Reappearance of Corrosive Aura

After leaving the alchemy room, it was getting late to see outside. Yan Yixue had already finished taking care of the two children and was cleaning up the dishes.

Gu Xiangfei went to the open space outside and saw that the Lingmi planted by Yan Yixue not far away had grown green seedlings. The aura here is rich, and the seedlings of Lingmi are growing gratifyingly. It is estimated that a batch of Lingmi will be harvested in a short time .

What is the name of this mountain? Looking at the mountain, Gu Xiangfei felt a little headache. Choosing a name is very troublesome. After thinking about it for a while, it is not ideal.

“Husband, what are you doing here? What’s the matter? You keep scratching your hair.” Yan Yixue comforted the children, and saw him standing there, still muttering, occasionally scratching his hair, watching My scalp hurts when I pull it.

“Oh! My daughter-in-law is here. I’m trying to choose a name for our mountain. After thinking about it a few times, I don’t like it. You just came to help me think of one!” She forgets.

“Let’s call it Feixuefeng! It happens to be the last letter of our two names, what do you think?” Yan Yixue came casually and quickly proposed the name.

“Feixuefeng! Yes, it sounds good. From now on, this place will be called Feixuefeng. A wife can still do it, I don’t know if she is in bed…” Gu Xiangfei said his voice became softer, and finally it was barely audible, looking at Yan Yixue eyes are getting higher and higher.

Yan Yixue still didn’t understand what he was thinking, her face was flushed immediately, she spat at him, turned around and ran to the outer house.

The next morning, Gu Xiangfei came to the lobby of the headquarters refreshed and reported the name of his mountain. The deacon wrote down the three characters of Feixue Peak on the formation display graphic, and the name of this mountain was immediately displayed on the formation graphic. displayed above.

Completed the naming of the mountainFor the report, Gu Xiangfei is going to go to the mission hall to pick up some missions, to earn more seventh-level spiritual herbs, and to practice Qianyuan Body Exercise.

In the headquarters hall of Pill Array, there are many tasks sent out, ranging from simple to complex. The reward for each task is calculated according to the nature of the task.

Standing in the hall, Gu Xiangfei was dazzled by the various tasks released on the display screen of the array. He checked with his spiritual sense and found a few tasks suitable for him. The monks need to refine the eighth-rank Luocheng pill, and there is another sect that needs a formation master to arrange a defensive formation.

Gu Xiangfei needs the seventh-level spirit grass right now, so he took out the alchemy king jade card and took two alchemy tasks. The monks in the task window in the hall used the teleportation array to pass the spirit grass for refining the pill to him. The reward will be given to him at the task window when the pill is handed over.

Take the spirit grass and come to the alchemy room of the alchemy array alliance. There is a refining room specially provided for alchemy array masters. The alchemy array masters can use it free of charge. Know this place exists.

Take out the alchemy jade tablet, and pass by the door of an unoccupied room. After the door is opened, you enter the room. There is a room inside, which is a place for alchemists to make alchemy. In the room, there are ground fires drawn from other places. , for alchemists who have no flames to use.

Gu Xiangfei has Xinghe, so he can’t use the ground fire, so he sacrificed the alchemy furnace, prepared the spiritual grass that needs alchemy, and started alchemy.

In alchemy in the Pill Formation Alliance, alchemists can share 40% of the refined medicine, and the rest will be handed over to the Pill Formation Alliance. As for how much pills the Pill Formation Alliance will give to the employer, it is not up to the alchemists.

Half an hour later, Gu Xiangfei came to the hall with two jade bottles and handed in the elixir at the task window. After the monk in charge of receiving the elixir checked the elixir, he took out a storage bag and handed it to him. After scanning it, I found ten ordinary seventh-level spirit grasses inside.

It’s really good to accept missions here, with income from pills and spiritual grasses, it’s really a good way to make a fortune, Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, decided to accept missions here, specializing in refining pills, and it is estimated that he will be able to get enough spirits at the seventh level soon Grass, then you can practice Qianyuan Body Exercise Jue.

As soon as he thought of it, Gu Xiangfei began to sweep away these tasks of refining pills. As long as the pills were above level seven, he almost finished refining them all by himself, and the rewards were very generous. Super spirit grass, and some seven or eight pills.

Gu Xiangfei felt that he would soon be able to collect all the seventh-level spirit herbs. For five consecutive days, he waited in the hall of the Pill Formation Alliance to receive tasks. After receiving some tasks, he would take out the previously refined pills , and he will receive the spirit grass soon. According to the speed of collecting spirit grass, in the past five days, more than a thousand seven-level spirit grasses have been collected, which makes him very happy. As he approached, his mood became more and more excited.

This morning, Gu Xiangfei came to the alchemy formation alliance hall early again to see what alchemy tasks he could accept.

The deacon in charge of alchemy in the hall saw him coming again, hurriedly came over to say hello to him, and said, “Good morning, King Gu Dan! The deputy suzerain of the Killing Sword Sect came here today and needs an alchemy king to go to their sect to do alchemy , and the rewards are generous, I wonder if King Gu Dan is interested in going?”

“Where is the Slaughtering Sect? Is it far away?” Gu Xiangfei has heard of this sect, but he has never dealt with them, and he doesn’t know where it is.

“You can take the teleportation formation here and go directly to the sect of the Slaughtering Sword Sect. As for the distance? It’s about 30,000 miles away, and their deputy suzerain will go there with you.” The deacon said in detail and clearly. It depends on how he chooses not to go.

“Where’s their deputy suzerain? I’ll meet and make a decision.” Gu Xiangfei wanted to see what the deputy suzerain of the Slaughtering Sword Sect had to say. Just listen to the deacon’s words, what if there is any change? Who to go to when the time comes.

The deacon immediately said, “Please come with me! He is in the lounge.”

Gu Xiangfei didn’t have the slightest doubt. He thought it was impossible for something to happen in the Pill Array Alliance. After all, no one dared to look for trouble here, and he had never heard of it before.

Following the deacon to the entrance of the lounge upstairs, Gu Xiangfei suddenly felt a ray of corrosive breath coming from the lounge. This ray of corrosive breath was so rare that people who had never experienced the corrosive breath could not feel it at all. He has felt the corrosive atmosphere since he entered the Wanyuan Desert, and he also has a pet called Little Bee, which specializes in absorbing the corrosive atmosphere.

“Not good!” He knew right away that he might have fallen into someone else’s trap, so he raised his hand and grabbed the deacon, and flew downstairs.

At this moment, the door of the rest room was broken suddenly, and there was a corrosive smell coming from inside, which was several times more than the fossils at the street vendors in the square market, and then a huge breath rushed towards him.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about flying downstairs, and directly crashed out of the window, and at the same time shouted loudly into the hall, “Quickly inform the lord, there are monks here with an aura of corrosive spiritual consciousness, and they want to destroy the entire hall.”

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