A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 752 Showing weakness to the enemy

The more complex the cave is, the more difficult it is to achieve the Imperial Way, but at the same time, it is easier to achieve great success.

Dongtian Dacheng is the birth of half-step absolute rules that are comparable to the power of Taoism.

The more complex the cave, the more perfect the rules, and the closer it is to perfection.

In the sixth life, Yun Ye was already invincible before he entered the Imperial Path. No one knew what happened after the Imperial Path, and no one ever fought again.

In fact, after achieving the Imperial Way, Yun Ye immediately gave birth to the Half-Step Absolute Rule, and the Cave Heaven was directly completed, without any accumulation process.

This is a special feature of the Ten Heavenly Stems, and it is also a general principle.

The simpler the cave method, the more difficult it is to discover its secrets.

Extreme cold and extreme heat are the best among them.

If it weren't for the two men's astonishing talents, both being in the Mysterious Realm, and receiving the endless energy infusion from the True Immortals, they would never have achieved great success.

The difficulties are difficult to explain in words. We can only know the final result...

This extremely risky bet paid off astonishingly!

"Creation of heaven and earth!"

"The eternal crimson world!"

Both of them were roaring, showing all their possibilities, pushing their power to its peak and sublimating it to the extreme!

The two converging powers merged into one, and in the roar, a cave comparable to that of the Dacheng God Lord was suddenly opened up.

Endless power blasted open the heavenly gate, and Ni Xinzhao's power also dimmed.

She didn't skimp on anything. The Royal Dao hymn resounded throughout the world, directly burning the Dao Fruit and pouring it into the fairy skirt. The light after another seemed like the return of the gods. Her breath shook the world. She also started to fight desperately. She held the Sword of Tomorrow and killed towards the eternal crimson. In the vast world, the forces of endless order collide.


The power of both parties is being annihilated, the backlash spreads to the main body, and the cracks continue to spread.

Ni Xinzhao didn't hesitate at all, his strength was sublimated, without any reservation, and he rushed to die together, overwhelming the balance.

Crimson and Eternal have not mastered the Taoist weapon, so they are beyond their power and keep retreating. Every step represents the rapid decline of their power.

Even if the Nine Lives True Immortal continues to provide power, this decline is fatal and it cannot keep up with the rhythm of the battle.

"Can't the ultimate divine fire and the ice of time, which were born from heaven and earth, do anything?"

Eternal frown.

"If you can't defeat me, burn yourself completely!"

Crimson gave the answer.


In the outer sky, two large caves exploded, and all the power was poured into the Red Sky Realm. This was a burning that was more intense than burning, and it was completely self-destruction!

"Do you want to escape from control? The possibility is zero... Without Dongtian, let alone Qing Liusheng, even Ni Xinzhao cannot defeat him. Even if he wins the battle, how can he be the master of Dongtian who will complete the great achievement next? opponent?"

Jiu Ming couldn't help laughing.

He also holds an ace card, the Lord of Despair, who is the pioneer of Tiangan Cave. He may have countless flaws, but with the blessing of his power, everything is not a problem!

If your qualifications are not enough to make a breakthrough, then use absolute rules to control your destiny and move towards a future that is bound to be successful.

If the resources are not enough, the Emperor's body will be used to provide unlimited power of the Emperor's Way, achieving quantitative changes and achieving qualitative changes.

If you don't have enough time, then speed up time. As a true immortal with divine magic, he also masters the divine magic of time. He can also speed up without relying on Infinite!

"The inner universe does have special advantages. It can move freely and diversify. But in a head-to-head battle, the Lord of the Cave Heaven will never be weak. It's just that one can move freely and the other cannot."

The Nine Lives True Immortal stared at the Red Heaven Realm, but did not look at any people or objects. His thoughts were locked on a certain enemy, "In a sense, the inner universe is weaker than the cave sky. After all, the user needs to fully control it without any deviation." None are allowed."

"Master Dao, did you find that you were bound to lose, so you disappeared?"

The Transparent Dome never appears on a battlefield where victory is impossible.

Even at such a crisis point, the Transparent Dome still did not appear, which can only mean one thing, his victory is inevitable and cannot be changed!

Time and order are in chaos, and too many forces beyond common sense are intertwined.

Crimson and Eternity were so messy that they completely detonated the Red Sky Realm.

Starting from the wall of the red sky, the void in the outer universe began to collapse.

All power is flowing back towards its end.

"Is this the final moment of the Red Sky Realm?"

"The red sky is shattered!"

"not good!"

Yun Ye and Ni Xinzhao's pupils shrank, sensing the huge danger. If this continues, the entire Red Sky Realm will fall into nothingness!

"Let's die together!"

Crimson burns all her power just to end the entire Red Sky Realm directly.

She could no longer see the chance of winning. She only had one wish before she died, and that was to defeat Ni Xinzhao and Qing Liusheng and make them fall to the altar!

"Why...why do I think so?"

Scarlet felt a sense of violation at the last moment. Someone had tampered with her cognition, making her make the stupidest choice!


Want to use her self-destruction to weaken Qing Liusheng and Ni Xinzhao?

No no no no……

There is a sense of dissonance everywhere!

"Stop it, the Red Sky Realm does not belong to you ants!!!!"

The voice of the Nine Lives True Immortal rang loudly. He was full of rage and had no intention of completely destroying the Red Heaven Realm.

This is natural!

As a place of transcendence, he wants to eliminate any possibility of destruction and cannot allow this to happen!

The final great destruction is not as simple as the destruction of the world, but the collapse of the entire Red Sky World and the creation of the world again!

The result of re-creating the world is most likely that the world will die directly and become nothingness!

Even if you succeed, you may lose the absolute rules of Taoism forever!

If they, true immortals, want to transcend, they can only rely on Taoist tools!

How can you tolerate problems!

"It's not a fairy... (that's what it is?)"

The thought flashed past, and Scarlet and Eternal saw Qing Liusheng take action. He was shocked and angry. Even though becoming an emperor was still in the process, he gave up and exploded with endless power to forcefully save the Red Heaven Realm!


Everyone heard the sound of the inner universe breaking.

How could the final great destruction be stopped so easily? Yun Ye was using inner universes to collide with each other to achieve the final great destruction, and the positive and negative were annihilated before he stopped.

This naturally comes at a price. One of Yun Ye's arms was annihilated by flying ashes, which meant that a corner of the inner universe was also missing.


Yun Ye was so furious that he took action forcefully, and the already condensed imperial realm also collapsed. But even so, Crimson and Eternal saw the gap between heaven and earth. Without the cave, they could only welcome death, and their bodies were shattered. The soul is destroyed, and existence disappears from all worlds.

"Okay, great!"

"Destroying the Red Heaven Realm is something Qing Liusheng cannot accept!"

Many true immortals couldn't help laughing when they saw this scene.

They originally didn't want to use this move because they were worried about blowing up the Red Sky Realm directly, but now that they think about it, they are too worried. The Red Sky Realm is also the refuge of Qing Liusheng. If he doesn't block the attack, will he still escape from the Red Sky Realm? To be slaughtered at the neck?

Beyond the red sky is the home field of immortals. All the imperial ways and great masters are just dust!

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