The Power of the Sixth Knife

The cultivator who was fighting the monk at the Taoist stage saw a wave of swords enveloping his opponent, and hurriedly dodged to leave.

Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to put away the ring, and asked, “Why are you fighting here?”

“Thank you senior, just because a monk killed one of them, the two sides asked each other for help, and I was called by a friend to help.” The monk saluted Gu Xiangfei and explained the reason for their fight.

Gu Xiangfei yelled unluckily, sacrificing the spaceship and leaving here.

“He killed Luo Yunhe, let’s go together? Kill him and avenge Luo Yunhe.” Not far away, a monk yelled, waving the universe wheel in his hand, spinning towards Gu Xiangfei, and other monks waved it one after another. All the spiritual weapons in his hand bombarded him.

“You fucking want to die. I didn’t want to kill people. Since you want to die, I will fulfill you.” Gu Xiangfei first sacrificed his shield to protect his whole body. On the heads of the monks who attacked him.

“Pfft…” There was a sound of a sword cutting flesh, and a dozen monks were instantly cut into pieces by the sword and fell to the ground. There were a few uninjured monks who didn’t know when they saw this situation He kicked the iron board and turned around in a hurry to escape.

“Are you able to escape?” Gu Xiangfei’s spiritual consciousness condensed into a spiritual thorn, pierced into the consciousness sea of ​​several monks, and the monk who sacrificed the spaceship screamed, hugged his head, and fell off the spaceship.

“Spiritual sense attack!” The monks on the other side couldn’t help saying it when they saw those monks screaming with their heads in their hands.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hand, put away their rings, and reduced these monks to ashes with a burst of flames.

“Thank you for your kindness, senior.” The monks on the other side cupped their fists and saluted, thanking him for killing these monks.

Gu Xiangfei waved his hands speechlessly. He didn’t know each other at first, but someone wanted to die, so he helped them, and he should be thanked.

A white light flashed, and Gu Xiangfei disappeared on the teleportation array, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the headquarters of the Pill Array Alliance.

After leaving the teleportation array, the cultivator who managed the teleportation array saw that it was Senior Pill King of the Pill Array Alliance who had returned, and sent him out very respectfully.

Gu Xiangfei looked around, but he didn’t see any acquaintances. After all, he didn’t have many acquaintances here. There were only two half-acquaintances in the entire Pill Array Alliance, one was Li Jingtian, the other was a colleague, and Bei Hanyi could only As a half acquaintance, he took out the spaceship and galloped towards Feixue Peak.

“Feifei is back.” The second uncle happened to be sitting at the stone table in the yard drinking tea, and saw him enter the house at a glance.

“Second Uncle is so excited! Why do you have time to drink tea here?” Gu Xiangfei greeted with a smile, and took advantage of the opportunity to sit at the stone table in the courtyard. Second Uncle handed him a teacup and poured spiritual tea for him.

Now that the family members have such a good place to practice, and there is a large supply of spirit stone pills, everyone’s cultivation base is improving very quickly. Gu Xiangfei checked the cultivation base of the second uncle. He is already a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. It is also very solid, obviously the foundation is very solid.

“Have Xiaoyu and Xiao Hai come back?” Gu Xiangfei asked his second uncle. He doesn’t like to use his spiritual sense to check at home. One is to avoid embarrassment, and the other is his family members.

“I’m back, these two boys are working very hard now, and they plan to go to practice after the new year. The elder brother said that more practice and practice will be good for them, and they can also make some friends and have more experience. It’s better than staying at home and blindly cultivating. There are many of them.” When the second uncle heard about Xiaoyu and Xiaohai, he was obviously very satisfied with them, with a happy smile on his face.

In the evening, the old lady cooked a meal as usual, so that the two grandsons would be full. Others also came out to drink some spirit wine and eat some spirit fruits, and chat about cultivation issues. They were also very happy to see Gu Xiangfei come back.

Gu Xiangfei gained a lot from his trip this time. Everyone gave some spirit stone pills. If there are things they don’t understand in practice, they will explain them in detail until they fully understand.

Gu Xiangfei is going to refine the elixir of Yinming Beast at home in the next few days, and see how it works. This is the first time that this elixir has been refined. I found the elixir jade slip in the ring I snatched. The above is very detailed. , including the level of auxiliary spiritual herbs are introduced in detail.

Back in the bedroom, Yan Yixue and him have not seen each other for a long time. The two of them are dry firewood and fire. The tenderness and sweetness of the night, and the palace picture scroll given by the mother-in-law, let the two enjoy it very much. Readers can experience it for themselves ! It will not be described here.

The name of the elixir for refining Yinming Beasts is Mingyuan Pill. Taking one elixir can replenish the lost true essence. Depending on the level of auxiliary spirit grass, different Mingyuan Pills can be refined. Take it according to the different cultivation levels of the monks. .

The Mingyuan Pills that Gu Xiangfei refines are all pills above the Nascent Soul stage. Now, except for the two children in the family, everyone else is a Nascent Soul stage monk. Parents, uncles, aunts, father-in-law and mother-in-law don’t need to go out to practice. He only focused on improving his cultivation, so Gu Xiangfei sent more spirit stones and pills to break through the realm.

themFor the young people, Gu Xiangfei gave them more types of pills. He went out to practice outside, and he didn’t know what happened. He added a lot of pills to them according to the situation he encountered before.

When he came to the alchemy room, Gu Xiangfei took out the auxiliary spirit grass, cut off a piece of meat from the Yinming beast, sacrificed the alchemy furnace, communicated with the galaxy, and refined the Mingyuan pill.

After the Yinming Beast was killed, its flesh and blood became like fungus Ganoderma lucidum, unlike other monster beasts that were bloody and bloody, it looked a bit disgusting, Gu Xiangfei was surprised when he saw this kind of thing for the first time, this vast world Sure enough, there are no surprises.

First put in the auxiliary spirit grass, transform the liquid, purify, throw away the slag, and then add a couple of yin beast meat, after the yin beast is transformed into liquid, there is no residue left, it is very pure, Gu Xiangfei is very surprised, he refined After taking so many pills, this is the first time I have encountered such a pure substance.

After a stick of incense, the liquid merged into one body. For the first time refining the Mingyuan Pill, he was a little cautious. After each step reached the required perfection, he continued to the next step, so it took a long time, but he had a skilled alchemy experience. The speed is still relatively fast.

“Dangdang…” A furnace of nine special-grade Mingyuan pills fell on the jade plate. The Mingyuan pills he refined this time were taken by himself. He picked up a Mingyuan pill with a halo and swallowed it in one gulp.

The elixir melted in his mouth, and in an instant he felt that his slightly depleted true energy was replenished immediately, and there was a faint pain in the acupoints of his meridians, so he hurriedly flew to the outside of the mountain, sacrificed the long knife and performed the Eight Swords of the Holy Hand, five times in a row. Repeatedly cast intermittently, and at the same time the sixth blade, the Eternal Star Knife, was also cast, and most of the true energy in his body was immediately emptied. , the sixth sword, the Zhou Xing Dao, like stars, roared and turned the weeds and trees within a hundred miles in front, as well as some low-level monsters and ordinary beasts into pieces.

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