The Purpose of the Space Boundary Stone

“I don’t know what it is. I just took a piece because I thought it might be useful. I don’t know if I can exchange it for a pill? Oh! By the way, I have other ores.” The monk held it indifferently. That piece of space boundary stone took out several pieces of high-grade ore.

“Okay! I’ll take it back and study it, but there are too few of these things, and even if they are researched, they won’t be of much use! And your few ores are not so precious.” Gu Xiangfei first agreed to exchange for the elixir, and let the monk If you are happy, you can tell the origin of the space boundary stone.

The monk happily took the elixir, took out a jade slip and drew a map, handed it to Gu Xiangfei and said, “This is where I got the ore, and there are a few small ones there, if you want to study it, seniors, go to Take those little ones away!”

Gu Xiangfei put away the space boundary stone and those high-grade ores. Originally, one space boundary stone was enough to exchange for pills, but in order not to let the monk suspect, he still asked him for a few other ores.

The space boundary stone is not only the material for refining the small world, but also the main material for arranging the teleportation array. This watermelon-sized space boundary stone is enough to arrange several ultra-long-distance teleportation arrays in less than half.

Gu Xiangfei picked up the jade slip and scanned it with his divine sense, and immediately used the wind escape technique to escape to the position on the jade slip. This is a space boundary stone, and it would be too late to regret if it was taken away by others.

According to the position on the jade slip, after running away for three days, I came to the edge of the desert, hurriedly scanned it with my spiritual sense, found the position, and found a few space boundary stones thrown there, just like ordinary mountain stones , No one went to pick up these things.

Gu Xiangfei flew over in a hurry, raised his hand and put away these space boundary stones, he was overjoyed, as if he had completed a big task, he let out a long breath.

He took out the spirit stones and set up a spirit gathering array. After running away for several days, his true energy was a bit weak. He recovered first and then looked for other things.

“Crack!” With a soft sound, Gu Xiangfei did not expect to break through a small realm and enter the third floor of the Mahayana period. During this period of time, he did not practice much. He only focused on refining alchemy to find resources, and even fought a few times during the period. Today’s breakthrough can be said It was a surprise.

After stabilizing her cultivation, she stood up, used the Qingshui formula to wash her body, changed her clothes, put away the unused spirit stones, and prepared to search here.

On the edge of this desert,There were hardly any shadows of the monks. The monks who came here flew directly to the center of the desert without stopping. No one would have thought that there would be space boundary stones appearing on the edge.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t plan to go to the center of the desert. This place is a desolate scene. Looking at it makes him feel uncomfortable. Even if there is something, he doesn’t care about it. Now the seventh-level spiritual grass is enough for him to practice the seventh level of Qianyuan Exercise Art. Prepare to enter the star bead to advance to the seventh level of body forging.

Suddenly there was a burst of spiritual energy fluctuations in the distance, as if there were monks fighting, and the cultivation base of the two was not low, the spiritual energy fluctuations from the space were sensed, and at least monks in the Taoist stage were fighting.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t want to look at it at first, but he didn’t expect the two monks to fly towards him while fighting.

Following the collision of the blade light and the halberd light, ripples were set off in the space, the air was exploded, and the two appeared in front of Gu Xiangfei.

The two cultivators, a man and a woman, each used supernatural powers and spells, and the fight was extremely fierce. Gu Xiangfei didn’t expect that the male cultivator was the one who escaped. The female cultivator who chased and killed him was very fierce. The halberd light from the half-moon halberd kept hitting the male cultivator’s defensive shield.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei standing still, the male cultivator hurriedly shouted, “Fellow Daoist, please help me stop this lunatic woman. I will thank you very much later.”

When Gu Xiangfei heard his words, he moved a little further to the side to avoid being affected by their sword and halberd lights.

The male cultivator saw that Gu Xiangfei not only didn’t help, but instead hid a little further away, he was so angry that he couldn’t help yelling.

Gu Xiangfei has long seen that these two people are acting, and after bombarding each other for a long time, there is no trace of scars, but the defensive shield is a bit bumpy, and that defensive shield is better than the middle-grade spiritual weapon. Broken, this is the biggest doubt, if he stepped forward to help, he would be flanked by two people back and forth, especially since he would not guard against the male cultivator, he might be successfully attacked by him.

That male cultivator yelled at him, which made Gu Xiangfei very angry. I’m not fooled, so you’re right. Raise your hand and slap him on the head, “Boom!” A bloody mist burst out.

The female cultivator saw that Gu Xiangfei slapped the male cultivator to death with a slap. She didn’t know that she had encountered a master, and she could not lose money by stealing chickens. She hurriedly ran back, trying to escape, but found that the surrounding space was imprisoned.

“Boom!” The female cultivator showed a look of despair in her eyes, and Gu Xiangfei patted it into blood mist.

Putting away the two rings, Gu Xiang flew to other places to escape.

“Fellow Daoist, please stay!” Gu Xiangfei was flying away when someone called him from the side.

“What’s the matter?” Gu Xiangfei stopped.

“Fellow Daoist, can you sell me some pills to restore true energy? You can choose whatever I want.” The monk who called him said while taking out a bunch of things, put them on the ground, and walked away a few steps.

This is a normal way of trading. Cultivators who don’t know each other in the wild all trade in this way, avoiding the danger of sudden attacks.

Gu Xiangfei checked it with his divine sense, and found that there were some mid-level spirit herbs and mid-level ores, but they were enough to exchange for the elixir to restore true essence.

Gu Xiangfei took out a jade bottle and threw it! He raised his hand and picked up his things, turned around and left.

The monk opened the jade bottle and saw that there were nine special recovery pills inside. He was overjoyed. It seems that the monk just now was very rich! To give him so many recovery pills, and they are special recovery pills, he has taken advantage of it.

Gu Xiangfei came to a small valley, found a relatively secluded place, dug a cave, set up several large formations outside, and then entered the cave to practice body exercises.

“Huh… Kaka!” There was a sound of bone reorganization, and Gu Xiangfei felt that he had broken through a major threshold, and his body’s strength had risen to a higher level.

Is this the seventh layer of body forging? Gu Xiangfei felt his own strength, and felt that even when the thunder calamity fell, he didn’t need to assimilate the regular breath, and he could use his body to resist the raging thunder calamity.

Get out of the vat, do a clear water formula, wash your body, put on your clothes, tidy up the cave, open the protective array and go outside.

He was taken aback when he came out. There were thousands of monks gathered outside the cave, and so many monks didn’t make a single sound. No wonder he didn’t hear any movement in the cave.

When these monks saw him coming out of the cave, they all looked at him in surprise. They didn’t know that there was another cave here, and there were monks coming out of it.

Just as Gu Xiangfei was about to ask the monk next to him what happened, he saw that the small valley bulged upwards, as if something below was pushing against the valley and was about to grow out.

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