A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 751 The Eternal Crimson World

Extreme cold and extreme heat are both related to temperature. When the fusion is completed, rules for controlling energy are formed.

However, temperature and energy are only part of the rules of the vast world.

Even as the power that created the world, reaching the realm of demigods seems too narrow and cannot be compared with the true ultimate power.

"The Immortal Dynasty's 20,000 years of research not only pushed the skills and bloodline to the extreme and opened up a path to the cave, but also unearthed the reality and essence of the world."

The crimson god raised his head slightly and stared at the sword in his hand. The crimson fire and the eternal ice were merging and becoming one.

"Physical methods, divine methods, and spiritual methods are the entire framework of the Immortal Way. In theory, they can simulate everything and even open up caves and create new worlds."

"However, so many years of research have proven that even if the three methods come together, there will still be phenomena and forces that cannot be simulated."

"The Way of Tomorrow started with a small netherworld fire. This is a strange flame bred by Lingzhi. It can burn the soul and travel in and out of the netherworld. The true source of this power is actually the divine phoenix. The ancestor of the spirit zombie absorbed the spirit of the divine phoenix. Use the overflowing power to gain the power of degradation.”

"But even with the power of degradation, Yin Yang and Five Elements can only come close to the Netherworld Fire, but they cannot completely recreate it no matter what."

"There are many similar things, including all kinds of fire from heaven and earth, thunder from heaven and earth, and even the twelve colors of clouds mastered by True Immortal Caixia."

"What do you think is the reason for this?"

The question of Lord Crimson made both Yun Ye and Ni Xinzhao think a lot, especially Yun Ye who had the deepest feelings.

He is now in the stage of becoming an emperor, and he has become an emperor in the inner universe. He is the universe himself, and has the same status as the Red Heaven Realm. The process of becoming an emperor is simply eroding the entire Red Heaven Realm, all kinds of rules are being revealed, and the truth is emerging.

This question has troubled the Immortal Dynasty for 20,000 years, and it still cannot be answered. It is an unsolved mystery.

Theoretically, the void gave birth to the world under some kind of miracle, and the world gave birth to all things in the world according to the power of the void (absolute rules).

Even in the prehistoric world, there have been three thousand gods and demons since the creation of the world. Their divine power is overwhelming and unique.

But this is actually something that is born out of the rules of the world. The world cannot be copied. It is just restricted by the rules at the beginning of its birth. It cannot be imitated.

But this kind of thing happened in the Red Sky Realm. Even if the simulated effects of various fires from heaven and earth were the same, their essences were different.

This shows that there are two possibilities.

First, the technology is not enough.

Second, the two are not in the same system.

The technology that created the world is already enough to create the world. Theoretically, there is no further step. There is almost no possibility that the technology is not enough.

The second possibility is even greater, that is, "the two are not in the same system"!

This is not something incomprehensible.

Dao Dian, isn’t it a typical example?

The possibility left by the absolute rules has the essence of immortality. If you hold it, you can use the half-step absolute rule that is close to the absolute rule.

This kind of thing cannot be done by the three systems of law. They are not in the same system.

This is the arrogance that only belongs to Taoism, "I did it because I could do it."

"What do you want to say? Your flame is not the power bred by Yin Yang and the Five Elements?"

Ni Xinzhao asked.

"Ah, yes, that's what I want to say. Your Caixia Daode can be so powerful precisely because it exceeds the evaluation system of Yin Yang and Five Elements! If it is a power within the system, only the true Dacheng God Lord can suppress it. Now we The cave is far away from the sky, and it is not at the peak. If you want to fight against you, you will never be able to rely on the Dacheng cave alone!"

"Three thousand years of accumulation are just for today! The old man has courage, and so do we!"

The crimson god showed a wanton smile.

"Thank you for letting me wake up. Otherwise, if there is even the slightest deviation, the fusion of power will fail. Thank you, Qingtian's Daozi!"

"This is the pinnacle of our talents. Just like the True Immortal of Spiritual Technique opened up a spiritual technique to make it easier to practice, we split the technique into two and stood at the pinnacle of yin and yang respectively, just for today!"

The Eternal God Lord clenched his fist.

There are limits to talent and manpower. Even in the age of the God Queen, it is impossible to popularize the Cave Heaven Dharma. Practicing the Cave Heaven Dharma is still a narrow escape.

In the past, the opening of the Tiangan Cave in the Divine Emperor's Mysterious Realm was completely a miracle, a manipulated miracle, the result of forcible stabilization by the Red Sky Technique, and had nothing to do with the qualifications of the Divine Emperor himself.

It is said that at that time, the God Emperor could only fuse four laws at most, and it was impossible to create a new world with the fusion of ten laws.

In the same way, in today's era, although they have completely surpassed the God Emperor and may have no problem completing the Five Elements and Four Elements, but when it comes to some special caves, that may not work. It is really impossible to reach that line. , it cannot be opened no matter what.

Splitting the Cave Heaven Dharma into two is an act of desperation, as one’s abilities are limited!


"Nine lives, is this the future that you have gathered? It's a bit interesting. How can the two masters of the cave be so trusting and completely integrate their powers?"

Wuliang True Immortal stood with his arms crossed, frowning a little.

"There are countless outstanding talents in the Immortal Dynasty, but they just can't meet each other and find the right person. Crimson and Eternity are a match made in heaven."

"Destined... to be used by me!"

The Nine Lives True Immortal smiled.

Eternity is an indifferent man with almost no emotions, and he is aloof from life and death, so he has mastered the fantasy artifact of life and death.

Crimson Red, however, is full of emotions, but uses her own emotions as raw material to burn flames, does not allow her emotions to be contaminated, and suppresses distracting thoughts at all times.

The special nature of the two allows them to trust each other to pursue the final result, because they both possess "absolute rationality."

"A really nice chess piece...if you can control it."

The True Immortal’s eyes are profound.

"Same everyone."

The Nine-Life True Immortal turned his head, and several flowers of the world were blooming. They were the divine masters within the control scope of Xuantian, Lingfa, Wuliang, and Qingtian.

Unlike him who had consolidated his possibilities and would inevitably reach the realm of great success, the other true immortals did things differently, so more or less problems arose.

The three Lords of the Cave Heaven who perished previously are examples. There is no guarantee that they will reach the realm of Dacheng.

at last.

Lord of Tiangan Cave, Lord of Despair...

Although it is the True Realm Open Sky, its power is far weaker than the Crimson and Eternal of the Xuan Realm Open Sky, but with endless accumulation, he can jump up faster.

The interference scope of Tiangan Dongtian is far beyond that of ordinary caves. Once Tiangan Dongtian reaches the realm of Dacheng, it will be no problem to suppress Qing Liusheng who became the emperor!

"Creation of heaven and earth!"

"The eternal crimson world!"

In the Red Heaven Realm, Crimson and Eternity shouted their true names in unison, Crimson with the sword also slashed out, and the majestic world was opened.

It was a crimson world that looked down and melted everything in its path, destroying everything. The height of the terrifying power of order was no less than that of the Peak God Queen!

The first person to bear the brunt was Ni Xinzhao. She was wearing a twelve-color fairy dress, and the cave was burning. She unleashed all her strength to stop her, and was truly forced into a desperate situation!

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