, the Tianshou Rules will also affect it and greatly weaken your lifespan.

Many of the true spirits who joined the Immortal Dynasty had never practiced human law, but they were also affected, and their life spans began to decrease, and voices of panic and opposition gradually emerged.

Demons have a difficult time growing up and are not as good as humans. If their lifespan is further shortened, won't they never be able to thrive and be forced to exhaust their foundations by humans?

Lifespan and future are crucial to any life. Unless you can't even eat enough, lifespan is meaningless at all. Otherwise, the power of Dao Lord will have a fatal attraction. Once it is made public, many monks from the hostile camp will probably rebel on the spot. .

All I can say is that fortunately the future Dao Lord is on the side of the Xintian Immortal Dynasty.

"But it's a pity that the monk's soul has its limits. Unless all memories are washed away, the future cannot continue indefinitely."

"What's more, as I said before, the future Dao Lord only has hundreds of thousands of years to resist the deflection of the road, and it is impossible to allocate too much strength."

Ni Xinzhao has personally experienced future reincarnation, and she does not think this is the direction that can solve all problems.

If the future Dao Lord is deflected in advance because of too much use of the future, the result will be disastrous.

To experience the future personally, every minute and every second is real time. Similarly, extending the future for others also requires the same amount of time.

In terms of the infinity of true immortals, this is not a problem. Other true immortals can use this power infinitely.

But the future Dao Lord cannot do that. His path deflection is calculated based on time. The more time he uses, the faster he will approach the ruling path.

"Generally understand why Qingtian failed to completely cut off the future of mankind in history... Was it influenced by Hongtian's way? So he hesitated in his methods and allowed many true immortals to buck the trend and become immortals?" Tian Xiaoxiao felt that she was getting closer and closer. historical truth.

"That's almost it. After all, in the Qingtian period, there were no rules to amplify the fluctuations of the arrival of the true immortal. At that time, the true immortal could do whatever he wanted." Yun Ye nodded.

"Speaking of which, who completed the fluctuation rules..."

"The real immortal is here!"

Tian Xiaoxiao's question was not answered, and both of them looked to the sky. Two existences filled with the aura of the imperial way, which shook the three days, arrived.

The colors of green and black render the sky, highlighting their own sense of existence. The two existences are connecting Qingtian and Xuantian, using this as the foundation of their own imperial path.

It is Qingtian and Xuantian!

"It came too slowly. We have been blocked from sight for long enough, and we didn't take action until now..."

"But it doesn't matter, there is always one word: death!"

Yun Ye waved his hand, and the void collapsed in front of him, and the scene of the outer world appeared across countless distances. In the darkness, two figures were filled with the power of the imperial way. Qingtian and Xuantian divided the world, and they seemed to be competing with each other.

The two descending True Immortal Emperors cast their gazes.

For a time, the void became unsettled.

A gaze full of aggression, swallowing up all the power it sees, whether it's luck, cause and effect, the future, aura, or the dark void...

A look of calm and calmness, but contempt for everything. It was just a sight. Tian Xiaoxiao's body was cracking, with a faint intention of being crushed.

There are a lot of things going on at home, and I am writing so late.

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