A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 741 I am helpless, all the immortals are mortal!

"Xiaoxiao, you stay here. The next thing is the affairs of the human race."


Tian Xiaoxiao nodded. Although she was very interested, she looked down at her body and wisely retreated.

The imperial way is a completely different realm. It is the strongest realm of the human race, far beyond her ability to reach the cave heaven.

If she intervenes forcibly, the aftermath will make her soul fly away!

Yun Ye and Ni Xinzhao took a step forward and arrived at the outer universe.

They have reached the highest realm. Hongtian can go everywhere. Power can come at any time. The space tunnel is just a form.

Do not destroy the form of Hongtian Realm!

Moving with their energy, the space along the way will be completely shattered, reducing the size of the entire Hongtian Realm. After the battle in the outer universe, the void that was actually annihilated is already very large, causing many areas to disappear directly and no longer exist.

The outer universe of the Red Heaven Realm is almost endless, and no changes can be seen. However, the part close to the Red Heaven Realm has the concept of space, which has almost been erased. Now the outside of the Red Heaven is completely entangled in chaos, and normal honor cannot enter.

If the war takes place in Jiuzhou, it is highly likely that the space will be destroyed directly, and a new creation is needed.

The True Immortals have descended. In order to avoid damaging Jiuzhou, the two must intercept them outside the super forbidden area. If the aftermath spreads into Jiuzhou, it will be considered a loss.

"Two True Immortals have descended, hehe... the real myth has begun. People step on immortals to open up the future. The God Emperor has done it, and Qing Liusheng will reappear again!"

"What about immortals? Today's Red Heaven is a field that immortals can enter?"

Someone laughed. In his opinion, the True Immortals can never be the opponent of Qing Liusheng. This is the new Human Emperor, suppressing all enemies!

The rules set by the God Emperor have negated the shameless first-mover advantage of the True Immortals. Immortals can no longer enter the Red Heaven Realm unreasonably!

They can no longer be kings and dominate at will, and exert the power of absolute rules!

"They came just in time. How can the blood of the demigod be enough? Qinghuang should let the blood of the immortals flow and sacrifice the blood of the immortals to the gods! All the sufferings in the world belong to the true immortals!" Someone yelled and roared angrily. "All the sufferings in the world belong to the true immortals! Kill, kill, kill!" His roar attracted countless responses, and his will was echoing. The human race's disgust for the true immortals had already reached its peak in the past 20,000 years. The immortals who made people hate and hate the most were Qingtian and Xuantian. They were burying the human prosperity created by the true immortal mother step by step! Facing the true immortal emperor's Dao body, Yun Ye and Ni Xinzhao both felt a strong echo of their thoughts. Although the power was very weak and could not penetrate the super forbidden land, as a Dao weapon user, this will could ignore the obstruction of the annihilation forbidden land and really reach their hands. The two of them couldn't help but be shrouded in a faint glow, the glow of the Dao weapon, Yun Ye was ice blue, and Ni Xinzhao was colorful rainbow. "In just twenty years, you have reached such a height, and even awakened the original tomorrow's Dao weapon!"

"Qing Liusheng, where on earth did you come from!"

Qingtian spoke coldly.

He is a man with ordinary appearance, but with extremely domineering eyes. He has black hair draped over his shoulders, and a large number of life lines are engraved between his black hair. These life lines converge on his forehead, forming a pure white texture, but the center is pitch black, like a black hole, and the eyebrows are full of fierceness.

The Tiangan Cave Heaven covers the entire Red Heaven Realm, and no one can spy on it without Shui Wuge's permission, but the immortal clan forces have been active, and have also passed the news of the birth of a new generation of Daozi to Qingtian.

He didn't care at first, and didn't think that a generation of Daozi could make any great achievements, but who would have thought that in less than a year in the Red Heaven Realm, this Daozi would actually turn the world upside down, directly leading to the fall of the four supremes, and the Queen of Gods self-destructing the Tiangan Cave Heaven and reopening the imperial road!

What he couldn't understand the most was that the immortal clan actually told him that Qing Liusheng had three Taoist scriptures and practiced five Taoist methods: Wuliang, Future, Nine Lives, Vortex, and Dongtian. He simply gathered all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and wanted to become the strongest of the strongest in the past and present!

He didn't believe that the self-proclaimed Qing clan could give birth to such a heaven-defying existence. Something must have intervened, the future? !

"Did you come to Hongtian just to ask these?"

Yun Ye stared at Qingtian, with only murderous intent in his eyes.

The beginning of everything was Qingtian!

If there was no Qingtian, Hongtian Realm might have already moved towards transcendence, and everyone would have a future of pursuing happiness!

With the geographical advantages of Hongtian Realm, it can almost allow material enjoyment to reach an unlimited level. What this represents is self-evident.

"You are so arrogant. I asked you, why didn't you answer? Is it that you cannot respect an immortal?"

Qingtian shook his head slightly, hugged his chest and looked down at Yunye, his words full of playfulness, "Now it is not the era of spiritual law, but a brand new era of multiple worlds!"

"In the past three thousand years, how many caves and parallel worlds has the New Heavenly Immortal Dynasty set up outside? Is there not one worth paying attention to?"

"Hahahaha, hahaha, Mingri Dao? It is even more hypocritical than the kingly Dao. Even if I destroy the world with my own hands, what can such a weakling do?"

Qingtian laughed up to the sky, and then suddenly looked at Yunye. A star map unfolded, and the vast multiverse was projected.

In the projection, the Red Heaven Realm was an extremely bright star surrounded by eight light pillars.

Light is the heaven, the residence of the true immortals!

And one of the lights walked out of the figure surrounded by the green light. As soon as it came out, the entire void was rapidly shrinking and collapsing, and the star of the Red Heaven Realm seemed to have been held in its hand.

The Red Sky Star surrounds hundreds of dim stars, also sinking and floating in the void, constantly growing and blooming in the ebb and flow of the tide.

These are vast worlds, parallel time and space in the Red Sky Realm, but the red sky is too majestic. The creators of these parallel time and space have limited strength. They only read part of the time and space fragments and cannot completely simulate everything in Jiuzhou. A completely different direction in heaven.

In one of the worlds, there are countless human races, and there are even kings similar to emperors.

In the parallel world, the venerable can also be elevated to the emperor, but his strength is far inferior to that of the Red Sky Realm, so he is called the venerable king alone.

Beyond the venerable, but far less than the emperor's meaning.

The king of this world is also a high-level official in the Immortal Dynasty, equivalent to a second-level ruler, coordinating the development and future of an entire parallel world.

He looked at the sky at this moment and noticed that the terrifying aura was coming from the sky into the world, and the world could not bear it at all!

Countless cracks began to spread from the outer world to Jiuzhou, and the foundation of the world was crumbling.

The monks in the entire parallel world felt the tragedy of the world at this moment. Everything was about to be destroyed, and no one could reverse this collapse!


The king's eyes were about to burst, and he roared. Tomorrow's Taoist weapon appeared, killing towards the sky, but the cracks of the broken world were spreading, covering everything.

This is an absolute rule that cannot be broken in the true sense. Rushing to the sky is just a sign of resistance and is meaningless in itself.

The body of the respected king was broken together with the world...


The entire parallel world exploded, was swallowed up by the void in an instant, and was completely buried!


Yun Ye looked at this scene and was helpless, without any way to solve the problem.

This is fairy!

Before entering the mortal world, everything is dust, so what if the three Taoist scriptures can only kill the emperor's Taoist body, but cannot damage the immortal body at all!

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