The Resting Soil of Wind and Waves Valley

“Senior Gu, it’s all because of our poor eyesight. We didn’t even realize that the senior is a Mahayana monk, and the senior doesn’t have any arrogance. His behavior is so low-key. This junior is really admirable!” Very humble.

“Don’t talk about that, it’s fate that we can form a team together. Since you invited me and I agreed to form a team with you, we are teammates, and we should help each other.” Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about this matter. After visiting the ruins, everyone went their separate ways. It is estimated that there will be very few opportunities to meet each other in the future. There is no need to get so close now, and sooner or later they will be separated.

A few people boasted again that they can recover their strength boldly tonight. It is estimated that no one dares to come to them. I didn’t see that the monks in the conjoined stage were all photographed into blood mist.

The next morning, seven people followed a group of monks into Wind Wave Valley. This Wind Wave Valley occupies a very large area, and the entrance of the valley is very small. Three people entered side by side and it was a bit crowded, but after entering, it was very spacious.

Gu Xiangfei let go of his spiritual sense and scanned over, and sure enough, he found some spiritual grasses. Judging from the shape, they looked like grasses from the next day. Gu Xiangfei chose a place with a lot of grasses from the next day, and said, “Everyone, come with me, hurry up!”

When Ji Yingjie and other people heard his words, they didn’t have any refutation. They immediately followed him and ran away, knowing that Gu Xiangfei must have discovered the place where the next day’s grass grows. With his Mahayana cultivation base, his spiritual sense must be able to see farther.

After escaping for a long time, Gu Xiangfei stopped and pointed to a piece of next-day grass not far ahead, “Everyone, pick the next-day grass! This piece is enough. After picking, go back and hand in the task. Only when you get the spirit stone in your hand It’s yours, let’s practice hard in the future!”

Ji Yingjie and the other six people were very excited when they saw this piece of Hetiancao. How many spirit stones do they have to exchange for? After hearing Gu Xiangfei’s words, they all said yes, and they also knew that with their cultivation level, they couldn’t find so many next day grass, thanks to Gu Xiangfei and they being teammates.

Gu Xiangfei picked a stalk of Hetiancao, performed regular exercises, felt the regular aura of Hetiancao, and discovered the nirvana of Hetiancao that can resist the corrosive atmosphere.

The root of the next day grass has a kind of medicinal power, which can just block the corrosive breath. As the medicinal power volatilizes, it can only resist for two hours. After the medicinal power evaporates, the next day grass will lose its effect.

Since the monks have already taken the next day grass, they must wait a day later, after the next day grass disappears in the body, and then take the second next day grass, and the darker the root of the next day grass, the stronger the medicinal power, pink can resist two hours, red It can withstand four hours, crimson can resist eight hours, and purple black can resist one day.

After Gu Xiangfei discovered this secret, he decided to find some Hetiancao with purple-black roots to study whether it could be refined into a elixir. The effect would definitely be better than taking Hetiancao alone.

“Senior, we’ve already finished picking. These next-day grasses are yours.” Ji Yingjie handed Gu Xiangfei a storage bag.

“Forget it, you all put it away! I’ll go to other places to see, you go back and hand in the task first! See you in the future.” Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, didn’t want these next-day grass, and these casual cultivators are not very good Well, I am not short of this spirit stone.

Seeing that he didn’t want it, several people knew that he didn’t like this thing, so they didn’t say anything. They saluted him and left one after another.

After Gu Xiangfei waited for them to leave, he let go of his spiritual sense to look for the purple-black next day grass in Fenglang Valley. This time it was a bit difficult to find it. Now, Gu Xiangfei is not in a hurry, although it is slow, but if you can find a strong medicine, it will have a much better effect than ordinary next day grass.

Many monks have already entered the valley of wind and waves. Everyone is looking for the next day grass, and occasionally finds a second day grass. Everyone rushes to snatch it, and soon fights, causing mutual casualties.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about the fights of those monks, he was fleeing in one direction now, and in this large valley of wind and waves, he finally found a small piece of purple-black Hetian grass.

In the time of a cup of tea, Gu Xiangfei came to the location of this small piece of Hetiancao, dug out a plant of Hetiancao, the roots were indeed purple-black, he was overjoyed, and immediately sacrificed a high-grade spiritual tool medicine hoe, and wiped the purple-black The next day the grass was dug out, and there were fifty-three plants counted, put into a jade box, marked with a restraint, and thrown into the ring.

The color of this piece of land is a little different from other places. No wonder there are purple and black grasses growing there. Gu Xiangfei discovered this place after digging up all the grasses. Why is this land like this? Grab a handful of soil, run regular exercises and feel the regular breath of the soil.

“Well!” The vitality of this land is huge, as if something is giving birth, Gu Xiangfei hurriedly inspected it carefully with his spiritual sense. Such soil.

Gu Xiangfei is a little strange, how did so much soil form? Is it still underground? Continue to use your spiritual consciousness to extend underground. About a thousand meters deep underground, there is a brown soil clod the size of a washbasin, which is exuding a strong vitality. The vitality of this land is emitted by the brown soil Infiltrating, slowly transforming into a land full of vitality.

“This is Xi Rang?” Gu Xiangfei couldn’t help calling outThe soil is a kind of land that can grow automatically. It belongs to the rules of soil attributes. It can make up for the missing land in a boundary. You can also add a little soil when refining the weapon, which can increase the defense by several times or even dozens of times. force.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed, and immediately used the earth escape technique to go to a thousand meters underground, grabbed the washbasin-sized soil, and put it into the star bead. With the growth of the resting soil, the entire land of Star Bead will become the resting soil in the future.

The more Gu Xiangfei thought about it, the more excited he became. This trip was the right one. It seems that he will go out more in the future and practice alchemy in the hall every day. How can he get this kind of innate treasure.

After escaping from the ground, looking at this piece of land, I thought that this piece of land should not be wasted, took out the formation flags and drove them into the ground around them, arranged a large dragging formation, and as the last formation flag fell, “Boom! “The ground shook for a while, and the land was dragged into the star bead, and a large pit a thousand meters deep appeared on the ground.

“Wait!” Just as Gu Xiangfei collected the land and was about to leave here, a voice came, and a figure in the distance flew towards here.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t pay attention to the figure, and flew away directly to the distance. Did you say wait and I’ll just wait? Which onion are you?

Seeing that Gu Xiangfei ignored him, the figure flew forward instead, and immediately chased after him. Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about him, and ran away while looking for spirit grass, ore or next-day grass. If you want to follow, just follow! As long as he dares to steal my things, he will be killed.

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