Outside the Valley of Wind and Waves

After the little bee swallowed the primordial spirit, it opened its mouth and sucked it in. The corrosive breath was like a thread, and was swallowed by it into the abdomen.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the undamaged rings, waved the little bee into the star beads, sacrificed the galaxy and turned it into ashes, and even destroyed some corrosive ores. He didn’t want these things and kept them in the It’s uncomfortable to be around, and a little bee is enough.

After escaping to the ground, I found that the corrosive atmosphere here had all disappeared. The primordial spirit was swallowed by the little bees, leaving no clues behind. I don’t know why the primordial spirit appeared here. Why was it afraid of the little bees?

Divine consciousness glanced into the star bead, and the little bee fell asleep lying on the spiritual vein again. It is estimated that this time it swallowed the primordial spirit and absorbed so much corrosive breath, it must be promoted again.

Gu Xiangfei used his spiritual sense to look around, but found no one. With the attitude of looking around since he was here, he ran around in the ruins, and put away the spirit grass and ore when he found them.Come.

After three days of this, a few monks were finally found. There were six monks in this group, and they seemed to have formed an adventure team to search for resources in the ruins.

When these few people saw Gu Xiangfei, they were alone, put away the sacrificed spirit weapon, and a tall monk headed by him gave a monk’s salute to Gu Xiangfei and said, “May I ask you, are you going to Fenglan Valley? Why don’t we Together, it’s good to have someone to take care of you on the way.”

“Wind Wave Valley? What’s that place?” Gu Xiangfei was taken aback by his question. This place was not marked on his map. Since the ruins are so big, his map must be incomplete. It only marked the location of the primordial spirit. Suddenly I remembered why the vendor had this jade slip. It turned out that it was the map sent by the Yuanshen to lure the monks to die. There are so many monks there, it may be the jade slip map sent by the Yuanshen.

“Hmm! Fellow Daoists don’t know about Wind and Waves Valley? But that’s not important. If fellow Daoists go, we can go together. I heard that there is the next day grass there. Isn’t fellow Taoist looking for the next day grass?” The leader monk said about the next day grass whereabouts, and invited him to go with him.

“Alright then! I’ll go with you, my name is Gu Xiangfei.” Since Gu Xiangfei agreed to his request, he declared his name so that the monk would not have to ask again.

“My name is Ji Yingjie. This is Luo Yun, He Qing, Chu Shouxin, Tu Lei, and Zu Helen. We are all temporary teams, and we will disband when we leave the ruins.” Ji Yingjie introduced the other five to Gu Xiangfei. The five people nodded to him, saying hello.

Gu Xiangfei also nodded to them, and the seven of them, led by Ji Yingjie, fled all the way towards Fenglanggu.

Gu Xiangfei judged from their flying breath that the cultivation bases of these six people were not high. The highest cultivation base was Ji Yingjie, a monk in the mid-stage of Huashen, and the others were monks in the Nascent Soul stage, respectively in the middle and late stages. Early monks.

Gu Xiangfei’s aura is that of a late-stage cultivator, a little higher than them, so they don’t have to worry about encountering good things. Gu Xiangfei will kill people and seize treasures, eliminating their suspicion.

After flying away for a day, everyone stopped to rest. Chu Shouxin took out spirit wine, Zu Helun took out some monster meat, and roasted them on the fire. Everyone ate and drank some, and then sat cross-legged to recover their strength.

Gu Xiangfei operated the regular breath according to their exercises, and judged that their exercises were very common. He concluded that these people were all casual practitioners, and none of them were sect disciples.

In the early morning of the next day, the seven of them began to rush towards Fenglanggu again. Ji Yingjie said last night that they should speed up today and strive to reach Fenglanggu before dark.

The seven people ran wildly all the way, and finally came to the outside of Fenglanggu before dark. There are many monks here, all occupying a place in a small team, and some sect disciples also gathered together.

Ji Yingjie found a place, surrounded by seven people, and outsiders could tell it was a small team at a glance. The place is big and there are many people. Although it was a bit noisy, there was no revenge or fight.

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei saw that the few of them didn’t bring out monster meat and spirit wine to eat and drink again, it was probably because they were afraid that someone would make trouble with the wine, so they could bear it when they were out of the house, and no one wanted to cause trouble.

Although they didn’t drink or eat meat, someone came to find trouble. A drunk man swayed, slipped his feet and rushed towards He Qing. With a sound, I fell a dog and ate shit.

“Bah bah!” The drunk man spat out the dirt in his mouth, raised his hand and punched He Qing, the wind of the punch was strong and mighty, with a huge aura, it was a monk in the Void Refinement Stage, the drunkard’s He wanted to blow He Qing’s head off with one punch, Gu Xiangfei was taken aback for a moment, did this drunk have any grudge against He Qing? He actually wanted to kill him by taking action. His cultivation base was two realms short. If he wanted to have revenge, he would have killed He Qing a long time ago. Why wait until now.

Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, but his subordinates are not slow. He and He Qing formed a team together. The team has not been disbanded yet. They are members of a small team, and the others are no match for this drunk man at all.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand and grabbed the drunk man’s fist, “Crack!” The sound of bone shattering came, and the drunk man screamed. His hand broke from the fist inch by inch and continued to emit blood mist, extending to his arm. To the shoulders, and almost to the head.

“Stop!” shouted loudly! A powerful breath of coercion brought a fist to Gu Xiangfei’s head, a monk in the Taoism period! Gu Xiangfei thought to himself, raised his other hand, and slapped that monk at the completion stage.

The Daoist thought that he would let go of his companion’s arm when he hit the head of the sitting monk, but he didn’t expect the monk to sit still and slap him with a huge aura of coercion. , Suppressed until the field of his fists continued to shatter, and he didn’t know that he met a Mahayana monk, just about to beg for mercy, “Boom!” The Daoist was slapped into a blood mist and burst in the air.

“Boom!” Another sound rang out, and the drunk man’s head burst like a watermelon. The soul didn’t escape, but was also shattered by the real essence, and collapsed to the ground.

Gu Xiangfei put away the two rings with a wave of his hand, and continued to sit there cross-legged, as if nothing had happened.

“Wow!” The few teams that were close to their team immediately hid far away. The two monks were here just now, but no one dared to provoke them. Before Gu Xiangfei and the others came, these two monks had already killed two The members of the small team did not expect to hit the iron plate this time and died.

“Thank you for saving my life, senior.” He Qing quickly came to his senses. Just as he was about to stand up and salute Gu Xiangfei, he felt a strong pressure and sat down on the ground again.

“We are a small team, helpShouldn’t you? As long as our team is not disbanded, we are a group, and no one can bully us. Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, motioned the other five teammates who wanted to stand up to sit down, took out the spirit wine from the ring, each poured a glass, and drank it down.

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