The Appearance of Xilu Tower

There are two more women in the family, the old mother and the mother-in-law and the second aunt don’t practice anymore, they talk about Ye Suting and Xia Ziyan every day, and inquire about the origins of the two of them clearly, and they almost didn’t ask if they were young when they were young. Bedwetting?

After Gu Xiangfei was busy with his own affairs every day, he hugged his daughter-in-law and went to Dreamland. He never asked or cared about the affairs between these women. He just observed the women of the two younger brothers, not the kind who are very scheming The woman, also rest assured.Ye Suting, Xia Ziyan, Gu Xiangyu and Gu Xianghai lived here after they got married. There are not so many rules in the world of martial arts. It is normal for men and women to form Taoist couples. Separate from each other, unless someone like Gu Xiangfei is married by an open matchmaker, and those who have the order of their parents and the words of the matchmaker are considered official wives, and others who have not gone through these processes are Taoist couples.

The old lady and the second aunt didn’t know about this, they regarded Ye Suting and Xia Ziyan as their daughters-in-law, and gave them a lot of pills and spirit stones.

Li Jingtian finally finished his work. Today, he came to Feixue Peak to look for Gu Xiangfei. My wife and the others heard that Li Jingtian was the deputy lord and they were very enthusiastic about him. He is the number one celebrity under the great lord in the Martial Dao Continent! With a lot of power in hand, naturally different reactions, what a face it is to be able to come to Feixue Peak!

After the two sat down, the old lady poured spiritual tea for them, and then went to talk with the second aunt and the others.

“A tall tower suddenly popped up under the Xilu Gate. This tower is eighty-one floors high. Many monks go to climb the tower. One Mahayana monk went up to the thirty-sixth floor, but he couldn’t go up. He was suppressed. I almost died and Daoxiao, so I hurriedly jumped down. Since this tower appeared at the Xilu Gate, it was called the Xilu Tower. Are you interested in going to see it? I heard that there are many spiritual grasses, spiritual fruits and ores in it, and the resources are very rich , The higher you climb, the higher the level of the spirit grass and ore.” The news brought by Li Jingtian shocked Gu Xiangfei, he needs high-level spirit grass and ore, which is really good news for him.

“Where is the Xilu Gate?” Gu Xiangfei had never heard of this sect, and felt that it was an unpopular sect.

“Take the teleportation array here to Xihai City, and then fly for two or three days! The Xilumen is there. This is a five-star sect. Because of the appearance of the Xilu Tower, it is now famous. If you want to go, wait for me to tell you Send a message, and we will go and have a look together when the time comes.” Li Jingtian said very clearly that the location of Xilumen was here, and he also wanted to take a look there, remembering that Gu Xiangfei was the Three Kings, so he invited him to go with him.

“Okay! Anyway, I don’t have anything else to do at home. It’s okay to go and have a look. Just like you said, prepare more resources in case they are useful.” Gu Xiangfei remembered what Li Jingtian said to himself at the beginning, and now he He could only go out but not in, and felt a little regretful. Li Jingtian had already reminded him, but he just forgot about it. The main reason was that there were a lot of spiritual energy veins in his star beads, and there was no shortage of various pills. He mainly collected eight-level Spirit grass, other low-level spirit grass, there are a lot of star beads, so I am not in a hurry to find resources.

After making an appointment, Li Jingtian chatted with him about the Pill Array Alliance. Gu Xiangfei didn’t care about these things, and he didn’t want to be a deacon or deputy leader. He just listened to Li Jingtian and didn’t interrupt.

While drinking tea, the two talked about some things about the formation, and took out the formation flag from time to time to make gestures. It was not until someone sent a message to Li Jingtian that he got up to leave and asked Gu Xiangfei to wait for his news.

Going to Xilumen this time, Gu Xiangfei decided to take Yan Yixue with him. The two hadn’t been out together for a long time, and Yan Yixue also wanted to go out to experience some experience, so she told Gu Xiangfei her thoughts, and he naturally agreed to go together.

Another five days later, Li Jing sent him a message, asking Gu Xiangfei to wait for him at the alliance’s headquarters teleportation array, and come over as soon as he finishes handling some matters.

She took Yan Yixue with her and said hello to the old lady. She didn’t need to ask the old lady, but she knew that she would take good care of her two grandchildren. No one could make the old lady take care of them so attentively.

Arriving at the outskirts of the teleportation array, there are many monks here, and the comings and goings are extremely lively. The dozen or so teleportation arrays are very busy, with white lights constantly flashing, monks come and go one by one.

Gu Xiangfei scanned with his spiritual sense and didn’t see Li Jingtian, so he knew that he hadn’t come yet, so he went to the management office to buy a teleportation jade card for Yan Yixue, and was going to leave when Li Jingtian came, and there would be no delay.

“You came so fast! My younger siblings are going with me too?” Li Jingtian came very quickly, and Gu Xiangfei and the others didn’t have to wait long for him to arrive.

Three people entered the teleportation array, gathered seven more monks, and then the teleportation array was activated, a white light flashed, and several people disappeared on the teleportation array.

After a few breaths, the three of them came out from the teleportation array. There was no sea in Xihai City, but a sea of ​​sand. The vegetation here was overgrown with low shrubs, and the wind was strong. The taller trees were blown down by the wind. Suitable for growing some low plants.

Li Jingtian sacrificed the spaceship, and the three of them galloped towards the Xilu Gate. It used to be very desolate here, with only aura, but now that the Xilu Pagoda appeared, there were more monks here, and the road was full of spaceships galloping towards the Xilu Gate.

There was nothing to say along the way. After flying for three days, the spaceship stopped outside a large mountain. The position at the mountain pass was the sect of Xilumen, and this mountain peak was owned by Xilumen.

The three of them landed on the spaceship, walked forward, passed through a small valley, and a large square appeared in front of them, which was smaller than the square of the Pill Array Alliance, but it would still not be crowded if half a million people came in.

This square is newly developed at first glance. There are shops and caves built around the square. It seems that Xilumen wants to use the reputation of Xilu Tower to develop here. This idea is very realistic and may be realized soon. .

Gu Xiangfei felt it for a while. The aura here is actually very strong. It may be the aura brought out after the appearance of the Xilu Tower.

There is a tall tower in the center of the square. The body of the tower exudes bursts of ancient aura. One can tell at a glance that this is not a mortal product. It may be an innate treasure, but it is notSome people climbed to the top of the tower and couldn’t refine the tower. From time to time, monks would teleport out of the tower and land around the square. The monks who were teleported out for the first time could only enter again after a day. Only found out later.

There are a lot of monks who want to climb the tower, and they are all waiting in line. The fee for climbing the tower is ten spirit stones. The monks of the Xilumen place a table at the entrance of the tower, and there are two monks wearing Xilumen costumes behind them. The problem, the monks also understand, after all, this is someone else’s territory, it would be nice to be able to charge a fee, otherwise the door will be closed, and the monks of their own sect will go to the tower to practice, and other people can’t say anything, just Xilumen Some are weak and dare not do this.

And there is a large array display screen outside the Xilu Tower, which shows how many monks there are on each floor, which floor they have boarded, and the identity red of each monk can be seen on the outer array display screen. point.

Gu Xiangfei, Li Jingtian, and Yan Yixue all lined up with the monks in front of them. Behind them, the monks who wanted to climb the tower soon followed the line. Everyone followed the team slowly.

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