Corrosion Breath Primordial Spirit

As soon as he scanned it with his consciousness, two flying birds came to Gu Xiangfei like lightning, trying to follow his consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness, corrode his sea of ​​consciousness, and then transform into four birds.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand, and two flying birds fell into his hands. Before they shattered, he compressed them into projectiles and put them into the ring.

Seeing that the monk had become demented, it was obviously useless. He raised his hand and fired a fireball, which relieved the monk’s pain, put away his ring, and fled forward.

The closer to the position on the map, the more birds there are. From time to time, birds came to harass him. Gu Xiangfei simply stood where he was and let go of his consciousness to collect the birds.

As long as these birds can’t feel his breath, they will throw themselves into the net almost all the time. Gu Xiangfei quickly collected hundreds of projectiles. As the birds gradually decrease, the corrosive atmosphere around here is also close to slack.

Two days later, no matter how Gu Xiangfei used his consciousness to sweep around, no birds came to attack him again. Gu Xiangfei knew that he had collected all the birds here.

“This ruin is a bit big! It took so long to find a monk, where are the other monks? It can’t be corroded by birds, right? Even if the corrosion is complete, there should be corpses.” Gu Xiangfei muttered to himself. A few words.

For such a long time, neither the monk nor the next day grass was found. Gu Xiangfei felt that something was wrong. Could it be that his route was different from others? Now, this is the only explanation that can explain the past. After all, he walked in the direction of the map, and the others did not. map, probably wandering around.

After straightening out this matter, Gu Xiangfei didn’t care what other people did, and went to the place marked on the map to have a look.

Flying all the way, I occasionally found some low-level spiritual herbs and ores were put away. The low-level spiritual herbs can be used by the family members to refine their bodies, and the ores can let them learn how to refine weapons. Anyway, it will not be wasted. He is now responsible for the cultivation of the whole family. Resources have to be carefully calculated.

After flying away for three days, he collected all the spiritual herbs and ores he met on the road. He didn’t go looking for the spiritual herbs and ores on purpose. Now he has solved the matter of corroding the breath, and then went to look for resources. Row.

Here is the map markerThe place, Gu Xiangfei reconfirmed, it is here, this open space, there is nothing, not even a slightly larger stone can be seen.

Is it underground? Gu Xiangfei thought about it, and glanced at the ground with his divine sense, and sure enough, it was underground.

At a depth of more than 300 meters underground, there was a place that blocked the inspection of the spiritual consciousness. Gu Xiangfei used the earth escape technique to come down, and looked at the large formation blocking the spiritual consciousness in front of him, but he felt a little nervous, which was never before. It’s not the first time I’ve seen him escape into the ground, why is there a feeling of heartbeat here.

“Not good! There is a danger here.” Gu Xiangfei shouted loudly, and immediately used the earth escape technique to try to go up, the big formation suddenly released a huge suction force, even with his Mahayana stage cultivation, he was unable to stabilize his body, and was directly sucked by the big formation Going in, Gu Xiangfei immediately communicated with the star bead, dodged into the star bead, and protected himself first.

Looking outside through the star beads, I found that there were many corpses of monks in this large formation, almost all of them were nirvana by the corrosive breath of the sea of ​​consciousness. The sea of ​​consciousness has been nirvana, the primordial spirit has been corroded, death is a matter of time.

“Cough, cough, cough…” There was a coughing sound, and then a piercing voice said, “Where is the ant that just came in? I saw him being sucked in. Could it be that he is hiding here? Hiding from my eyes? Wait for me to launch a big formation to come out by myself! Throat…”

Then I heard the sound of gold and iron clanging, as if it came from the man’s mouth. The sound sounded extremely harsh, and there was an indescribable discomfort reverberating in my ears.

Gu Xiangfei could only hear the sound, but couldn’t see the person. He immediately understood that the voice just now came from a primordial spirit. Could it be that the primordial spirit was here to absorb the monks’ sea of ​​consciousness to strengthen his own primordial spirit, thereby Restore the body? What kind of kung fu is this primordial spirit practicing? It’s so vicious.

The flesh bodies of the surrounding monks floated automatically without wind, like a large formation inspired by the primordial spirit, and then there was a “boom…” physical body bursting sound. Mud plasma covered.

What kind of formation is this? Although Gu Xiangfei is the formation king, he doesn’t know how this large formation works. It is both suction and squeezing. This is the first time he has seen such a large formation. As a formation king, he must first discover this kind of formation. figure out.

No matter that the primordial spirit is looking for him everywhere, just run the kung fu to find the nodes of this big formation, under the operation of regular kung fu, search for the nodes of this formation one by one, the regular breath of this big formation is quickly found by him, and immediately After assimilation, the remaining things will be much easier, and it didn’t take long to figure out the rules of operation of this large formation.

This large formation actually uses corrosive breath as its base, and it uses flying birds to operate. It can be said that this large formation is a large formation of corrosive breath. As for the suction and squeezing force, it is the breath from the primordial spirit.

After Gu Xiangfei figured out the big formation, he also caught the regular breath of the primordial spirit, and soon discovered that the primordial spirit was hiding in a corner of the big formation, and this was the safest place in the whole big formation.

At this moment, he felt something moving on his head. He reached out and grabbed it and threw it on the ground. The little bee uttered a “cheep!” with a trace of dissatisfaction, as if he disliked Gu Xiangfei and threw it on the ground.

“Don’t bark, go out and eat something good.” Seeing the little bee woke up, Gu Xiangfei immediately communicated with it with his spiritual sense. When the little bee heard that there was something delicious, it immediately flew up and circled over his head, urging him to go out quickly .

After the primordial spirit activated the formation, he failed to find Gu Xiangfei’s trace, thinking that he had slipped away in the chaos, and never looked for him again. After stopping the formation, he searched for the monk’s corroded primordial spirit everywhere, when suddenly there was a wave of spiritual energy , and then heard a cry, “Jee!” It seemed to be a very excited cry.

The primordial spirit didn’t expect that there were other living things in this large formation, which were not crushed by the large formation, and hurriedly looked at the place where the sound was made. This look, the primordial spirit was so scared that he wanted to kneel down and beg for mercy. How did things come out? His original physical body was swallowed by this thing, but now it has become so small, almost hundreds of thousands of times smaller than before, but his appearance has not changed at all. Swallowed by a bee.

The little bee came out of the star bead, and found that there was indeed something good here, such a strong corrosive atmosphere, this is its great tonic, it let out a happy cry, and found a soul that also had a corrosive atmosphere, and it disappeared in a flash , Swallow this primordial spirit.

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