Two Brothers and Daughters-in-law

As expected, Li Jingtian was promoted to the ninth-level formation king, and two eighth-level formation kings were also promoted at the same time.

Li Jingtian held the purple jade card in his hand, and his gratitude to Gu Xiangfei in his heart could not be expressed in words. As the deputy leader, if the assessment failed, it would be embarrassing. On the one hand, the monthly offerings would be reduced by half, which is very sad. Big loss.

After the Pill Array Alliance assessment contest ended, many monks walked out of the square and went to the Alchemy Array Alliance’s square market to buy the items they needed. Some monks needed to make alchemy or refine weapons, so they went directly to the Pill Array Alliance lobby to release tasks.

“King Gu Zhen, I won’t say thank you. Let’s get together when we have time. Now that the competition has just ended, there are a lot of things to do, so I’ll be busy first.” Li Jingtian was very grateful to Gu Xiangfei, and just pulled him and said After a few words, a deacon asked him to deal with something, and he left in a hurry after making an appointment to meet again later.

After Gu Xiangfei left the square, he didn’t delay outside, and sacrificed the spaceship to Feixue Peak.

As soon as he arrived at the peak, he saw Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai waiting for him. Both of them looked at him with expressions of admiration.

“Brother! You are too powerful. It is really awesome to sit on the platform as an examiner in the competition of millions of monks. Now many monks are talking about you.” Gu Xiangyu saw Gu Xiangfei put away the spaceship, and kept talking about it. Contest thing.

“You guys also went to the competition?” After Gu Xiangfei asked, he felt that this was nonsense. They must have gone to the competition, otherwise how would they know so many things.

“Of course, we went to the square after you left. Otherwise, how would we know that you were an examiner?” Gu Xianghai proudly told what they saw.

Back home, Gu Xiangfei distributed the refined pills and some top-quality spiritual weapons to his family members, and gave them some spiritual stones. The spiritual energy on Feixue Peak is relatively strong, and the spiritual stonesThey rarely use it, and only use it when they are away from home.

The family members are working hard to practice, Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai went to practice again, father Gu Fengchi and father-in-law often practice together, they have rich actual combat experience, but they are not familiar with the various spells and techniques used by monks , Through the continuous practice of the two, they gradually became familiar with the use of spells and techniques.

Gu Xiangfei is learning void formation patterns every day, and now he can draw eighth-level formation patterns, and he has been promoted to eighth-level formation pattern master. The little bee has been sleeping after swallowing the primordial spirit. Gu Xiangfei had no choice but to give up if he wanted to understand the corrosive breath.

Jiaojiao, the little girl, has improved her cultivation the fastest. She practiced halberd techniques with Yan Yixue every day. After Yan Yixue suppressed her own realm, she was able to draw with her.

The old lady, mother-in-law and second aunt like to sit and chat together. Sometimes they chat endlessly and forget about their cultivation. Their cultivation is the slowest to improve. Gu Xiangfei has no choice but to remind them kindly, and wait until everyone else has passed the tribulation and ascended. , what do you do?

The old lady and the others were in a hurry to practice for a while, but they forgot after a while. They continued to drink tea and chat, but they never forgot to cook for the two grandchildren. They had three meals a day and asked them to eat on time every day.

Five months later, both children succeeded in establishing their foundations. The family members were very happy, and even specially held a big dinner to celebrate.

Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai came back after going out to practice, both of them had a tough look on their faces, this time they even brought two female cultivators with them, but the old lady and the second aunt were so happy, these two children finally Came back with my wife.

These two female cultivators are casual cultivators, they met during their training, they formed a small team, after a long time of contact, both of them fell in love with each other, Lang Youqingqie intentionally and soon got mixed up .

There are two female cultivators, one is Ye Suting, who likes Gu Xiangyu, and the other is Xia Ziyan, who likes Gu Xianghai.

It’s normal for a few of them to be in the Nascent Soul stage. If the difference in cultivation is too big, they won’t form a team together.

The two female cultivators came to Feixue Peak for the first time, and they were shocked by the aura here. They did not expect that the place where the brothers Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai lived was so rich in aura. Since there is such a good place, why go out to experience it? ? It’s good to practice at home, they go out to find resources because they don’t have the resources.

When they saw Gu Xiangyu’s and Gu Xianghai’s parents, they saluted and greeted them respectfully. When they saw their parents’ cultivation level, they didn’t think it was that high. They were just a level or two higher than them, which relieved their pressure a lot.

After Yan Yixue and Jiaojiao came home from the duel practice, they saw two beautiful girls in the house. My mother introduced them to them. After everyone knew each other, they chatted slowly. They were all women, and soon After getting to know each other well, they were all shocked when they found out that Yan Yixue was a monk at the Completion Stage, no wonder they could live here, this is a cultivator at the Completion Stage! They are several big realms higher than them.

In the evening, my mother prepared a lot of ingredients with strong aura. The two daughters-in-law came to the door for the first time, so naturally they had to prepare better things.

Gu Xiangfei heard how lively the courtyard was, and when he came out of the secret room, he saw two female cultivators coming, talking with Yan Yixue Jiaojiao and the others.

“Husband, this is Ye Suting, this is Xia Ziyan, they are all your brothers and daughters-in-law.” After seeing Gu Xiangfei coming out, Yan Yixue hastily introduced him.

“I’ve met my brother.” Ye Suting and Xia Ziyan heard Yan Yixue’s introduction, and hurriedly stood up and bowed to Gu Xiangfei.

“You’re welcome, since you’re here, treat it as if you’re at your own home.” Gu Xiangfei raised his hand to support them, and politely asked them to sit down and talk.

The two of them felt Gu Xiangfei’s huge aura, and couldn’t help but be surprised. This elder brother’s cultivation base is higher than that of his sister-in-law. Could it be that he is a Mahayana monk?

“This is my elder brother Gu Xiangfei. You may not have seen him, but he is very famous. He is the famous king of Gu Zhen. He is amazing!” Gu Xianghai introduced Gu Xiangfei to Xia Ziyan and the others with a frightened face. another title.

“Ah! The elder brother is the King of Guzhen, the King of Pill and the King of Guqi, who are known as the three kings of the Pill Formation?” Ye Suting and Xia Ziyan were both shocked. Now who in the Puli mainland does not know that there is a Gu Sanwang in the Pill Formation Alliance, and Each is nine levels.

“There are no three kings here, we are all one family, you two don’t be restrained, sit down quickly!” Gu Xiangfei glared at Gu Xianghai, blaming him for being talkative, and the latter grinned.

Knowing that the person in front of them was Queen Guzhen, Ye Suting and Xia Ziyan were a little restrained. After all, she was a famous person, and they were flattered to sit and eat with them.

I don’t know if other people ate or not. Anyway, when Gu Xiangfei saw his two sons, he must have eaten well. These two boys don’t care about those things. They have an adult way of thinking, and they don’t care about the girlfriends of two cheap uncles. They also had several girlfriends in the previous life, but they were not married. Now they want to find a girlfriend but they are powerless, and their bodies don’t allow it!

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