Little Red Gourd

Gu Xiangfei was shocked, and the monks next to him all sacrificed spiritual weapons and magic weapons, as if they were about to fight.

“Boom…” There was a loud noise! A gigantic monster leaped up from below, and the soil on its body was scattered all over the sky. All the monks hurriedly sacrificed their shields to block the soil. Grass.

Gu Xiangfei dodged into the cave, and a few monks who were close also followed him in to avoid it.

“What kind of monster is this? How did you find him?” Gu Xiangfei looked at the few monks who followed, and wanted to know more, so he had to ask them first.

“Hey! Didn’t Fellow Daoists wait for it to come out here in advance?” A monk who followed him was a little puzzled after hearing his question. Could it be that this monk built a cave here by mistake? Didn’t know there was such a monster? This luck is too good!

“How do I know there is this thing? If you know it’s underground, I would have hid far away.” GuXiangfei is still a little scared now, if this monster comes out early, he will definitely be disturbed by it when he is training his body, maybe there is a danger of going crazy.

“This is a ghost beast. According to legend, it can communicate with the underworld. It usually hides underground and only appears on the second day of the full moon night. Although it is so big, it is very courageous and has no attack power. The whole body is full of treasures, flesh and blood can be refined into elixir, improve cultivation, and break through small realms, bones can be refined into spiritual weapons, and skulls can be refined into teleportation arrays.” Another monk really didn’t know when he saw Gu Xiangfei What is this, patiently explained to him the origin and purpose of this yin beast.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed when he heard it. He didn’t expect such a thing to exist. This time, he will definitely get something back when he encounters it.

At this time, a monk outside cheered loudly, proving that the ghost beast had come out. Several monks in his cave ran outside in a hurry, and Gu Xiangfei followed suit.

“Roar!” This yin beast was attacked by many monks, and its body hurt. With a roar, it turned its head and ran forward. However, due to its large size, when it turned around slowly, a lot of flesh and blood had been cut off from its body. .

Gu Xiangfei sacrificed the spiritual weapon long knife, and under the urging of the true essence, the light of the knife soared to a thousand feet in an instant, dozens of times larger than this yin beast.

Gu Xiangfei chopped half of his body into two while the blade was waving, and raised his hand to put away the upper part of his head.

When the other monks saw that he had lost half of his body, some monks immediately bombarded him, trying to get back the corpse of the yin beast.

Gu Xiangfei hastily sacrificed his shield to protect his whole body, but the light of the sword in his hand did not stop. The sky curtain knife rolled up layers of knife waves, wrapping around the monks who attacked him, and there was a scream, and some of the monks wrapped by the sky curtain knife were only The remaining Yuanshen fled in a panic, their bodies were torn apart, and some monks were strangled to death by the wave of swords.

The entire small valley instantly turned into a slaughterhouse, and stumps and broken arms were cut into pieces from time to time. The low-level monks turned around and fled to watch from a distance.

After Gu Xiangfei killed a group of monks, no monks dared to attack him anymore, and the rest of the monks went to snatch the lower half of the yin beast.

He raised his hand to pack a pile of rings, took out the spaceship and turned around.

After seeing him flying away, some monks wanted to chase and kill Gu Xiangfei, but when they thought about the scene just now, they were immediately discouraged. It was as if they were courting death after a few people chased him. None of these monks were fools.

After Gu Xiangfei left the small valley, he aimed to gallop in one direction, took out the collected rings while flying to erase the restriction, and checked them one by one.

These monks generally don’t have any good things, but there are a lot of low-level spirit herbs and ores. The spirit stone is worth 1.8 million yuan, and there is a jade box in it. When it is opened, it turns out to be a small red gourd. The appearance of the small gourd is very delicate. , looks very comfortable.

Gu Xiangfei looked at the place and reached a mountain peak, immediately stopped the spaceship, landed halfway up the mountain, took out the spiritual weapon long knife and dug a cave, and arranged a defensive formation and a warning formation.

After entering the cave, he took out the futon and sat down cross-legged, took out the small gourd and inspected it carefully, and found that the little gourd had one hundred and eight restrictions. Beheaded by Gu Xiangfei, even the ring was lost.

Spew out a mouthful of blood, and run the exercises to refine the little gourd. The restraint of the little gourd is formed naturally and belongs to the innate treasure.

Gu Xiangfei was overjoyed. This little gourd was much more valuable than other things. He didn’t know that the monk got such a valuable item and went to snatch the corpse of some dark beast. Gu Xiangfei would have already refined the little gourd.

The rule technique is indeed very powerful. Everything has rules. As long as there are rules, it is as if a weakness has been found. Soon Gu Xiangfei found the little gourd’s rule breath and assimilated it, and the first restriction was refined.

Three days later, the second restriction was refined, and five days later the third restriction…

Two months later, Gu Xiangfei stood up from the cave. He had already refined thirty-six restrictions, and the thirty-seventh one had been refined for five days. After melting the thirty-seventh restriction, he couldn’t use this gourd. He estimated that he could continue to refine the gourd only in the fairy world.

Do a clear water formula to cleanse your body, change your clothes, remove the formation, and walk out of the cave, and saw that it was already snowing outside. He saw that it was snowing and remembered that it was the Chinese New Year. It has been more than half a year since he came out, so he should go home and have a look family.

Organize my belongings, thinking that this time I have gained a lot from going out. After returning home this time, I plan to stay at home for a while and share my belongings with my family.

Thinking of this, he took out the spaceship to identify the direction and flew towards the teleportation array.

On the road, there were monks passing by in spaceships. Every monk was hurrying on the road. Gu Xiangfei was a little puzzled, but he didn’t ask. He just wanted to go home early.

Five days later, it was not far from the teleportation array. Dozens of monks in front were fighting each other. Magical treasures, supernatural powers and talismans flew randomly. , was blocked by the monks.

Gu Xiangfei didn’t intend to join in the fun, and was going to take a detour. The spaceship turned around and was about to accelerate to absorb and leave. A white light bombarded the spaceship. Thanks to the strong defensive formation of the spaceship, otherwise it would definitely be destroyed. Make a dirty face.

Gu Xiangfei was furious, thinking, I don’t want to talk to you, I planned to go around, but now it seems that you don’t want to cause trouble anymore, but it just happened to come to you.

Sacrificing the long knife, turning around to see the attackThe monks on his spaceship were already fighting with their opponents. A mere monk at the Taoist stage was so rampant.

Seeing Gu Xiangfei coming here and wanting to leave, the cultivator at the Composite Stage thought that he was too low to cause trouble, so he intentionally bombarded his spaceship. Unexpectedly, the cultivator stopped the spaceship, and saw the overwhelming sword glow instantly knocked him down. After wrapping it up, I realized that this monk didn’t want to cause trouble, and he dragged him to the battlefield by himself. He felt very regretful, and just about to ask for mercy, his body was torn apart by layers of waves of knives, and his soul was crushed. messed up.

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