Refining Talismans

After hearing this, Bei Hanyi nodded and asked, “Then how do they defend against the corrosive atmosphere?”

Li Jingtian took out a spiritual grass from the ring and handed it to Bei Hanyi, saying, “This is the spiritual grass. After taking this spiritual grass, within two hours, the consciousness will not be corroded. , you have to take it every other day, and taking it continuously has no effect, and it will intensify the corrosion of spiritual consciousness, so they call this spirit grass the next day grass.”

Bei Hanyi looked at the gray spirit grass in his hand. The leaves and stems were gray, and the roots were a little red. He glanced at it with his spiritual sense, but found no special aura. It seemed like a very ordinary spirit grass.

“This spirit herb has no effect except to defend against corrosive breaths. There are many such spirit herbs in the Kunchang ruins, and many monks there know the effect of this spirit herb. It’s not a secret.” Li Jingtian said to Soul Search As a result, he told Bei Hanyi all of his thoughts.

“It seems that we also need to prepare some next-day grass in case of emergencies. If this kind of thing happens again, we won’t be helpless.” Bei Hanyi thought for a while, and offered his own suggestion to Li Jingtian.

“What the leader said is, why don’t we release this mission in the mission hall, there should be monks who will take this mission.” Li Jingtian also thought the same way, he had the same thoughts as Bei Hanyi, it can be said that he had already regarded the Pill Array Alliance as a As part of himself, he does not allow anyone or anything to threaten the Pill Array Alliance.

Bei Hanyi thought that this matter was feasible, and agreed with Li Jingtian’s idea, and released this task immediately, so as not to be caught off guard again by having long nights and dreams.

Gu Xiangfei also knew about the next day grass. He found a jade slip in the ring of the monk during the tribulation period. This jade slip introduced in detail several dangerous places in the Kunchang ruins, and how to bypass them. The road map of the dangerous area seems to be that the cultivator during the tribulation period was afraid that he would not be able to remember, so he deliberately left a jade slip for himself to check from time to time.

Back at Feixue Peak, I took a glance with my spiritual sense and found that my family members were all concentrating on cultivation, and even the two children were cross-legged and working hard to cultivate. It was difficult for them to start cultivation at such a young age.

When Gu Xiangfei was their age, besides running and playing every day, he went hunting in the mountains with his second uncle. Although his family was poor in his childhood, compared to them, Gu Xiangfei felt that he was very happy.

These two children have memories of their previous lives since they were born, and they are also enemies. Their young hearts should have grown up carefree, happy and healthy.

It is the memory of the previous life that made their childhood grow up with regret and anger every day, and they also worried that their family members would know their abnormal behavior, so they had to pretend to be young and ignorant to hide the world deep in their hearts.

It is also thanks to Gu Xiangfei who is a cultivator who discovered their abnormality and solved their confusion. If it was in an ordinary family, this would definitely be a tragedy in the future. The two brothers killed each other, affecting the entire Gujia Village and even the entire Dongdu and Martial Dao Continent.

According to the earth that the children said, they can make weapons, and they are powerful. Gu Xiangfei heard the weapons they said, and it is estimated that even the strong warriors can’t resist them. .

While Gu Xiangfei was thinking about it, he suddenly felt fluctuations in spiritual energy, as if his family had broken through the bottleneck again. After scanning his spiritual sense, he found that it was Gu Yunhao. Since they came to Feixue Peak, the cultivation of these two children has improved by leaps and bounds. The rich spiritual energy here is one aspect , He buried a spiritual energy vein in each manor and arranged a gathering spirit array. During this time, people in the family kept breaking through, and Jiaojiao had already broken through the Nascent Soul Stage.

Gu Yunhao is now at the ninth level of qi refining. After stabilizing his cultivation, he remembered what his cheap Lao Tzu said. In cultivation, one should not just bury one’s head in hard work, but should combine work and rest, and relax properly. There will be unexpected gains in cultivation.

When he came out of the manor and saw Gu Xiangfei standing in the open space outside, Gu Yunhao already regarded Gu Xiangfei and Yan Yixue as his parents in his heart. He grew up in an orphanage in his previous life and had never received family affection. Here he felt his parents and Yan Yixue. He enjoys the love and affection from his grandparents to him.

“Father, what are you doing?” When Gu Yunhao called Gu Xiangfei without any hesitation, he casually called his father.

“Breakthrough again, okay! Keep working hard and strive to build a foundation as soon as possible. After you build your foundation, you can choose the three arts of alchemy array, and my father will teach you. You can also learn a skill in the cultivation world. Survive well.” Gu Xiangfei looked at this little son who was only five and a half years old, and felt pity in his heart. His past life experience was too rough, and he was born in the Gu family in this life. Make it up!

Gu Yunhao said with great joy, “I want to learn everything my father knows, and be aAn almighty king of the alchemy formation, it is best to learn how to refine talismans. After I can refine the boundary-breaking talisman, I will go back to Earth and take my parents with me. ”

When Gu Xiangfei heard him talking about talismans, he couldn’t help but think of the book of true interpretations of talismans that Li Jingtian gave him. He found the book of true interpretations of talismans from the ring, and took it out to have a look.

“I have a copy of the True Explanation of Talismans here. It was given to me by Li Jingtian, the deputy leader. I haven’t had time to read it. Today you talked about Talismans, so I will study them first. After you build the foundation, I will share the jade about the alchemy array. Jane will be given to you two brothers, how much you can learn depends on your chance.” Gu Xiangfei looked at the true interpretation of the talisman in his hand, and flipped through it casually while talking to Gu Yunhao.

“Okay! I will build the foundation soon, and I will definitely surpass my brother.” Gu Yunhao waved his little arm confidently, with an adult expression on his face, looking very cute.

“Ouch! My little grandson! Grandma has been looking for you for a long time, go and eat quickly! Your brother has almost finished eating all the delicious food.” The old lady came out from the yard, and when she saw Gu Yunhao, she grabbed him, He dragged him away, talking about what delicious food to make, telling him to eat more and grow faster, and ignored Gu Xiangfei the whole time, and didn’t even talk to him.

Gu Xiangfei shook his head. This old woman typically forgets about her son when she has a grandson. She smiled and went back to the secret room at home, looking at the true interpretation of the talisman in her hand.

The level of talisman is divided into nine levels, from first-level talisman to ninth-level talisman. If the power of talisman is strong, the talisman paper used for high-level talisman is high-grade monster skin. Ordinary talisman paper can be bought in shops. Although high-grade talisman paper is also sold, the price is not affordable by ordinary talisman refiners.

Gu Xiangfei decided to use ordinary yellow paper to practice carving talismans first, and then use monster skins to refine talismans after mastering the carving talismans.

To carve a talisman, one must first mix cinnabar and a talisman pen with animal blood. It is required that the talisman should be carved in one go without stopping halfway, otherwise it will be scrapped.

Gu Xiangfei prepared the talisman-refining items, prepared the talisman fluid in strict accordance with the requirements of the true interpretation of the talisman, and began to draw the first talisman.

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