: Strangling the Transcending Tribulation Stage Cultivator

The cultivators in the hall heard Gu Xiangfei’s shout, and immediately a law enforcement team surrounded him. Seeing the Dan King jade tablet hanging on his waist, they understood that the Dan King was not talking nonsense, and immediately gave it to the person in charge of the Pill Array Alliance Hall. people summons.

Gu Xiangfei put down the deacon he was holding and asked, “Are you still going to the law enforcement team to explain?”

The deacon didn’t expect Gu Xiangfei to react so quickly. He felt the crisis before entering the waiting room. He was caught before he could escape. Now Gu Xiangfei put him down for questioning, thinking thatThis is an opportunity, just as I was about to take out the escape talisman from the ring, I suddenly found that I was imprisoned, my spiritual consciousness and true essence began to be released in my body, click! Click! The sound, sighed in my heart, it’s over.

“If you don’t say anything, just search your soul!” Li Jingtian appeared in the hall at this time, and when he came, he just heard Gu Xiangfei questioning.

“I’ll leave it to you. I’ll seal this place so that the corrosive atmosphere won’t spread outside.” Gu Xiangfei was still thinking about the monk who emitted the corrosive atmosphere. From the huge coercion just now, Gu Xiangfei had already concluded that this monk He is a monk in the Transcending Tribulation Period.

Li Jingtian nodded to him, grabbed the deacon’s head, and searched for the soul directly.

Gu Xiangfei heard the screams of the deacon being searched for souls, took out the formation flag and entered the surrounding area of ​​the hall, and at the same time used the void formation pattern to build a strangle formation. The monks in the tribulation period surrounded this place.

After a few breaths, Gu Xiangfei used the formation flag to complete the strangulation formation, and the void formation pattern was also completed. The seventh-level void strangulation formation has sealed off the lounge area.

“These two are not from the Sword Slayer Sect. The cultivator who released the corrosive breath is a casual cultivator. The two of them are in an employment relationship. This deacon is also a fake. The original deacon has been killed by them. They peeled off their skin and made a mask to pretend to be a deacon. I want to rob the alchemy king here.” Li Jingtian told Gu Xiangfei the result of the soul search.

“Traiding the Pill King? These two people have come up with a good idea.” Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, if they use their corrosive breath to destroy his consciousness, then the things in his ring, although they are nothing good, they don’t know about it! There must be a lot of cultivation resources in the rings of other alchemy kings. If all the alchemy kings were tricked into the rest room and destroyed their consciousness, then they could really make a fortune.

Now there is only the cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period left. He also knows that he can’t escape, and he will definitely struggle to the death, and he may explode himself.

Thinking of this, Gu Xiangfei immediately urged the void formation pattern to enter the lounge, and then activated the formation pattern, and the seventh-level void strangling formation instantly started to operate.

The cultivator at the Transcending Tribulation Stage did not expect that the first alchemy king he had just found today would have discovered their plot, let alone that this alchemy king was still a monk at the Mahayana stage, and he was a step too late to catch him, so he ran away. into a passive situation.

This cultivator in the Tribulation Period sacrificed his long spear, ready to fight a way out, as long as he ran out, he could run as far as he could. If he offended the Alchemy Formation Alliance, he might be on the way to escape for the rest of his life.

Just as he was about to mobilize his true energy, suddenly the whole space changed, and countless space wind blades came at him with a sharp cold air, “Not good!” Waving his long spear, he resisted countless space wind blades.

Two hours later, he felt that the true essence in his body was depleted too quickly, and just about to take out the elixir to restore the true essence, “Pfft…” At this moment of distraction, he was cut by the spatial wind blade with several deep bone-deep wounds , the blood was like a spring, rushing down, and hurriedly waved the spear again to block the attacking wind blade.

Gu Xiangfei saw that the cultivator in the Transcending Tribulation Period persisted for such a long time, and then drew several strangling formations and trapping formation patterns, and sent them to the lounge to activate the formation patterns.

The void pattern this time, together with the void pattern just now, is mixed into a void strangulation and trapping formation, and the entire rest room is filled with space wind blades, flying around indiscriminately. An arm was cut off, and before the arm landed, it was cut by the space wind blade, turned into pieces, and scattered on the ground.

“Ah…” A shrill scream came, and the cultivator in the Tribulation Stage was cut into pieces by countless spatial wind blades.

Hearing the screams, Gu Xiangfei immediately fled to the lounge, raised his hand and put away the ring of the cultivator who had crossed the tribulation period, and at the same time released a bee from the star bead.

During this period of time, the little bee eats well, sleeps well, has pills when hungry, sleeps on the spirit veins when sleepy, and cultivates while sleeping. This kind of life is nothing more than a fairy.

Today, Gu Xiangfei got it out, and I’m still a little unhappy, it’s sleeping! I felt a little unhappy when I was woken up. As soon as the star beads came out, I suddenly felt the breath I liked. I screamed a few times in surprise, opened my mouth and began to absorb these nourishing things. This master seems to be very kind to me. ! There’s good stuff and it’s not forgotten.

This time, the corrosive atmosphere absorbed in Fangshi was several times more than last time! The little bee happily absorbed the corrosive breath, feeling that she was about to advance, so she immediately flew to Gu Xiangfei’s head and lay down motionless.

Gu Xiangfei casually threw the little bee onto the spirit vein in the star bead, regardless of what it was going to do! He didn’t know that the little bee was going to advance, the most important thing right now was to ask Li Jingtian how did the corrosive aura come from?

Coming out of the rest room, Gu Xiangfei didn’t see Li Jingtian. He didn’t know when he left. He sent him a message, but he didn’t reply after waiting for a long time. The surrounding area was filled with water, and everyone sacrificed spiritual weapons and magic weapons in their hands. A ray of light shone, and they stared at the hall as if they were facing an enemy.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t wait for Li Jingtian’s reply. It seems that he might not be able to make alchemy today. He came out of the hall and prepared to go back to Feixue Peak to rest for a day.

“King Gu Zhen, what’s the situation inside? Where’s the cultivator during the tribulation period?” Just as Gu Xiangfei came out of the hall, a cultivator from the headquarters came over and asked.

“Let’s break up, everyone! The monk has been strangled into pieces by the formation, and the corrosive atmosphere has been cleaned up by me. Now it can continue to be used here. You should report to the leader!” Gu Xiangfei told the monks at the headquarters about the situation inside, and turned around. Leave the hall, take out the spaceship and go to Feixueleave the peak.

Li Jingtian received a message from the leader Bei Hanyi, and he didn’t wait for Gu Xiangfei to come out. He knew that as long as Gu Xiangfei’s formation was activated, the monks in the Transcending Tribulation Period would definitely die. Based on his understanding of Gu Xiangfei, he knew that he would take care of everything here. So he left very relieved.

“Leader, these two people obtained the corrosive spirit breath from the Kunchang ruins. The corrosive breath was contained in a gourd, but they didn’t get that gourd. It was robbed by other monks. Later, they each refined a gourd. Pretending to be corrosive, he came to the Alchemy Formation Alliance Hall to rob our Alchemy King, but was discovered by the Gu Formation King, and it is estimated that the Gu Formation King has already killed the cultivator in the Tribulation Period.” Li Jingtian reported what happened in the Alliance Hall to Bei Hanyi reported what happened in detail.

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